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词汇 how dare you
释义 how dare you
how dare you发音



how are you───你好

how d'ye do───你好吗

what have you───等等;诸如此类

to dare say───敢说

how do you do───你好

if I were you───如果我是你的话

how are you keeping───你还好吗

I ask you───我问你

I dare say───大概


How dare you pick up the phone and listen in on my conversations!───你竟敢拿起电话偷听我的谈话!

You rotten swine! How dare you?───你这个讨厌鬼!你竟敢这样?

How dare you use freedoms with this elderly gentleman?───你怎敢对这位老先生无礼?

How dare you say I'm unfair?───你怎么敢说我不公平?

How dare you take such liberties!───胆敢如此放肆!

How dare you talk back to me!───你竟敢跟我顶嘴!

How dare you burst in on us without knocking!───你怎麽胆敢不敲门就闯进来!

How dare you say that!───你怎么敢这么说!

How dare you suggest that I copied your notes!───你竟敢认为我抄了你的笔记!

You infernal scoundrel, how dare you tell me that?───你这个无法无天的流氓,好大胆子, 竟敢跟我说这种话.

How dare you? Take your hand off me at once.───放肆! 马上把你的手挪开.

Suddenly the peace was destroyed by someone shouting, "Get back! Go away! How dare you!"───突然平静被打破了,就听见有人在喊:“滚回去!滚开!大胆!”

How dare you date with another woman!───你怎么敢和另一个女人约会!

How dare you talk down to me like this?───你竟敢用这样高高在上的口气对我讲话?

How dare you borrow it without my permission?───你怎么敢未经我允许把它借走 呢 ?

How dare you lay a finger on him?───你怎敢碰他?

How dare you criticize him? He's twice the man ( that ) you are!───你怎麽 竟敢 说他? 他比你强多了!

How dare you sit in judgement on me?───你怎么敢对我妄加评论?


How dare you chuck away my old letters without asking me?

How dare you lay a finger on him?

How dare you suggest such a thing?

How dare you make personal remarks!

How dare you ask me such a question?

How dare you suggest that I copied your notes!

How dare you use my car without asking!

How dare you sit in judgement on me?

How dare you class my husband with yourself?

  • how are you doing
  • how smart yu
  • howling wolves
  • how do i feel
  • how are you too
  • how does is
  • how will you
  • how me have
  • how gifts man
  • how is mr brown
  • how many people
  • how good it is
  • how may
  • how good is
  • how a you
  • how are you happy
  • how is goes
  • how mach
  • how are you keeping
  • how of you
  • how it s made




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