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词汇 as though
释义 as though
as though发音

好像, 仿佛; 浑似




ran through───跑着穿过;浏览;刺;挥霍

sat through───v.一直挺到结束;耐着性子看完

saw through───看穿

what though───尽管…有什么关系;即使…又何妨

go through───参加;经受;仔细检查;通过

to thought───思考

falls through───落空;失败

leafs through───迅速翻阅


You look as though you slept badly.───你好像没睡好觉。

It is embarrassing to have someone looking over your shoulder while you're at work, as though you could not be trusted.───你工作时有人严密监视着, 好像你不可靠似的,这真叫人难堪.

The company treated me as though I were skiving.───公司对待我的态度就好像是我上班时溜号了似的。

She pursed her lips together, as though fearing to betray her news.───她闭紧双唇,仿佛害怕透露出她的消息。

He drowsed off, but then woke up abruptly, as though someone had called his name.───他打了个盹, 但突然又醒了, 好像是有人在喊他的名字.

It looks as though a compromise agreement has now been reached.───看起来好像现已达成一个妥协协定。

Her nostrils were pinkish, as though she had a cold.───她的鼻孔略带粉红,好像患了感冒似的。

He looked as though butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.───他装出一副老实的样子.

She swiped at Rusty as though he was a fly.───她打拉斯蒂就像在打一只苍蝇。

As the huge clouds rolled up accompanied by thunder and lightning, It'seemed as though we were watching a war of the elements.───乌云翻滚,雷电交加, 我们似乎看到了一场大自然的搏斗.

It sounds as though you had a good time.───听起来你好像过得挺愉快。

We listened to the young lutist as though we were under a spell.───我们听着年轻的琵琶手演奏,简直着了迷.

The strong wind was hurling bits of wood around as though they were toys.───大风把木片掷来掷去,就好像它们是玩具似的.

The house was lit up as though a big celebration was going on.───整个屋子灯火辉煌,犹如在举行盛大庆典.

It'sounds as though there is a knock at the door.───听起来好像有人在敲门.

It seemed as though every time we got rolling something came along to knock us back.───每当我们开始着手行动的时候,好像都会出点什么事来拖我们后腿。

He squinted his eyes as though he were studying an object on the horizon.───他眯起眼睛,就好像在端详地平线上的某一物体。

She dolled herself up as though she has been a girl of eighteen.───她把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮,像个十八岁的女孩子.

It looked as though the storm had an awful lot of force.───看上去暴风雨来势汹汹。

She felt betrayed, as though her daughter had stabbed her in the back.───她感到被出卖了,就像女儿在自己背后捅了一刀似的。

felt as though he had run a marathon.───他感到好像跑了一个马拉松似的。

It'seems as though it was spring already.───现在好像是春天了.

It looked as though it might rain at any minute.───看上去好像马上就要下雨了。

The soldiers bantered with him as though he was a kid brother.───士兵们把他当作弟弟一样和他开着玩笑。

It looked as though the college would have to shut, but this week it was given a reprieve.───这所大学看起来要关闭了,但这周情况暂时有所缓解。

He made as though he didn't hear.───他假装没有听见.

It was as though Corinne was already dead: they were speaking of her in the past tense.───科琳娜好像已经去世了:他们谈论她时用的是过去时。

He completely ignored all these facts as though they never existed.───他完全无视这一切,好象它们根本不存在似的.

He took to French as though it had been his native language.───他觉得法语就像母语一样容易学.

It looks as though he is being used as a political pawn by the President.───看起来他似乎被总统当作了政治卒子。

The builder looked at me as though I was barking mad.───那个建筑工人瞅着我,好像我哪不对劲儿似的。

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