Hudson River───哈德逊河(位于纽约州东部)
Yukon River───育空河
Canton River───广东河
Indian giver───送东西给人日后又讨回的人
bus driver───公交车司机
Also acceptable are New Jersey, near New York City, and on the Hudson ( River ).───自由岛 ( 答新泽西州 、 纽约市附近 、 哈德逊河上,也可以接受 ).
How did the Hudson River in New York and New Jersey get its name?───纽约的哈得逊河及纽泽西因何得名?
I planed across the Hudson River in my ice yacht to win the race.───我乘坐着冰上快艇穿过哈得逊河赢得了比赛.
A lot of resources there on the Hudson River and takebusiness, unfortunately this one, no survivors.───救援人员在哈德森河流搜救幸存者, 但很可惜没发现生还者.
Weekenders from Manhattan enjoy restaurants in the Hudson River Valley.───曼哈顿来的周末旅行者们在哈德逊河流域的饭店中度过了愉快的时光。
Hudson river and New Bedford harbour are being cleaned up, too.───德逊河与新贝德福德港变得洁净许多。
He meanders from Morningside Park west to Sakura Park and then northward along the Hudson river to Harlem.───他从晨边公园向西漫步去樱花公园,随后再沿着哈德森河向北去到哈莱姆。
Across the Hudson River was New York City.───哈德森河的对面就是纽约市.
- hudson bay
- hudson river
- hudson hornet