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词汇 house and home
释义 house and home
house and home发音



home and hosed───家里和水管

hearth and home───家园

head home───回家

house to house───挨家挨户的

household name───家喻户晓的人;家喻户晓的事

remand home───少年拘留所

second home───第二故乡;第二住所

household chores───家务琐事

household income───[经]家庭收入;家庭总入息;住户收入


He's been eating me out of house and home.───他吃得我倾家荡产.

When you burned down the house and home?───当你焚毁别人的房屋和自己的家园?

Little Tom was hunted out of house and home.───小汤姆被赶出家门.

Those children of mine have an appetite; they will eat me out of house and home.───我的那些孩子可真能吃, 他们会把我吃穷的.

Whole families were routed out of house and home by the invading troops.───整户整户人家被侵略军赶出了家门.

Did you try to live on your own? When you burned down house and home?───你是否已经做好准备自食其力? 当你亲手焚毁了自己的家乡.

These friends of yours are eating us out of house and home; when are they going to leave?───你的这些朋友真的要把我们家吃穷了, 他们什么时候走?

He can eat you out of house and home.───他能把你吃得倾家荡产.

When you burned down the house and home?───在你烧光自己的房屋和家园之后?

Is Karen still eating you out of house and home?───卡伦还在只顾吃光你的家当吗?

The boy was eating his parents out of house and home.───这孩子把他父母吃穷了.

you ever hear such an idea? Eat you out of house and home.───你可曾听到过如此荒唐的想法?连家带产都吃个精光。

A lot of visiting relatives have eaten him out of house and home.───大批来访的亲戚把他吃穷了.

Once they establish residency, they can eat you out of house and home.───他们一旦安家落户,能吃得你倾家荡产。

The family was burnt out ( of house and home ) and forced to leave the area.───这家人因为房子被人放火烧了,不得不离开这个地区.

Our son's team came to dinner and ate out of house and home!───我儿子的球队来吃晚饭,那可真是风卷残云 啊 !

The war made many people lose their house and home.───战争使许多人无家可归.

There are several distinct differences between a house and home.───房子和家之间存在着几个明显的不同.

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