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词汇 hold true
释义 hold true
hold true发音




holly tree───冬青树

bold type───黑体;粗体

cold tone───冷调

cold type───冷排;寒型

come true───实现,成真;成为现实


hold fire───不采取行动;停火


Keynes's theory do not always hold true for all economic problems.───凯恩斯的学说并非适用于解决所有的经济问题.

These conditions hold true.───这些条件仍适用.

Those laws hold true in particular periods and in a particular kind of space.───那些不同经济法则都是适用于特定时期和特定种类区域的.

Perhaps , the scientists thought, the same would hold true for scrawny specimens versus the truly buff.───科学家们想, 或许对于瘦小的人, 他们的听力比那些真正的大个子要灵敏.

This law is known to hold true for galaxies at a distance of at least several billion light years.───这个定律被普遍认为同样适用于至少数十亿光年之远的星系。

But the same did not hold true of secular communes, where the oldest was 40.───不过这一规律对世俗团体不成立(世俗团体最长命的也运转了40年).

The above theorems and laws hold true for DC as well as for AC circuits.───上述定理和定律不但对直流电路而言是正确的,对交流电路而言也同样是正确的.

Explore to see if the following theorems of plane geometry still hold true under hyperbolic geometry.───判别下列欧氏平面几何的理论,是否仍适用于非欧几何.

I believe those principles hold true for everyone, everywhere.───我相信,这些道理在任何地方 、 对任何人都是至理名言.

You may find the examples dated, but the principles still hold true.───尽管书中的例子有些古老, 但是其中原则在今天仍然非常适用.

Their findings hold true across nations and cultures.───这个发现在不同国家,不同文化中都是被证明是真的。

Future research will be required to determine if these findings hold true for other territories in Asia and Oceania with similar malaria epidemiology.───需做进一步研究以确定这些发现是否适用于有类似疟疾流行病的亚洲和大洋洲。

This law is known to hold true for galaxies at a distance of at least several billion light years.───据知,这条定律同样适用于距离至少几十亿光年之远的星系。

But not everyone is convinced this will hold true this year.───但并非所有人都相信今年的情况也将如此.

In this sense, the words of Friedrich Nietzsche still hold true today.───从这个意义上讲, 弗里德里希·尼采(FriedrichNietzsche)的话今天仍然是正确的.


Unfortunately, these findings do not hold true for women and children.

  • hold one
  • hold the door
  • hold opinion
  • hold it
  • hold to reset
  • holding thumbs
  • holdfast regiment
  • hold still
  • hold back from
  • hold out hope
  • hold a lambpervasiveness
  • hold on you
  • hold water
  • hold my beer
  • hold on to notes
  • hold bake
  • holder name
  • hold the baby
  • hold the bag
  • hold them
  • hold true




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