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词汇 rate
释义 rateUK:*/ˈreɪt/US:/reɪt/ ,(rāt)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: rating主要翻译 rate n (measurement, ratio)比率;率The birth rate is steadily increasing.出生率在稳步上升。 rate n (price, fee)价格;费用What is your rate for this service?您这项服务要收取多少费用呢? rate n (speed, pace)速度;进度Is that the fastest rate you can work at?你最快的工作速度是多少? rate [sth/sb] vtr (evaluate)评价;评估The boss will rate your performance.老板会评价你的表现。 rate [sth] vtr (film, etc.: classify) (电影、游戏等)给...分级All new films must be rated by the censors before they can be screened in public.所有新电影上映之前都必须要经过监察部门分级。 rate [sth] [sth] vtr (book, film: give a rating) (图书,电影)将…评为I rate this book five stars.我给这本书打五星。 rate [sth] [sth], rate [sth] as [sth] vtr (film, etc.: classify)对(影片等)分级; (电影等)将...分为...级The board rated the movie "R."委员会将电影分为R级。 rates npl UK (property tax)财产税Rates are levied on business property.商业房产要交财产税。 rate [sb/sth] [sth], rate [sb/sth] as [sth] vtr (be ranked)分级;排名He rates second in the world.他在全球排名第二。 rates npl UK (public utility charges)财产税率,财产税额Rates are high for property in this area.这个区域的财产税额很高。 其他翻译 rate n (rank, class)等级Leo's rate in the Navy is E3.里奥在海军的等级是E3。 rate vi (be important)被认为重要;受重视His concerns do not rate.他的担忧没受重视。 rate [sth] vtr (assess numerically)为…划分等级;为…分等Movie critics rate films on a scale of one to five.电影评论将影片分为一至五级。 rate [sth] at [sth] vtr (assign a financial value to)给…估价;给…估值The company value was rated at 10 million dollars. rate [sb/sth] vtr (consider)认为;把…看作I rate him among my friends. rate [sth] vtr (merit)值得She rates consideration. rate [sth] vtr (grade)给…评定分数等级;给...评级The teacher rated her paper an "A". rate [sth] at [sth] vtr UK (tax)对…征税The property was rated at £5 a year. rate [sb/sth] vtr informal (esteem)尊崇;赞赏;把…看作,认为I know he's one of the most famous directors of all time, but I don't rate him.我知道他被认为是有史以来最著名的导演之一,不过我不敢苟同。 复合形式:rate | rating annual percentage rate n (rate of interest on a loan)年利率My credit card offers a low annual percentage rate. at any rate adv (anyway, in any case)无论如何;不管怎样I didn't want to go to the party at all, but it's over now, at any rate.我根本不想参加那个派对,不管怎样,它现在也结束了。 at this rate adv informal (if progress continues this quickly)按照这种速度;照这样下去He's got five medals for diving already? At this rate, he'll be in the Olympics before he's 16. attrition rate n (of students, employees, etc.) (学生)退学率,退课率; (职员)离职率The introductory physics class has a high attrition rate because the professor is very difficult. basal metabolic rate n (physiology: rate of energy use)基础代谢率;新陈代谢基率 base rate n (interest rate: to set lending rate)基本利率Banks use the base rate as their starting point when deciding on individual lending rates. base rate, basic rate n (wages)基本工资We're paid £55 a day as a base rate of pay. base rate n UK (interest rate: Bank of England) (英国)基准利率The Bank of England set the base rate at 0.5 per cent. birth rate, birthrate n (ratio of babies born in an area to population)出生率 crime rate n (level of illegal activity)犯罪率Having more policemen should lower the crime rate. cut-rate adj (cheap, discounted)减价的;廉价的You can't expect quality when you only buy cut-rate stuff. cut-rate adj informal (of poor quality)质量粗劣的;劣质的 death rate n (number of people dying)死亡率A country's population increases if the birth rate is higher than the death rate. discount rate n (lower price)折扣率I get a discount rate at that shop because my husband's the manager. exchange rate n (relative value of currency)汇率The current exchange rate makes it expensive for Americans to travel in Europe.当前的汇率使美国人去欧洲旅游的费用变贵。 failure rate, rate of failure n (machine) (机器)失效率;故障率 failure rate, rate of failure n (human endeavor) (人)失败率;失误率 fill rate n (business: level of demand met) (商业:满足需求水平)供应率 firing rate, rate of fire n (speed of rounds fired by a weapon)射速,发射速度 first rate, first-rate adj (excellent)一流的;顶尖的;顶尖的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounThe dinner was absolutely first rate, Joan. first-rate adv informal (very well)一流;极好地,非常好地,很好地;极佳You did first-rate on your English test. fixed exchange rate n (finance: set rate of exchange)固定汇率,固定兑换率 flat rate n (single, fixed fee)统一费用;单一收费率 floating rate n (fluctuating exchange rate)浮动汇率 flow rate n (amount of liquid flowing)流量;流速;流动率The flow rate depends on the size of the pipe. flow rate n (output speed of a fluid)流速;流率 frame rate n (film: image frequency) (电影)帧率 going rate n (current usual cost)现行费率;当前费率 group rate n (discount for several people)批发折扣Parties of 12 or more qualify for a reduced group rate. growth rate, rate of growth n (increase per unit)增长率There has been a rise in the growth rate of the UK economy. heart rate n (rhythm of the heart)心跳速率;心率Your heart rate increases when you exercise.当你在进行锻炼时,你的心率会上升。 hurdle rate n (finance: minimum return rate) (金融)最低资本回报率,门槛收益率 infant mortality rate n (number of babies dying)婴儿死亡率Somalia has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the world. inflation rate, rate of inflation n (economy: price increase) (经济学)通货膨胀率The inflation rate in the UK actually decreased due to the recession. interest rate, rate of interest n (amount added to money borrowed)利率When interest rates are high, savers get a better return on their investments. I'm looking for a credit card with a lower interest rate.当利率居高时,储户们的投资就能有个不错的收益。我需要一款低利率的信用卡。 literacy rate n (percentage of people able to read)识字率;非盲率Cuba enjoys the highest literacy rate in the western hemisphere.The literacy rate in Ireland is high. lock in a rate v expr (fix an interest rate)锁定利率Prequalifying for a loan allows you 30 days to lock in a rate. low-rate [sb/sth] vtr (not value highly)对…评价不高,贬低 mortality rate n (number of deaths in a population)死亡率 mortgage rate n (finance: interest)抵押贷款利率 nominal rate n (interest rate not adjusted for inflation) (未调整通货膨胀因素的利率)名义利率The bank charges a nominal rate on the loan. piece rate (output based pay)按件计酬;计件工资 prime rate n (bank's lowest interest rate) (银行)最优惠贷款利率Currently, the prime rate in the U.S. is 3.25%. pulse rate n (pace at which the heart is beating)脉率;脉搏率;脉搏数After exercising for 15 minutes my pulse rate was 152 beats per minute. rack rate n (full charge for a hotel room)门市价,全价 rate card (list showing rates)收费表;价目表 rate of exchange (exchange rate)兑换率;汇率 rate of return n (investment income)收益率;回报率 second-rate, second rate adj pejorative (not the best, inferior)二流的备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun.The film was second rate; the acting was poor and the special effects were not convincing. spot rate n (trading: immediate price) (交易)即期汇率,即期利率 strain rate n (engineering: change in strain over time) (工程)应变率,应变速率 survival rate n (percentage of people who survive)成活率 tax rate n (percentage of income liable to tax)税率Your tax rate depends on your income.The local sales tax rate is 8.61%. third-rate adj (low quality)三流的;劣质的 unemployment rate n (percentage of population without jobs)失业率The unemployment rate is climbing towards 11%.




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