Not so, according to Johan Bollen, of Indiana University Bloomington, who collected the tweet, along with plenty of others sent that day.───并不尽然,保伦就读于布鲁明顿市印第安纳大学,他收集了本条推特以及那天更新的其他推特。
Paul Butler is the financial manager in the Office of International Services at Indiana University Bloomington.───Paul Butler 是印地安那大学伯明顿分校国际服务办公室的财务经理。
James Klaunig, professor of environmental health at Indiana University Bloomington, said the genome will help scientists study the effect of environmental pollutants on humans.───卢明顿大学环境健康教授James Klaunig说此基因组将帮助科学家研究环境污染对人类的影响。
"We were pretty astonished that this actually worked, " said computational social scientist Johan Bollen of Indiana University-Bloomington.───“对这个结果我们颇感震惊。”美国布卢明顿印第安纳大学计算社会科学家约翰博伦说。
Indiana University--Bloomington (Kelley) Bloomington, IN───印第安纳大学伯明顿分校(凯莱商学院)
School Of Journalism, Indiana University, Bloomington───印第安纳大学伯明顿校区新闻学院
Indiana University Bloomington, School of Music───印第安纳大学布鲁明顿音乐学院
Indiana University Bloomington School of Law───印地安那大学法学院
Paul Butler is the financial manager in the Office of International Services at Indiana University Bloomington.
- indiana jones