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词汇 point
释义 pointUK:*/ˈpɔɪnt/US:/pɔɪnt/ ,(point)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: pointe主要翻译 point vi (indicate [sth], esp. with finger) (方向等)指,指明,指示She pointed to show where we should stand.她指出了我们应该站的位置。 point at [sth], point to [sth] vtr + prep (indicate, esp. with finger) (用手指)指着,指向The little boy pointed at the sky, following a plane with his finger.那个小男孩指着天空,手指跟着一架飞机一起移动。 point to [sth] vtr + prep figurative (suggest, indicate)指向;指出;表明All the signs point to Smith being the murderer.所有迹象都表明,史密斯就是那个杀人凶手。 point n (tip)尖;尖端;尖头There's a sharp point on this pencil.这铅笔笔头很尖。 point n (objective)中心;重点;重点We mustn't forget the point of the exercise.我们绝不能忘掉练习的目的。 point n (reason, significance)主旨;意义;意义I didn't grasp the point of what he was saying.我没听明白他到底想说什么。usage: ‘point’A point is something you say that expresses an idea, opinion, or fact.That's a very good point.I want to make a quick point about safety.A point is also an aspect or detail of something, or a part of a person's character.The two books have many points in common.One of his best points is his confidence. point n (mathematics: decimal point) (数学)点,小数点The value of pi is about three point one four.圆周率的近似值是3.14。 point n (detail)细节;要点My speech is divided into three points.我的讲话分为三点。 point n (characteristic)特点;特长;特征Plot is not the film's strong point.这个电影的优点不在情节上。 其他翻译 point n UK (dot)点;圆点Finally, the travellers saw a point of light in the distance.最终,游客们远远地看到了一个光点。 point n (degree, level)点;度数The water reached boiling point.水达到了沸点。 point n (geography: location)地点;地方This train serves Birmingham and all points south.这辆火车通往伯明翰以及南边的所有地点。 point n (intersection)交叉点;交点The line cuts the circle at two separate points.该线与圆相交于两点。 point n (moment) (时间)一时,一刻 ,时刻,瞬间,刹那At that point I realized the danger of the situation.那一瞬间,我意识到了形势很危险。 point n (score)分;分数;点数The highest possible score in darts is 180 points.飞镖游戏的最高分是180分。 point n (finance: hundredth of a cent) (金融,汇率)基点,点The dollar fell by eighty points against the yen.美元兑日元下跌了80个点。 point n (finance: index measure) (金融指数)点The Dow Jones lost thirty-two points today.道琼斯指数今天下跌了32个点。 point n (printing: 1/72 inch)点; (印刷字体尺寸)磅值The main text should be twelve point; titles should be sixteen point.正文应该用12磅值,标题应该用16磅值。 point n (outlet) (电器)电插座There aren't enough power points for all our equipment.这里的电插座数量不够,无法满足所有设备的需要。 point n (geography: headland) (地形)尖形突出的部分,岬Every morning, Nancy rows around the point and back again.每天早上,南希都会划船到岬的位置附近,再划回来。 point n (good, worth)意义, 用处Every time I do the housework, the house just gets dirty again, so what's the point? What's the point of putting on your best clothes if no one is going to see you? points npl UK (railway junction) (铁轨交叉处的)道岔Points allow the train to pass from one track to another. point vi (tend towards a given direction)指向;通向The road points southerly.这条路通向南方。 point vi (face a given direction)面向,面朝;朝着Their house points towards the sea.他们的房子面朝大海。 point vi (gun, camera: aim) (枪、镜头等)对准,瞄准Lift the gun, point and fire.举起枪,瞄准,然后射击。 point to [sth] vi + prep (show, indicate [sth])表明;显示;体现The survey points to his deep unpopularity. point [sth] at [sb] vtr (aim)将...瞄准;用...对准Don't point that knife at me. point [sth] vtr (fill gaps in mortar) (用水泥等)填充砖石的缝隙He has pointed all the brickwork. point [sb] to [sth] vtr (direct)给...指出She pointed us to the door.她指给了我们门的位置。 point [sth] vtr (sharpen)削尖;磨利Could you point this pencil, please? 动词短语point | pointe point at [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (indicate with finger)(用手指)指向It was him, said the witness, pointing at the defendant. point at [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (accuse)指责 point at [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (be evidence for) (证据等)指向All the evidence points at Mr. Smith. 复合形式:point | pointe access point (library code) (图书馆)检索点 assembly point n (place to gather)集合地点;集结点If you hear the fire alarm, please make your way to the assembly point. at one point adv (at a given moment)某一刻;在某一时间At one point, I thought we might even get married. at some point adv (at an unspecified moment)某个时刻,某个时候;某个时间At some point, we'll need to decide whether the project is worth continuing.某个时候,我们需要决定这个项目还值不值得继续下去。 at the point of expr informal (about to)接近于;濒临;将近Honestly, I am really at the point of showing him the door. at this point expr (at this moment, right now)这时候,此时此刻;当下,眼下At this point, you have no choice but to find a job.眼下,除了找工作以外你别无他法。 at this point in time expr (currently, now)此时此刻;在这个时候 basis point (finance)基点;基本点 beside the point expr figurative (unconnected, irrelevant)不是重点;无关大局Whether or not he's married is beside the point. boiling point n (temperature at which [sth] boils)沸点It is possible to change the boiling point of a liquid by changing the pressure around it. boiling point n figurative (point where [sb] becomes angry) (情绪的)爆发点,(怒火等)一触即发Tempers reached boiling point when the referee sent one of the players off. break point n (tennis)破发点 break point n (a point to make change)转折点 breaking point n (physics: pressure)强度极限The physics students are testing the breaking points of different metals.物理系学生正在测试不同金属的强度极限。 breaking point n figurative (critical moment)关键时刻,爆发点Tony was under a lot of stress and he eventually reached breaking point. Brownie point n figurative, informal (credit, recognition)品行分,嘉奖,认可I'm cooking dinner tonight; that should earn me a few Brownie points with my mother. bullet point n (dot before list item) (有圆点、正方形、菱形及其他图案)(文件中)条目前的标记符号The boss would prefer a simple list of items with bullet points, rather than long descriptions. To create a list of bullet points, click on the icon.老板想要的是逐项简明罗列,而不是冗长的描述。要想在条目前标记符号,请点击这个图标。 bursting point n (when normal capacity exceeded)临界点 bursting point n figurative (when [sb] loses self-control)爆发点John had been under pressure for months when he finally reached bursting point. cardinal point, cardinal direction n usually plural (one of 4 main compass points)方位基点, 基本方位点North, south, east, and west are the cardinal points of the compass. case in point n (helpful example)例证;很好的例子;恰当的例子Movies can encourage children to read. The Harry Potter series is a case in point. choke point, chokepoint n (strait, pass obstructing an attack)制扼点The valley was a choke point for the advancing army. collection point n (place where purchases are picked up)取货点 come to a point where v expr informal (reach a situation) (非正式用语)到了…的时候I have come to a point in my life where I do not like to party every night. compass point n (North, South, East or West)四个基本方位The teacher taught the students how to give directions using the compass points. cut-off point n (limit)截止点She likes tequila, but two drinks is her cut-off point on work nights. cutoff point, also UK: cut-off point n (limit)截点,分界点The cutoff point for sending in applications is 1st November. decimal point n (dot in decimal figure) (数学)小数点You need a decimal point between those two figures; there's a big difference between 6.25 and 625. dew point n (temperature: condensation) (雾气凝结成水的温度)露点,露点温度It was so humid this morning that the dew point was above 10 degrees Celsius. drop-off point n (vehicle: place to set [sb], [sth] down)下客点,下车处There is a warehouse at the port that serves as a drop-off point, we collect the merchandise there. EFTPOS n acronym (payment system)销售点电子转帐 end point, endpoint, end-point n (extremity)端点;末端The end points are several hundred metres apart. end point, endpoint, end-point n (where [sth] ends)终点The proposed diversion alters the end point of the footpath. entry point, point of entry n (bullet wound) (枪伤)入口点;射入点The entry point of the bullet is below the exit wound suggesting that a short person fired the gun at Mr. Jones. entry point, point of entry n US (port)入境地点The easiest way to get a visa is on arrival, either at airports or at entry points to the country. exclamation point (US), exclamation mark (UK) n US (punctuation)感叹号It is considered poor style to use too many exclamation points when writing. fine point n (detail)细节;详情 fine point n (pen: narrow tip)笔尖 flashpoint, flash point, flashing-point n (temperature at which vapor burns)燃点 flashpoint, flash point n figurative (point at which violence occurs)爆发地Police were quickly dispatched to the flashpoint. flashpoint, flash point n figurative (volatile area, situation)爆发点Holiday gatherings can be a flashpoint for some families. focal point n (perspective: where lines converge)焦点Drawings of 3D objects have to have a single focal point to look realistic. focal point n (focus of attention)注意(兴趣等的)焦点The Monet painting was the focal point of the room. freezing point n (temperature: liquid turns solid) (液体变成固体的临界温度)冰点,凝固点,冻结点Every liquid has a different freezing point; that of pure water is zero Celsius. from this point adv (starting now)从这时开始;从此时起The rest of the climb will be much easier from this point. from this point forward adv (starting from now)从现在开始;从此时起From this point forward I won't smoke in the house any more. game point n (tennis: next point decides outcome)赛点Sharapova reached game point by forcing her opponent to make an error. get off the point v expr informal, figurative (digress)脱离主题;偏题The lecturer was getting off the point and some of the students had stopped paying attention. get the point v expr (understand)理解;明白 get to the point, come to the point v expr informal (speak directly)谈到正题;说到要害It took Natalie a long time to get to the point. Get to the point! interj informal (say what you mean)别绕圈子!有话直说!Get to the point! We haven't got all day, you know. good point n (insightful comment)好点子;好主意Miriam raised several good points during the discussion. Good point! interj (insightful comment)有道理;说得没错"Some people won't be able to attend the meeting if we hold it on Friday." "Good point!" good point n often plural (positive trait)优点;好处One of Hugh's good points is his generosity. GPA n US, initialism (grade point average) (grade point average的缩写形式)平均学分积点Molly has the highest GPA in the 9th grade. grade point (education)绩点 grade point average n US (numerical value of average grade)平均成绩;平均分She'd gotten straight A's all through high school so she had a 4.0 grade point average. halfway point, halfway mark n (place that marks midway)中途点 have a point v expr (be right about [sth])说得对;有道理Gudrun has a point; we should leave early tomorrow in order to avoid the traffic. high point n (greatest moment)最精彩的时刻;最佳状态The high point of my holiday was the whale-watching trip. in point of fact expr (actually)事实上,实际上 inflection point, flex point, point of inflection n (point of change on curve)拐点 jumping-off point, jumping-off place n figurative (starting point)起点Learning the alphabet is a good jumping off point for children who wish to learn how to read. jumping-off point, jumping-off place n figurative (starting point)起点;起跑点 labor the point (US), labour the point (UK) v expr figurative (belabor)过分详尽地阐述;过分多说The lawyer labored the point excessively. the low point n (least happy time)最低点The low point in the athlete's career was when a leg injury forced him to miss the Olympic Games. a low point n informal (unhappy moment, time)低潮,低谷James was at a low point at that time because he had just split up with his girlfriend. lowest point n (worst or most miserable situation)低谷;最低点;低潮I reached my lowest point just after my wife left me. main point n (most significant idea)要点The chairman presented the main points of the report to the meeting. make a point v expr (say [sth] significant)阐述一个重要观点Will you stop interrupting me? I'm trying to make a point here!能麻烦你别打断我吗?我正想讲一个重点! make a point of [sth] v expr (emphasize)强调This chef makes a point of cooking with locally sourced ingredients.这位厨师特别注重使用当地的食材烹饪。 make a point of doing [sth] v expr (insist on doing)坚持做;总是做I make a point of donating to a charity every Christmas.每年圣诞节我都会向慈善机构捐款。 make your point v expr (give opinion)说服他人同意自己的观点;证明自己的观点;表明自己的态度Dale was struggling to make his point during the debate. match point n (tennis, etc.: point that wins a match) (一方还差一分赢得比赛的情况)赛点Federer only needed one match point to win the game with Nadal. meeting point n (designated place to meet)集合地点;见面地点They settled on the library as a meeting point because it was near both their houses. melting point n (temperature at which a solid turns to liquid)熔点Bronze has a lower melting point than iron. miss the point v expr (fail to understand)没能理解You're missing the point: this isn't about pay - it's about conditions. moot point n ([sth] debatable)有争议的问题It is a moot point whether sex education among teenagers leads to fewer unwanted pregnancies. moot point n (academic, of no practical significance)无实际意义所以不值得争辩的问题Wondering about how things were before the birth of the universe is a moot point. near point n (of eye's focus)近点The near point for someone with normal vision is 25 cm. there's no use in doing [sth], there's no point doing [sth], there's no point in doing [sth] expr (it is pointless)没有用的;无济于事的;于事无补的There's no point in asking Jake if you can borrow his car; he'll say no.There's no use in telling me now that I shouldn't put that vase there; you should have mentioned it before I knocked it over and broke it. objective point of view n (impartial opinion, perspective)客观观点People go before a judge because they want an objective point of view. observation point n (lookout, observation post)观测点;观察点Along the coastal road are various observation points, at which drivers may stop and admire the view. on the point of [sth] expr (close to [sth])面临,濒临;几近,接近The country's largest bank is on the point of collapse. on the point of doing [sth] expr (about to do [sth])正在…的时候;即将;濒临She was on the point of leaving when he finally arrived. on-point, on point adj US (relevant)适用的;适宜的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun. on-point, on point adj informal (perfect, just right)完美的;恰好的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun. pain point n (commerce: problem)痛点;痛处This app's limited functionality on certain operating systems is a pain point with customers. percentage point n (difference: one per cent)百分点I scored 88%; two percentage points away from getting an A. pinpoint [sth], pin-point [sth], pin point [sth] vtr figurative (show exact cause)找出…的确切原因It is difficult to pinpoint exactly why this problem has occurred.很难找出之所以会出现这个问题的确切原因。 pinpoint [sth], pin-point [sth], pin point [sth] vtr figurative (show exact place)指出…的精准位置We know our agent is in this area, but we can't pinpoint his location at the moment.我知道我们的经纪人就在这个区域,但目前却无法确定他的准确位置。 point at issue n (matter being discussed)当前正在讨论的话题;争论的议题Global warming was the main point at issue of the conference. point blank, point-blank adv (shoot: from close range)近距离射击She shot him point blank, killing him instantly. point blank, point-blank adv figurative (directly, bluntly) (比喻)直截了当地Amanda rejected David's proposal point blank. point guard n (basketball position) (篮球)组织后卫 point in question n (issue being discussed)当前正在讨论的问题;争论的问题Could we please return to the point in question?




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