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词汇 human nature
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n.人性,人情; 人之常情


human natures───人性;人类本性

human anatomy───[解剖]人体解剖学

human race───人类

human interest───人情味(尤指报道中的)

ephemeral nature───短暂性

human history───人类历史

second nature───第二天性;老习惯

human endeavour───人类的奋斗;人类的努力

human interests───人类利益


Her greatness lies in her deep understanding of human nature.───她的伟大之处在于她对人性的深刻了解.

It seems to be human nature to worry.───忧虑似乎是人的天性。

Karl Marx's books about human nature exhausted this subject.───卡尔.马克思的有关人性的书籍对此问题阐述极为详尽.

How far is human nature determined by biology?───人性在多大程度上是由其生理因素决定的?

He was a master showman, and he knew human nature.───他有表演的人格, 他懂得人情.

These are the disillusionment of human nature and the aesthetic life realm.───这是一种人性的觉醒,一种审美的人生境界.

Advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses.───广告者仔细研究了人的本性并且把我们的各种小小弱点一一分类. (makeaclose study仔细研究)

He is to find consolation in exercising the highest functions of human nature.───他的慰籍来自对人性最高作用的发挥.

Idleness is a very bad thing for human nature.───懒散是人性中很糟糕的一面。

Ambition is immanent in human nature.───野心是人类的内在属性.

The incidents of sexual violence laid bare the horrible contortion of human nature inflicted by war.───性暴力事件揭示了战争对人性的极端扭曲.

Finally he has briefly discussed the relation between human nature hypothesis and economic regulation law.───最后对人性假定与经济调制法的关系进行了简要论述.

It all boils down to one thing — human nature.───所有这些都可归结为一点——人的天性.

Her view is that aggression is part of human nature.───她认为攻击性是人类本性的一部份.

This is another clear proof of the weak point that money grasps human nature completely.───这完全是金钱抓住人性的弱点的又一个明证.

Traditional discussions about the nature of value almost tend towards individualism and theory of human nature.───对价值本性的传统探讨大多走向了以人为中心的个体主义和人性论.

the essential goodness of human nature───人性善良的本质

It seems to be human nature to worry.───担忧似乎是人的本性。

Such is human nature, that man always desire to earn more money.───人总有想挣到更多的钱的欲望,这就是人类的本性.

There is hardly a subject that you can mention that will not make him animadvert upon some aspect of human nature.───你所能提出的问题,几乎没有不会使他在人性方面予以评论的.

Health and human nature, that is, moving forward, fearless, courageous to face the risks.───生而为人的天性, 就是昂首阔步, 无所畏惧, 勇敢地面对风险.

Confucius's thought on human nature manifesting in the series of his about benevolence thought.───孔子的人性论思想表现在其仁学思想的体系中.

This article holds that human nature is the combination of barbarity and humanity.───认为人的本质是由“兽性”与“人性”共同构成的.

Human nature is hardly changed.───禀性难移.

The relationship between a parent and a child is instinctual and stems from basic human nature.───父母与孩子的关系是天生的,源于基本的人性。

Human nature is frail.───人性脆弱。

The desire to reproduce is deeply rooted in human nature.───生殖欲在人性中根深柢固.

Human nature revolts at such crime.───人类的天性厌恶这样的罪恶.

Gossiping is human nature.───闲谈是人类的天性.

He had no patience with the infirmities of human nature.───他对人性的软弱毫无耐心.

Nothing can extinguish his faith in human nature.───什么都不能破坏他对人类本性的信仰.


Her view is that aggression is part of human nature.

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