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词汇 sore
释义 soreUK:*/ˈsɔːr/US:/sɔr/ ,(sôr, sōr)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 sore adj (painful, tender)一碰就痛的;疼的Ouch! Please don't touch the bruise on my arm; it's really sore.噢!请不要碰我手臂上的淤青,很疼的。 sore adj (throat: enflamed) (嗓子)发炎的,肿痛的Tina had a cold; her nose was running and her throat was sore.缇娜感冒了,她流鼻涕而且喉头肿痛。 sore adj (muscle: aching) (肌肉)疼痛的,酸痛的Philip's legs were sore after the long run he'd been on the day before.一整天的长跑过后,菲利普的腿酸痛不已。 sore n (open skin infection)伤口;痛处Lydia had a weeping sore on her leg.莉迪亚腿部有一处淌血的伤口。 sore n figurative (source of distress)痛处;伤心事 其他翻译 sore adj mainly US (emotions: upset) (痛心的)令人伤心的,令人痛苦的; (不甘心的)耿耿于怀的Ned was still sore about the trick the other boys had played on him.内德还在为其他男孩子捉弄自己的事情而伤心。 复合形式: bedsore, bed sore, pressure sore, pressure ulcer n (bedridden person's pressure sore) (疾病)褥疮The nurses turned the patient daily to prevent him getting bed sores. chancroid, soft sore, soft chancre, ulcus molle n (venereal ulcer)软下疳,软性下疳 cold sore n (herpes on lip)唇疱疹I never kiss anyone with a cold sore. in sore need, in sore want adj (needing badly)亟需的;急需的The young man smelt terrible; he was in sore need of a bath. mouth ulcer, also US: canker sore n (oral sore)口腔溃疡This cream is for treating mouth ulcers. saddle sore n (pressure sore on rider)因骑马引起的肌肉酸痛 saddle sore n (pressure sore on horse) (马)因戴马鞍引起的疼痛 saddle-sore adj (person: sore after riding)因骑马引起肌肉酸痛的 saddle-sore adj (horse: sore from saddle) (马)因戴马鞍引起疼痛的 a sight for sore eyes expr (welcome after tough time)让人高兴,令人心旷神怡 sore head n US, informal ([sb] discontented and irritable)脾气暴躁的人;牢骚满腹的人 sore loser, bad loser n informal, pejorative ([sb] who dislikes not winning)输不起的人 sore throat n informal (painful throat infection) (非正式用语)喉咙痛,嗓子疼Sore throats usually indicate an emerging cold.喉咙痛往往是感冒开始的征兆。




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