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astronomical telescopes───n.[天]天文望远镜(等于Keplertelescope)

astronomical clock───[天]天文钟

astronomical clocks───[天]天文钟

astronomical triangle───天文三角形

astronomical years───天文年;回归年

Gregorian telescope───格雷戈里望远镜

Newtonian telescope───牛顿式反射望远镜

astronomical latitude───[测]天文纬度;[天]黄纬

astronomical triangles───天文三角形


is then acceptable to be used as an astronomical telescope.───这样的望远镜才适合做天文望远镜。

They mounted an astronomical telescope on the roof.───他们把天体望远镜装在屋顶上.

Doctors to identify it is a disability, how to use astronomical telescope I watch my stars?───医生鉴定这属于残疾, 我怎么用天文望远镜观看我的星?

The structure and principle of lunar optical astronomical telescope are introduced in this paper.───文章介绍了月基光学天文望远镜的组成和工作原理.

The second was the first use of an astronomical telescope by Galileo Galilei.───另一个重大发现则是伽利略•加利雷首次使用天文望远镜。

Once you've obtained an astronomical telescope, what can you expect of it?───一旦你拥有了一架望远镜, 你期望从它那儿得到些什么 呢 ?

He was too poor to buy an astronomical telescope.───他太穷了,买不起天文望远镜.


Doctors to identify it is a disability, how to use astronomical telescope I watch my stars?

The theory and characteristics of friction drive for a large astronomical telescope were presented.

The structure and principle of lunar optical astronomical telescope are introduced in this paper.

A powerful laser and astronomical telescope are used for this measurement.

Once you've obtained an astronomical telescope, what can you expect of it?

They mounted an astronomical telescope on the roof.

He was too poor to buy an astronomical telescope.

  • astronomical unit




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