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词汇 own
释义 ownUK:*/ˈəʊn/US:/oʊn/ ,(ōn)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 own [sth] vtr (have)有;拥有;占有Do you own a computer?你有电脑吗? own adj (belonging to self)自己的My own car is not nearly as nice as yours.我自己的车比你的差远了。usage: used after a possessiveIf you want to emphasize that something belongs or relates to a particular person or thing, you use own after a possessive.These people have total confidence in their own ability.Now the nuclear industry's own experts support these claims. own adj (intensifier) (用于加强语气)自己的I saw it with my own eyes!那是我亲眼所见! own pron (mine: with my, his, etc.)某人自己的Your car's much nicer than my own.你的车比我自己的好多了。 其他翻译 own, own that vtr dated (admit) (过时用语)供认;承认He owned that he was the one who broke it. own [sb] vtr figurative, often passive, slang (defeat, humiliate) (俚语)比…强;击败;让...逊色She really owned that interviewer with her witty comebacks! own [sth] vtr figurative (take responsibility for)对…负责,为…负责It is best to own your mistakes and try to do better in the future. 动词短语 own up vi phrasal informal (confess to [sth])承认错误My brother broke my mom's favorite lamp and refused to own up to it.我弟弟弄坏了妈妈最喜欢的灯,并且拒不承认错误。 复合形式: at your own discretion adv (as you see fit)自己决定;自己把握 at your own pace adv (at a speed one is comfortable with)按自己的步调,按自己的节奏From the tortoise and the hare, we learn that one can proceed at one's own pace and still be a winner. at your own risk adv (without anyone else being liable)由自己负责;自担风险Swim in the river at your own risk. be your own man v expr (male: be independent)做你自己;做自己的主人;自力更生 blow your own horn, toot your own horn, blow your own trumpet v expr figurative (boast, praise yourself)自吹自擂;自夸 blow your own trumpet v expr figurative (boast, be self-congratulatory)自吹自擂,自夸 come into your own v expr (become confident and mature)充分发挥自我;展示自我才能 die by your own hand v expr (kill oneself)自杀;自尽 each to their own, each to his own, each to her own expr (everyone has their own preferences)我们都不相同;每个人都有自己的选择 from my own experience adv (having experienced it myself)从我的经验;根据我的亲身经历 get your own back v expr informal (retaliate, get revenge)报复 get your own back on [sb] v expr informal (get revenge on)报复… get your own way, get your way v expr (have what you want)走自己的路;随心所欲Sue got her own way when her parents let her go to the party. give [sb] a taste of his/her/their own medicine, give [sb] a dose of his/her/their own medicine v expr figurative (punish [sb] using their own methods)自食苦果 have a mind of its own v expr figurative ([sth] inanimate: malfunction) (指无生命的东西)不听使唤;不受控制My hair has a mind of its own today. Have it your way, Have it your own way interj informal, disapproving (resignation)你想怎么着就怎么着吧;你爱咋咋地吧OK, have it your way; I'm through arguing with you.You don't want pepperoni on the pizza.Fine, have it your own way. hold your own v expr informal (be capable, in control)坚持自己;维持自己的决定Suzanne may be young, but she can hold her own in debates with more experienced council members. in its own way adv (uniquely)自行其是;以其自己的方式(行事)Every Greek island is, in its own way, unique. in your own right expr (independently)自主;自己决定 in your own way adv (with your own style)以你自己的方式Don't copy your classmates: the important thing is to do it in your own way. You're beautiful in your own way! know your own mind v expr (be confident)有主见;有自己的想法 leave [sb] to his/her/their own devices v expr (not supervise [sb])放任;听任 left to your/his/her/their own devices adj (unsupervised, left alone)由你自己决定 live on your own v expr (not share one's accommodation)独自生活;独立居住After living on his own for many years, he has moved back in with his parents. mind your own business, also US: mind your business interj informal (the matter doesn't concern you)少管闲事It's nothing to do with you; mind your own business! mind your own business, also US: mind your business v expr informal (look after what does concern you)管好自己的事;自扫门前雪If you mind your own business, you won't get in as much trouble. of your own expr (belonging to you)你自己的 of your own accord expr (voluntarily)自愿 of your own choice expr (chosen by you alone)自行选择的You can order your new car in the colour of your own choice. of your own free will expr (out of choice)自愿的;心甘情愿的Do you marry this man of your own free will? I retired of my own free will; I was not fired. of your own volition, by your own volition expr (willingly, freely)自愿做出的选择;自愿决定 off your own bat adv figurative, informal (by your own initiative)主动;自愿备注: Sometimes used mistakenly as "off your own back". on her own, all on her own adv (without company)她自己;她独自Sarah often eats out at restaurants on her own. on her own, all on her own adv (without help)她亲自 on his own, all on his own adv (without company)他自己;他独自 on his own, all on his own adv (without help)他亲自 on its own adv (alone, without accompaniment)独立地,靠自己的力量;自愿,自发This rice needs some added flavor; on its own it's bland.The bear cub was on its own after its mother was killed. on my own, all on my own adv (without company)独自一人I have lived on my own since my daughter moved out.我女儿搬出去后,我一直一个人住。 on my own, all on my own adv (without help)靠自己I'm proud of myself for assembling the wardrobe on my own.我为自己组装衣柜而感到骄傲。 on our own, all on our own adv (without company)我们自己;就我们 on our own, all on our own adv (without help)我们亲自 on their own, all on their own adv (more than one person: without company)他们自己;她们自己;它们自己Lana left her guests on their own for ten minutes while she went into the kitchen to prepare the starter. on their own, all on their own adv (more than one person: without help)他们亲自;她们亲自;它们亲自 on their own, all on their own adv ([sb] unspecified: without company)他自己;她自己;它自己 on their own, all on their own adv ([sb] unspecified: without help)他亲自;她亲自;它亲自 on their own, all on their own adv (non-binary person: without company)他们自己 on their own, all on their own adv (non-binary person: without help)他们独自 on your own, all on your own expr (without company)独自地, 单独地When you live on your own, you can eat dinner whenever it suits you. on your own, all on your own expr (without help)自己动手;靠自己的力量做某事;依靠自己做某事The teacher told her class, "I'll show you how to solve the first equation, then you can try the next one on your own." on your own time expr (not during work or school hours)在自己独处时间 one's own time n (free time, leisure time)空闲时间;非工作时间My boss asked me to chat online on my own time. own account n (personal admission)自述,自白By his own account, he wasn't there that night. own account n ([sb]'s personal version of events) (与别人不同)自己的描述,自己的说辞 own brand n UK (private label: for a specific retailer)自有品牌;私有品牌 own choice n (decision made freely)自己的抉择 own choice n (individual free will)个人选择;自己的选择My parents wanted me to go to law school, but I made my own choice and attended art school instead. own free will n (personal choice)自愿It was my own free will to start this project so I can't blame anyone else when things get tough. own goal n (sports: scoring for other team)乌龙球 own goal n figurative ([sth] harming own interests)帮倒忙 on your own initiative expr (individual decision)个人决定;主动 on your own initiative expr (without orders of others)主动 own up to [sth] v expr (confess responsibility for)承认,坦白Nobody owned up to the theft, so the teacher gave the whole class a detention. own-brand n as adj UK (private label: of a specific retailer)自有品牌的;私有品牌的 pay [sb] back in his/her/their own coin v expr figurative (behave toward [sb] in a like way)以其人之道,还以其人之身 pull your weight, pull your own weight v expr (do your share of work)做份内的事Stuart needs to start pulling his weight on this project if he wants to keep his job. see [sth] with your own eyes v expr informal (witness at first hand)用自己的眼睛去看I would never have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. stand on your own two feet v expr (be independent)独立;自主 stew in your own juice (UK), also US: stew in your own juices v expr informal, figurative (suffer consequences of actions)自作自受;自食其果 take the law into your own hands v expr (act as a vigilante)不通过法律自行处理If you get robbed, don't try to take the law into your own hands. to each his own, to each her own, to each their own expr (everyone has different preferences)各有所好Greg likes anchovies and pineapple on his pizza? Well, to each their own. to thine own self be true expr literary (be yourself)做真实的自己"To thine own self be true" is a quote from a Shakespeare play.




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