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词汇 infectious diseases
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infectious disease───传染病

Vincents diseases───文森特病


Pagets diseases───佩吉茨病

Reiters diseases───雷氏病

Vincent's disease───文森特病

Weils diseases───魏氏病

contagious disease───[医]接触传染病

functional diseases───功能性疾病


A Class infectious diseases shall include plague and cholera.───甲类传染病是指:鼠疫、霍乱.

Potential problems range allergies to the spread of infectious diseases, they said.───这些危害轻则引起过敏,重可导致传染病的传播.

Those suffering from infectious diseases were separated from the other patients.───传染病患者同其他病人隔离开来。

Cloudy swelling is seen in febrile infectious diseases and metallic poisoning.───混浊肿胀见于热性传染病和金属中毒.

Measles is one of the most infectious diseases known.───麻疹是众所周知的传染病之一.

Newcastle Disease ( ND ) and chicken Infectious Bronchitis ( IB ) are both serious infectious diseases.───鸡新城疫 ( NewcasttleDisease,ND ) 和鸡传染性支气管炎 ( InfectiousBronchitis, IB ) 是鸡的主要呼吸道传染病,严重危害养鸡业的发展.

Santa also has the potential to spread infectious diseases the review warns.───报告亦警告,圣诞老人有散播传染病的可能.

But he also said China faced challenges in the against infectious diseases.───但是他同时说,中国在与传染性疾病抗争的过程中仍旧面临着挑战.

He indicated that other contagious or infectious diseases also kept in check.───他指出,卫生部门也在检测其他传染性疾病.

Infectious diseases are spreading among many of the flood victims.───传染病正在遭受洪灾的很多灾民中蔓延。

They found consistent evidence that funding is skewed towards infectious diseases.───他们发现一致的证据表明,资助向传染病倾斜.

The National Center for Infectious Diseases publishes informative traveler's health information.───国立传染病中心出版翔实的旅行者的健康信息.

Forests curb infectious diseases.───森林能够遏制传染病。

Internal immigrants have serious problems in infectious diseases and health service utilization.───流动人口在传染病发病和卫生服务利用等方面存在严重问题.

Infectious diseases can be acquired in several ways.───传染病的感染途径有几种。

The report is called Scaling Up the Response to Infectious Diseases.───这份报告被叫做《提高对传染病的反应》.

There should be a purpose - built hospital to tackle infectious diseases.───应该有一所专门应付传染病的医院.

Caries are chronic infectious diseases and the consequence of oral ecologic disequilibrium.───龋病是慢性感染性疾病,是口腔生态平衡失调的结果.


Those suffering from infectious diseases were separated from the other patients.

Heavy drinkers are generally more susceptible to infectious diseases.

Infectious diseases are spreading among many of the flood victims.

Five times more likely to die from infectious diseases and parasites; and Six times more likely to die from other diseases.

Establish a public health laboratory fellowship in infectious diseases.

Infectious diseases can be acquired in several ways.

Those with infectious diseases, too, were excluded, and children who were vulnerable to them.

In the case of acute infectious diseases, attempts are made to isolate a single identifiable organism.

Infectious diseases are spread by airborne droplets.

  • infectious disease




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