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词汇 revolution
释义 revolutionUK:*/ˌrɛvəˈluːʃən/US:/ˌrɛvəˈluʃən/ ,(rev′ə lo̅o̅′shən)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 revolution n (forcible overthrow) (武力推翻一种制度)革命,革命运动The American Revolution began in 1776.美国大革命始于1776年。 revolution n (rotation)转,旋转; (天文)公转The engine completes one hundred revolutions per second.发动机每秒旋转100次。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 地球围绕太阳公转一次约需365天。 其他翻译 revolution n (societal change)(社会)变革Mass urbanisation was one of the biggest changes of the industrial revolution in England. revolution n (marked change)(显著的)变化;(革命性的)巨变With Jefferson's administration, a silent revolution took place. revolution n (a single turn) (舞蹈)旋转,转圈The dancer did two revolutions in the air before landing. revolution n (astronomy: orbiting)(天体沿轨道)旋转;公转;运行The Earth's revolution about the Sun takes 365 days. 复合形式: color revolution (US), colour revolution (UK) n (social movement in Eastern Europe)颜色革命备注: 又称花朵革命,是发生在东欧等地、以颜色命名的非暴力革命运动。 counterrevolution (US), counter-revolution (UK) n (revolt against a revolution)反革命 the French Revolution n (France: 1789 overthrow of monarchy) (1789年推翻君主政体)法国大革命The French Revolution was inspried by the success of the American Revolution, so they say. industrial revolution n (manufacturing developments in late 18th century)工业革命;产业革命During the Industrial Revolution many people moved from the countryside to the towns. revolution per minute n usually plural (speed: spins in 60 seconds)每分钟...转;…转/分钟 Revolutionary War, American Revolutionary War, American Revolution n historical (18th-century revolt)美国独立战争 rpm, RPM n invariable, usually plural, abbreviation (revolution per minute)每分钟转数;转速 sexual revolution n (increase in permissiveness)性解放运动The availability of contraception led to the more liberal attitudes that characterized the sexual revolution. technological revolution n (industrial transformation of society)技术革命




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