

词汇 imaginary numbers
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imaginary number───[数]虚数

pure imaginary numbers───纯虚数

binary numbers───[数]二进制数

pure imaginary number───纯虚数

binary number───[数]二进制数

imaginary axises───虚轴

imaginary units───[数]虚数单位

magic numbers───[核]幻数;神秘的数

irrational numbers───[数]无理数


The mathematical formulation of the quantum theory has required the use of imaginary numbers.───量子理论的数学公式需要运用虚数。

more science I studied, the more I saw that physics becomes metaphysics and Numbers become imaginary Numbers.───我越学科学就越发现物理成为了玄学,数字成为了假想的数字。

For example, this method could easily support imaginary Numbers.───例如,此方法可以轻易地支持虚数。

Quaternions, which extend imaginary numbers into a further dimension, began to be developed by William Hamilton in Dublin in 1843.───1843年,威廉•汉密尔顿(WilliamHamilton)在都柏林发明了四元数,将虚数扩展到四维空间。

The more science I studied, the more I saw that physics becomes metaphysics and numbers become imaginary numbers.───我越学科学就越发现物理成为了玄学,数字成为了假想的数字。

Numerics in Chinese poetry are not only the imaginary numbers, but also phenomena of semantic vagueness.───诗歌中的数字常常具有模糊语义和想象色彩。

The most famous example is the development of imaginary numbers.───最著名的例子便是虚数理论的发展。


The mathematical formulation of the quantum theory has required the use of imaginary numbers.





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