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词汇 kick
释义 kickUK:*/ˈkɪk/US:/kɪk/ ,(kik)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 kick [sb/sth] vtr (strike with foot)踢, 踹The object is to kick the ball into the net.目的是要把球踢入网内。 kick n (foot thrust)踢一脚;踹一脚Jessica's kick sent the ball flying into the goal.她给了球一脚,球高高地飞了起来。 其他翻译 kick n (ability to kick)踢That mule has a mean kick.骡子踢人很凶。 kick n (gun recoil)(枪的)后坐力;反冲力The kick of the rifle nearly broke his shoulder.来复枪的后坐力差点把他的肩膀给震碎了。 kick n (effect: alcohol, caffeine)(酒精、咖啡因等的)刺激性That brandy has quite a kick.那种白兰地的劲儿真大。 kick n (vigor)(车辆)动力This car's lost all its kick. kick n slang (thrill) (俚语)紧张,激动,兴奋I get my kicks from road racing. He gets a kick out of watching their reactions道路赛让我热血沸腾。观看他们的反映让他非常兴奋。 kick n slang (current interest) (俚语)目前的兴趣所在She's been on a car racing kick lately.最近她对赛车很热衷。 kick n (football: shot awarded) (足球)罚球The team was awarded a kick after one of their players was fouled.对方球队犯规,我方球队获得了罚球。 kick vi informal (recoil)产生后坐力As soon as he pressed the trigger the assault rifle began to kick.他一扣动板机,冲锋枪就产生了后坐力。 kick vi (thrust with foot)踢;踢球He can kick accurately with either foot.他两只脚踢起球来都准确无误。 kick [sth] vtr informal (auto: change gear) (非正式用语)换挡He kicked the car into third gear. kick [sth] vtr (football: attempt a goal) (足球)踢He kicked three penalties in the game. 动词短语 kick about, UK: kick around vi phrasal (be unused, be neglected)被弃置,被忽视 kick about, UK: kick around vi phrasal (wander, roam)闲逛,漫步,游荡 kick against [sth] vtr phrasal insep (rebel against or resist)反抗;对抗Jesse has always had a tendency to kick against authority. kick [sth] around, kick around [sth], kick [sth] about, kick about [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (consider, debate: an idea) (想法)谈论,讨论 kick [sb] around, kick around [sb], kick about [sb], kick around [sb] vtr phrasal sep (mistreat, abuse)虐待 kick back vi phrasal slang (relax)放松After work, Mary just wanted to kick back and enjoy a glass of wine. kick back vi phrasal (gun: recoil) (枪)反冲,产生后坐力Smith fired and the rifle kicked back. kick back vi phrasal (tool, etc.: recoil) (工具)回弹;反冲 kick [sth] back vtr phrasal sep slang (profit: share as bribe)付(钱)作为回扣After taking their cut, the two men kicked the money back to corrupt government officials. kick in vi phrasal slang (begin to take effect) (俚语)开始生效,起效The effects of the tranquilizer should begin to kick in within a few minutes.镇定剂几分钟内就应该起效了。 kick [sth] in, kick in [sth] vtr phrasal sep US, informal (contribute; money)捐献,捐助;(为筹资而)拿出We're asking everyone to kick in $5 towards the boss's gift.为了筹资给老板买礼物,我们要每个人拿出5美元。 kick off vi phrasal (ball game: start play) (球赛)开始;开球The game will kick off at noon on Sunday.球赛将在周日中午开始。 kick off vi phrasal figurative, slang (begin)开始The festivities will kick off this afternoon.庆祝活动于今天下午开始。 kick off vi phrasal UK, figurative, slang (argument, fight: begin) (争论等)开始Things kicked off when James accused Carl of stealing from him.詹姆斯指责卡尔偷了他的东西,争论就此开始了。 kick off vi phrasal UK, figurative, slang (person: become argumentative)开始争吵Ian kicked off when he realized he wasn't going to get his own way.当意识到自己不能自主时,兰就开始了抗争。 kick [sth] off vtr phrasal sep figurative, slang (begin)使开始They are going to kick off the new season with a big party.他们将以盛大派对开启新一季。 kick [sb/sth] out, kick out [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (expel or eject)赶走,把…踢走;开除The teacher kicked me out of class for refusing to turn off my iPod.因为我拒绝关掉iPod,所以老师把我从教室里赶了出去。 kick [sth] over, kick over [sth] vtr phrasal sep (knock over with the foot)踢翻;启动(引擎);启动(引擎)Liam accidentally kicked over a plant pot. kick up [sth], kick [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (lift or stir up with one's foot)踢起,扬起。I ran along the beach kicking up the sand as I went.我沿着海滩奔跑,一路扬起沙尘。 kick up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, slang (instigate, provoke)引起,激起He kicked up a fuss because the driver wouldn't let him on the bus.由于驾驶员不让他上公交车,他便开始大吵大闹,引起了骚乱。 复合形式: bicycle kick n (soccer move) (足球)倒勾,倒挂金钩 cool your heels, kick your heels v expr figurative, informal (be kept waiting)久等;空等 corner, corner kick n (football: free kick from corner) (足球)角球Zidane takes a corner. drop kick, also US: dropkick n (sports: kick after dropping ball)抛踢球 drop kick [sth], drop-kick [sth], also US: dropkick [sth] vtr (sports: do a drop kick) (趁球即将落地时将其踢出)落踢 drop kick, also US: dropkick n (martial arts: flying kick)飞踢 drop kick [sb], drop-kick [sb], also US: dropkick [sb] vtr (martial arts: do a flying kick)飞身踢... flutter kick n (swimming: kick with straight legs) (一种游泳的方法)浅打水,小腿上下击水The flutter kick can be used when swimming on your back. free kick n (sport: kick awarded after a foul) (足球运动中犯规后罚球的一种)任意球 get a kick out of [sth/sb] v expr slang (enjoy, take pleasure in)因…激动;刺激;痛快She gets a kick out of watching talking animal videos. goal kick n (soccer) (足球)球门球;球门发球 kick ass v expr slang, vulgar, figurative (be great or formidable)了不起;非常棒These brownies kick ass, they are so delicious!这些布朗尼做得非常棒,太好吃了! kick ass v expr slang, vulgar (defeat [sb] utterly)打败;打赢I thought I could beat him but he kicked my ass.我以为能赢他,不过他还是打败了我。 kick back vi slang (retaliate, respond)反击, 还击 kick butt v expr US informal (succeed)大获成功;碾压对手The soccer team has been practicing every day, so they're going to kick butt in the tournament! kick down vi + adv (vehicle: lower gear) (车辆)换低挡 kick-down, kickdown n chiefly UK (vehicle: device to lower gear) (车辆)换低挡装置 kick in the ass n US, figurative, vulgar, slang (rebuff)碰钉子;被拒绝;碰一鼻子灰 kick in the eye n UK, figurative, informal (insult, rejection)侮辱;拒绝 kick in the pants n US, figurative, informal (motivating action)推动力;促进力 kick in the pants n US, figurative, informal (fun thing or person)有趣的人或事That road trip was a real kick in the pants! kick it v expr US informal (relax)放松;闲逛I'm not busy; I'm just kicking it with Jim. kick off at [sb] v expr UK, figurative, slang (become angry with)向…发火My ex kicked off at me when I said he couldn't keep borrowing my car whenever he liked after we split up.我对我的前任说了分手后他不能随时借我的车,他便开始朝我发火。 kick plate (door: metal plate)蹴板;踢脚板 kick returner, returner n (American football player) (橄榄球比赛)回攻手 kick the bucket v expr slang, figurative (die) (幽默用语)翘辫子Did you hear that her grandfather kicked the bucket? kick the habit v expr informal (quit harmful practice)戒除恶习;戒掉坏习惯Some smokers use hypnosis to try and kick the habit. kick the tin v expr AU, figurative, informal (donate, contribute)捐赠;捐献 kick up your heels v expr figurative, informal (have a good time) (工作、劳作后)轻松愉快一会儿 kick [sb] upstairs v expr informal (promote to less powerful position) (职务)让某人明升暗降 kick yourself vtr + refl informal, figurative (regret [sth])懊悔,后悔Tania realized that Audrey was right and has been kicking herself ever since. kick yourself for [sth] v expr informal, figurative (regret [sth])因为…感到懊悔,因为…后悔He kicked himself for not remembering to pack his torch. kick-start [sth] vtr (motorcycle: start up) (摩托车等)发动,启动 kick-start [sth] vtr figurative (prompt, boost)启动;发起 kick-start n figurative (prompt, boost)启动 kickbox, kick-box vi (do kickboxing)进行踢拳;做自由搏击 kickboxing, kick-boxing, kick boxing n (sport: martial art)踢拳Let's go to kickboxing class at my gym today. Mixed martial arts competitions often include kick-boxing.今天,让我们去健身房上踢拳课吧。综合格斗比赛通常包括踢拳。 kickoff (US), kick-off (UK) n (soccer) (足球比赛)开球The away team scored the first goal almost immediately after the kickoff.几乎刚开球,客队就踢进了第一个球。 kickoff (US), kick-off (UK) n (American football) (橄榄球)开球At the kickoff, the home team took control of the field. kickoff (US), kick-off (UK) n figurative, informal (start, beginning) (集会、比赛等)开始Tonight is the campaign kickoff. kickstarter, kick-starter n (device to start an engine)启动器 kickstarter, kick-starter n figurative (catalyst to [sth])诱因, 催化剂 penalty kick n (soccer: free kick awarded after a foul) (足球运动)罚球,点球The referee awarded a penalty kick after the defender pushed the ball away with his hand. place kick n (ball kicked from stationary position)定位球n scissor kick, scissors kick n (swimmer's leg movement) (游泳腿法)剪式打水 scissor kick, scissors kick n (martial arts leg movement) (武术)飞踢;剪刀踢 scissor kick, scissors kick n (sports: scissor-like leg motion) (体育)侧踢;剪刀踢




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