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词汇 live
释义 liveUK:* verb: /ˈlɪv/, adjective: /ˈlaɪv/US:/lɪv/US:(v. liv; adj., adv. līv)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 live vi (reside)住;在…住;生活Luca lives on the second floor.卢卡住二楼。 live vi (manage your life)生活;过活;过日子Two full time jobs is no way to live.同时做两份全职工作根本没法过。 live vi (be alive)活;活着;在世The king is not dead! He lives!国王没有死!他还活着! live vi (remain alive)仍然在世;仍健在Yes, he still lives. He must be ninety years old.对,他还在世,肯定有九十岁了。 live vi (exist)存在;生存;存活Cockroaches have lived for millions of years.蟑螂已经存在了数百万年了。 live adj (living)活的;活生生的We bought live crabs for dinner.晚饭我们买了活蟹来吃。 live adj (broadcast: direct)现场直播的;实况转播的Is this broadcast live or pre-recorded?这个节目是现场直播还是预先录制的? live adv (perform: in front of people) (报道、转播等)现场的,在场的,当场的,当面的The comedian loved performing live.那喜剧演员喜欢现场表演。 其他翻译 live adj (coals: burning)燃烧着的Don't touch the coals from the fire; they are still live. live adj (weapons)装着炸药的;实弹的In training, the army uses blanks instead of live ammunition.训练时,军队使用的是空弹而非实弹。 live adj (electrical: with current)有电的;带电的;通电的Don't touch the wires; they are still live with electricity.电线还通着电,不要乱碰。 live adj (sports: in play) (体育运动)(球)有效的The ball was still live because it had not gone out of bounds.因为球并没有出界,所以是有效的。 live adj (audience: present at performance) (观众)在场的,在现场的The comedian loved performing in front of a live audience.这名喜剧演员喜欢在现场观众面前表演。 live adv (broadcast: direct) (广播、电视等)直播地,以直播方式We are broadcasting live from the scene of the protest.我们正在抗议现场进行直播。 live vi (subsist)维持生活;过活Many people around the world live on less than a dollar per day.世界上有许多人每日靠不到一美元过活。 live vi (enjoy life)过愉快的生活;享受生活乐趣You can't work all your life; you have to live!你不能一辈子就知道工作,你得享受生活乐趣! live [sth] vtr (lead a certain life)过某种生活;以某种方式生活Many monks live a Spartan life. live [sth] vtr (experience)经历He still lives the war in his imagination. live [sth] vtr (way of life)以…方式生活;过着…的生活He lives a moral life, as he speaks a moral life. 动词短语 live apart vi phrasal (not cohabit)分居They are still married, but they live apart, in different towns. live [sth] down vtr phrasal sep informal (embarrassment: get over)通过努力让人们忘记自己的尴尬事His friends ensured that he could never live down the day he accidentally wore his sister's pants. live for [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (take as one's reason for living)为…而活 live in vi phrasal (reside in your workplace)住在工作的地方The hotel staff live in so they don't have to travel home after work.酒店工作人员就住在工作的地方,这样下班后他们就不用长途跋涉地回家了。 live off [sth] vtr phrasal insep (survive on, be supported by)靠...过活The widow lives off her late husband's pension and Social Security checks.那个寡妇靠她过世丈夫的退休金和社保过活。 live on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (use for money)靠…为生My mother gives me a monthly allowance but I couldn't live on just that.我妈每个月会给我零用钱,不过我不能就靠那个为生。 live on vi phrasal (continue to exist indefinitely)继续生存下去;永存;继续存在Although a great performer has died today, his memory will live on.一名伟大的表演大师在今天陨落了,但他的精神将永存世间。 live out [sth] vtr phrasal insep (live for the duration of)度过She lived out her last years in the same small town.她在同一个小镇上度过了晚年。 live out vi phrasal US (domestic, etc; not reside in house of employer) (佣工等)不住在雇主家里; (店员等)住在店外;外宿Granddad's caregiver lives out, but she spends 12 hours a day at his home.爷爷的看护人不住在家里,不过她每天会在爷爷家里呆12个小时。 live out [sth] vtr phrasal insep (enact, fulfill) (如梦想等)实现,完成He urged his students to live out their dreams.他力劝学生们要去实现自己的梦想。 live through [sth] vtr phrasal insep (experience or endure)经历Our grandparents lived through the War and know what it is like to lose everything. live up to [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (be as good as)达到…标准;不辜负She made every effort to live up to her ideals.她尽一切努力来达到自己的理想。 复合形式: a live one n figurative, informal (gullible person)易受骗的人;冤大头 go live vi (be broadcast directly, go on air)实况(转播)The new website went live last week. live alone vi (not cohabit)独居After many years of flat-sharing, it is a luxury to live alone. live and breathe [sth] v expr figurative (be passionately interested in [sth]) (比喻)将…视为生命When I was a teenager I lived and breathed ballet.Her boyfriend lives and breathes football; nothing else seems to interest him. live and learn v expr (gain knowledge and experience)真是活到老学到老;真想不到Live and learn is my motto; we all learn from our own mistakes.I never knew that was possible.Well, you live and learn. live and let live v expr (be tolerant of others)自己活也要让别人活Those two men used to fight a lot, but now they have decided to live and let live. live as husband and wife v expr (cohabit as a couple)同居;夫妻共同生活They might as well be married; they've been living for years as husband and wife. live at vi + prep (reside at)住在George lives at his mom's house because he is not able to afford an apartment for himself yet. live birth n (birth: baby is born alive)活产;活着出生 live broadcast n (media broadcasted in real time)直播;现场直播 live by [sth] vi + prep figurative (take as a rule for life)恪守;遵守Never give up is a good rule to live by if you hope to have success in life. live by [sth] vi + prep (use for survival)靠…为生 live by your wits, live on your wits v expr (earn living by ingenuity)靠自己的才智生活 live fast v expr informal, figurative (behave recklessly) (非正式用语)放纵地生活;不羁地生活 live for today v expr informal, figurative (make the most of the moment)活在当下;把握现在 live forever v expr (be immortal, never die)永生 live forever v expr figurative (be enduring)永存; (比喻)永生;恒久流传Classic movies like "Casablanca" will live forever in the hearts of movie-goers.Elvis died years ago but to the fans who still listen to his music, he will live forever. live from hand to mouth, live hand to mouth v expr (be poor)仅能糊口;勉强度日Though they appeared wealthy, they actually lived from hand to mouth. live hard v expr informal (behave recklessly and decadently)肆意挥霍生命Rock stars are known for living hard and dying young. live high v expr (live extravagantly)过奢侈放纵的生活;挥霍无度地过日子They lived high while in Thailand because everything was so cheap there. live high on the hog, live high off the hog, eat high off the hog v expr US, figurative (live life of luxury)过奢华生活;享受豪华生活 live in peace v expr (coexist harmoniously)和平共处Can't you just live in peace with your neighbors? live in poverty v expr (be very poor)生活贫困Half the world lives in poverty while the other half throws away good food. live in sin v expr (unmarried couple: live together)未婚同居备注: Normally used humorously in modern English.Jacob and Polly aren't married; they're living in sin. live it up v expr slang (lead hedonistic life)尽情享乐;尽情挥霍Live it up while you are still young and beautiful. live it up v expr slang (celebrate extravagantly)狂欢;狂欢庆祝It's all right to live it up once in a while; a few beers won't hurt you. live load n (engineering)活载荷;活载 live music n (performance by musicians)现场音乐There's something special about seeing live music instead of just listening to a recording. live oak n (evergreen oak tree)常青橡树 live oak n (wood from a live oak tree)常青橡木 live off the fat of the land, live on the fat of the land v expr (enjoy plentiful lifestyle)过衣食无忧的生活;饫甘餍肥 live on [sth] alone v expr (have [sth] as only sustenance)仅靠…维生Man cannot live on bread alone. live on borrowed time v expr figurative (have limited time left) (贬义)苟延残喘If you continue to smoke, soon you'll be living on borrowed time. live on the edge v expr informal, figurative (take risks)过着惊险刺激的生活Louise likes to take risks and live on the edge. live on your own v expr (not share one's accommodation)独自生活;独立居住After living on his own for many years, he has moved back in with his parents. live performance n (before an audience)现场演出;现场表演The band gave a live performance of their new song. live show n (tv, radio: live broadcast) (广播、电视)现场直播I prefer edited programs rather than live shows. live show n (stage: live performance)现场表演This tape was recorded at his live show in New York. live simply v expr (avoid extravagant spending)俭朴地生活If you lived simply you wouldn't have to work such long hours. live the high life v expr informal (have a luxurious lifestyle) (非正式用语)奢侈地生活Ever since he won the lottery he's been living the high life. live through it v expr US (experience or endure [sth])坚持过来;撑过来Don't worry - times are hard because of the recession but you'll live through it. live ticker n (scrolling news bulletin)滚动新闻 live together vi + adv (cohabit)住在一起A year after they started dating, they decided to live together. live up to [sb]'s expectations, live up to expectations v expr (be as good as anticipated)不负所望;满足期望I fear I will never live up to my parents' expectations. live up to your billing v expr figurative (be as good as expected)不负期待Let's hope their new player lives up to his billing and scores a few goals! live well v expr (be comfortably well off)很好地生活We're not rich, but we live well. live wire n (cable carrying electricity)电线CAUTION: LIVE WIRES OVERHEAD.Always assume that a fallen wire is a live wire. live wire, livewire n figurative (lively, outgoing person)精力充沛的人,活跃的人That kid is such a live wire! He never stays still! live with [sb] vi + prep (share a home)与…同住I once lived with someone who would never wash the dishes. live with [sth] vi + prep (accept or endure: [sth]) (多指不佳的境遇等)接受,忍受His disease is incurable - he'll just have to live with it. live without [sth/sb] vi + prep (be deprived of: [sth] or [sb])没有…,离开… live-in adj (residing in your workplace)住在雇主家的;住在工作场所的My mother is disabled and has to have a live-in carer. Long live expr (cheer in support)万岁The crowd shouted with one voice: "Long live the king!".




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