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词汇 ring
释义 ringUK:*/ˈrɪŋ/US:/rɪŋ/ ,(ring)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 ring n (jewelry worn on finger) (首饰)戒指, 指环Yvonne made a beautiful silver ring.The couple exchanged rings.伊冯做了一只漂亮的银戒指。 // 夫妻俩交换了戒指。 ring n (circular band)圆圈;圆环;环状物There was a ring of metal around the bird's leg.那只小鸟腿上有个金属圈。 ring n (sound of a bell) (声音)钟声,铃声,门铃The ring of the bell woke me up.我被钟声吵醒了。 ring n (circular shape)环形;一圈A ring of vines encircled the tree. A ring of coffee stained the tablecloth.一圈藤蔓缠绕着这棵树。桌布上有一圈咖啡渍。 ring [sb] vtr UK (phone)打电话Edward rang all of his friends.爱德华给所有的朋友都打了电话。usage: ‘ring’In British English, when you ring someone, you dial their phone number and speak to them by phone. The past tense of ring is rang.I rang Aunt Jane this evening.The -ed participle is rung.Have you rung Dad yet?You can say that someone rings a place. You must ring the hospital. In conversation, people often use ring up, instead of ‘ring’. There is no difference in meaning.He had rung up Emily and told her all about it.Be carefulDon't use ‘to’ after ring or ring up. ring [sth] vtr (sound: a bell)敲响;撞响;打响The monk rang the bell.那僧人敲响了钟。 ring vi (telephone: sound) (电话)响,发出响声The phone rang twice.电话响了两次。 ring vi (sound like a bell)鸣响;发出清脆的响声When hit with a spoon, the brass candlestick will ring.拿勺子敲敲那铜烛台,能敲出清脆的响声。 其他翻译 ring n (circle: people, objects, etc.)(人或物形成的)环形;圆圈;围成一圈的东西The dancers formed a ring.舞者们围成了一个圆圈。 ring n (network of people, cartel)集团;团伙;帮派The police broke up a drug ring.警方破获了一个贩毒集团。 ring n (boxing)拳击场地The boxer stepped into the ring.拳击手进入拳击场地。 ring n (arena for circus, etc.) (如马戏场、竞技场等)环形场地This circus has three rings.这个马戏团有三个环形场地。 ring, tree ring, growth ring, annual ring n (tree: growth circle) (树)年轮Old trees have many rings. ring n (cooking hob)电磁炉灶的环形区域Place the saucepan on the ring and heat gently for five minutes.将炖锅放置到环形灶上,低温烹调5分钟。 ring n (matter: orbits a planet)(天体周围的)环状物;光环Saturn has the most rings.土星的行星环数量最多。 ring n (act of ringing)打铃;振铃The class starts at the ring of the bell.课程在打铃的时候开始。 ring n (telephone call)电话;打电话Just a quick ring to let you know I got home safely.就是给你打个电话,告诉你我已经安全到家了。 ring n (tone, note) (电话)铃声The telephone's ring is loud.电话铃声很响。 ring n (circular mark)环形印记;圆形印Andy's cup of coffee left a ring on the table's polished surface. a ring of [sth], a [sth] ring n (particular sound)...的声音There was a ring of truth to the woman's words.The speech had a practised ring. rings npl (gymnastic apparatus) (体操)吊环The gymnast held onto the rings.体操运动员抓住了吊环。 the rings npl (gymnastic event) (体操)吊环项目,吊环运动Kurt is the best at the rings.吊环项目的选手里,数库尔特最棒了。 ring vi (summon by ringing a bell)摇铃召唤The queen rang for her servant.女王摇铃召唤她的仆人。 ring vi (ears) (耳朵)嗡嗡作响My ears are ringing.我的耳朵嗡嗡作响。 ring vi figurative (sound a particular way)听起来;听上去His words rang true. ring with [sth] vi + prep (be filled with sound) (声音)充满, 环绕, 响彻, 充满响声The church rang with the sound of music. ring [sth] vtr (fit a ring to: nose of livestock) (牲畜的鼻子上)在...戴上环The farmer ringed his cattle so that they could be led. ring [sth] vtr (fit a tag to: a bird) (小鸟)给...套上脚环The birds were ringed so that they could be identified later. ring [sth] vtr (draw a circle around)在…周围画圆圈;把…圈起来;用笔圈出Ring the answer that you think is correct. ring [sb] vtr (surround)包围;围住The police ringed the gang. ring [sth] vtr US (cut into rings)把…切成圈Ring the onion and add to the salad. ring [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (encircle with [sth])把…缠绕起来She ringed the door handle with some Christmas tinsel. 动词短语 call in, also UK: ring in, phone in vi phrasal (phone)打电话进去Radio listeners are encouraged to call in to make comments.我们鼓励电台听众打电话进来发表意见。 ring off vi phrasal (telephone: hang up)挂断电话If you receive an unwelcome phone call, it's best to simply ring off. ring out vi phrasal US (punch out of a time clock)打卡下班The workers all rang out at the end of their shift. ring out vi phrasal (resound)发出声响;响起 ring [sb] up, ring up [sb] vtr phrasal sep informal (call on the telephone)给…打电话;打电话给Please ring up Patty tonight, and invite her to our party.今晚请给帕蒂打电话,并邀请她来参加我们的派对。 ring up [sth], ring [sth] up vtr phrasal sep US, informal (enter price on cash register)把…记入现金记录机;把…敲入收银机Although it was clearly marked $9.95, the clerk mistakenly rang up $19.95.尽管明确地标着9.95美元,不过店员却错误地把金额19.95美元敲入收银机。 复合形式: alarm bells start to ring, warning bells start to sound expr figurative, informal (you have misgivings about [sth])感觉不对劲; (比喻)心里拉警报 basketball ring n (hoop of a basketball net)篮圈;篮框 boxing ring n (sport: fighting arena)拳击比赛场The two men faced off in the boxing ring, gloves held up and at the ready. the brass ring n figurative, informal (goal: [sth] prestigious)成功;财富An Academy Award is the brass ring for most actors. the brass ring n figurative, informal (opportunity for success)成功的机会;发财的机会Sophie has grabbed the brass ring by applying to a prestigious university. bull ring n (bullfighting arena)斗牛场Most large towns in Spain have bull rings. call in sick, also UK: phone in sick, ring in sick v expr (notify employer you will be off sick)请病假 class ring n US (graduation memento)毕业戒指In those days, you wore your boyfriend's class ring on a chain so everybody would know you were going steady.在过去,如果你佩戴挂有你男朋友毕业戒指的项链,那么所有人都明白你们的关系很稳定。 diamond ring n (jewelry: band inset with a diamond)钻戒Emma was wearing a diamond ring on her finger. drug ring n (law: illegal trade group)贩毒团伙 earring n often plural (jewellery worn in ear)耳环;耳饰Elizabeth was searching the floor for her lost earring.伊丽莎白满地找自己丢失的耳环。 engagement ring n (ring worn by bride-to-be)订婚戒指Her engagement ring has the biggest diamond I've ever seen. gas ring n (metal burner on gas stove)煤气灶;煤气炉 hotplate, hob, cooker ring n UK (hob on a cooker)电炉灶上的加热板Be careful of the hotplate; I think it's still hot. key ring, keyring n (metal loop for holding keys)钥匙环The keys on the guard's key ring jangled as he walked. key ring, keyring n (computing: file of encryption keys) (计算机)密钥文件,钥匙串 key-ring, ring key n (ancient key worn as a ring)戒指钥匙备注: 古代人设计的柄端有圆环的钥匙,可以作为戒指戴在手上,防止丢失 lifebuoy, life buoy, life-buoy, life ring, life-ring, lifering n (flotation device) (防溺水的)救生圈;救生衣 mood ring n (finger jewellery that changes colour) (变色戒指)情绪戒指,心情戒指I gave a mood ring to my girlfriend. napkin ring n (band placed around a rolled serviette)套餐巾用的小环;餐巾环Jessie bought six napkin rings shaped like sleeping tigers from the gift shop at the zoo. nose ring n (pierced jewellery worn in the nose)鼻环You will have to remove your nose ring if you want this job. O-ring n (thin ring-shaped seal)O型密封圈The Challenger shuttle disaster was found to be due to failure of the O-ring in the booster rocket. reach for the brass ring, go for the brass ring v expr figurative, informal (aim for prestigious goal)竭力为之拼搏的目标 ring a bell v expr figurative, informal (sound familiar)听起来熟悉, 有印象I'm not sure if I know him or not - the name certainly rings a bell. ring bearer n (wedding attendant who carries ring)戒童Carla's nephew will be the ring bearer at her wedding. ring binder n (document folder with metal rings)带环文件夹;活页夹 ring fence n (restrictive agreement)围栏策略,限制资金使用 ring finger n (third finger from the thumb)左手无名指He looked at her ring finger and was pleased to see that she probably wasn't married. ring in the New Year v expr (celebrate 1st of January)鸣钟迎新年;喜迎新年 ring modulator n (electronic device)环形调制器 ring road n UK (motorway around a city)环行路We used the ring road to avoid the traffic in the city centre. ring spanner n (tool for turning screws)环形扳手 ring the bell, ring the doorbell v expr (sound the doorbell)按响门铃When you ring the bell someone comes to open the door. ring the changes v expr figurative (do [sth] in a new or different way)利用新方法;采用新方式 ring true v expr informal, figurative (sound or seem genuine)听起来像是真的Her explanation rings true, however strange it may seem. ring-a-ring-a-roses n (nursery rhyme) (儿歌)环绕玫瑰花 ring-fence [sth], ringfence [sth] vtr (assign to [sth])限制…用途 ring-fence [sth], ringfence [sth] vtr (oblige to use for [sth]) (以供专人使用)限制性地保护 ring-shaped adj (circular in shape)环形的,环状的 rubber ring n (seal)橡胶圈 rubber ring n UK (flotation aid)救生圈 seal ring (ring with seal)印章戒指 signet ring n (ring with a name or stamp)图章戒指A signet ring inscribed "E.A." was the only clue to his identity. slip ring (electricity)集电环 snap ring n (circular fastening or clip)扣环,缩圈 snap-ring n as adj (fastening: circular clip)卡环的,扣环的,止动环的 teething ring n (toy chewed by a baby cutting teeth) (婴儿)磨牙圈,磨牙环 three-ring circus n US (circus with three performance areas)大型热闹的马戏团演出Barnum & Bailey presents a three-ring circus every spring in New York City. three-ring circus n US, figurative (chaotic scene)混乱的场面With all the children yelling and dogs barking, the party became a three-ring circus. throw your hat into the ring v expr figurative (enter a contest)参加比赛;加入竞赛 wedding ring n (gold band worn by [sb] married)结婚戒指My wedding ring doesn't fit me any more.Since he doesn't wear a wedding ring, I assume he's single. wrestling ring n (enclosure or arena used by wrestlers)角斗台;搏击台




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