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词汇 rob
释义 robUK:*/ˈrɒb/US:/rɑb/ ,(rob)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 rob [sth] vtr (steal from a bank, etc.)抢劫(店铺、银行等)The police are seeking two suspects who robbed a corner shop on Saturday.警察正在搜捕周六抢劫了街角一家商店的两名嫌犯。usage: ‘rob’The verb rob is often used in stories and newspaper reports.If someone takes something that belongs to you without intending to return it, you can say that they rob you of it. Pirates boarded the ships and robbed the crew of money and valuables.The two men were robbed of more than £700.If something that belongs to you has been stolen, you can say that you have been robbed.He was robbed on his way home.If someone takes several things from a building without intending to return them, you say that they rob the building.He told the police he robbed the bank to buy a car. rob [sb] of [sth] vtr + prep often passive (steal [sth] from [sb])抢劫某人的某物;偷盗某人的某物According to the police, the store was robbed of more than 5,000 dollars.The pickpockets robbed the tourists of their wallets.据警方消息,这家店被抢走了 5000 多美元。游客们的钱包被小偷偷走了。 rob [sb] vtr often passive (steal from)偷;偷盗;偷取Mark's been afraid to go out since he was robbed in the street.自从在街上被偷,马克就不敢出门了。 rob [sb] of [sth] vtr + prep figurative, often passive (deprive [sb] of [sth])使失去;夺去;剥夺You've robbed me of everything but my dignity! She had to start working when she was 12 years old so she was robbed of her youth.你夺去了我的一切,但不能剥夺我的尊严!她12岁就不得不参加工作,青春时光就这样被剥夺了。 其他翻译 rob [sb] vtr figurative, informal (overcharge deliberately)敲诈;向…收取高额费用;宰客Twenty pounds for this? That shopkeeper robbed you! rob [sb] vtr figurative, usually passive, informal (deprive unfairly)剥夺The referee got it totally wrong! We were robbed! rob [sth] vtr (steal)盗窃;抢劫;打劫The gang robbed a huge sum of money from the casino. 复合形式: rob Peter to pay Paul v expr figurative (incur a debt to pay another)拆东墙补西墙,剜肉补疮




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