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词汇 reconcile
释义 reconcileUK:*/ˈrɛkənsaɪl/US:/ˈrɛkənˌsaɪl/ ,(rek′ən sīl′)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 reconcile vi (people with each other)和解After a six-month separation, Oliver and Marilyn finally reconciled.在六个月的分居后,奥利弗和玛丽莲终于和解了。 reconcile [sb] with [sb], reconcile [sb] and [sb] vtr (people with each other)使和好;使和解Bill managed to reconcile his daughter with her husband. Alison was glad she had reconciled the two friends, who had not been on speaking terms for weeks.比尔成功使自己女儿和女婿和好了。艾莉森的两个朋友相互不理睬已经两周了,她很高兴自己能使他们俩和解。 reconcile [sb] to [sth] vtr + prep (get [sb] to accept [sth])使接受;使适应Once Maria had reconciled her children to her new relationship, they all got on very well with her boyfriend.玛利亚设法使自己的孩子们接受她的新恋爱关系后,孩子们都与她男朋友处得很融洽。 reconcile [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (put in agreement)使符合;使一致Martin finds it difficult to reconcile his love for fast cars with his concern for the environment.一面是对高速跑车的喜爱,一面是对自然环境的关心,马丁觉得很矛盾。 reconcile yourself to [sth] v expr (accept [sth])接受;随遇而安;顺应,适应When Malcolm failed his test for the tenth time, he reconciled himself to the fact that driving was a skill he would never master.开车是马尔科姆永远无法掌握的技能,在驾考失败十次以后,他终于接受了这个现实。 reconcile [sth] vtr (tally accounts) (账目)核对;对账The software allows you to reconcile your payments automatically.该软件可让你自动核对支出款项。 reconcile [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (tally: accounts)把...与...核对Every month, Gavin reconciles his bank statement with his ledger.嘉文每个月都会将银行对账单与自己的分类账进行核对。




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