

词汇 human life
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human lifespan───人类寿命

home life───家庭生活

human mind───人心

human race───人类



mean life───[核]平均寿命;平均使用年限


Human life is of inestimable value.───人的生命无价。

The earliest relics of human life are tools.───人类生活的最早遗物就是工具.

Wells was well aware of the precariousness of human life.───韦尔斯深知人类生活的不稳定性。

Train and human life are incommensurable.───火车和人的生命是无从比较的.

Before settlement there was exertion, anxiety and need in human life.───在定居之前,人类的生活充满着劳累 、 焦虑和贫困.

Suppose that we quicken the tempo of human life till men are senile at thirty.───假定我们就是要加速人生的速度,使得人满三十就衰老.

the artificial prolongation of human life───对人类寿命的人为的延长

Human life is of inestimable value.───人的生命是无价的。

London was the biggest aggregation of human life.───伦敦是人文荟萃之区.

You have to weigh up whether a human life is more important than an animal's life.───你必须权衡人的生命是否比动物的生命更重要。

She was so fond of the spectacle of human life.───她对人生的场景这么喜爱.

The cost in terms of human life was high.───人命的损失很大.

The cost in terms of human life was high.───了很大的生命代价。

a wanton disregard for human life───全然不顾人的死活

Human life must always be sacred.───人的生命在任何时候都必须得到尊重。

The war took a heavy toll of human life.───这次战争夺去了许多人的生命.

There were armed people about, people with little regard for human life.───到处都是武装分子,视人命如草芥。

It all adds to the richness of human life.───这一切让人类的生活更加丰富多彩。


I believe in the sanctity of human life.

Custom, then is the great guide of human life

It all adds to the richness of human life.

The movie was accused of cheapening human life.

Human life is of inestimable value.

Lost and so far from other human life, he faced a desperate struggle to stay alive.

The cost in terms of human life was high.

Human life,like flood water and do not hear of islands and reefs,it is difficult to create beautiful waves.

The war took a heavy toll of human life.

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