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词汇 hitched up
释义 hitched up
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hitches up───拉起(坐时把膝部裤管稍向上拉,以保持裤线挺直);准备开钻;使完婚

stitched up───陷害;诬陷(stitchsb.up);促成(协议);办妥

switched up───转换

fetched up───引起;到达;最终成为

hitch up───拉起(坐时把膝部裤管稍向上拉,以保持裤线挺直);准备开钻;使完婚

notched up───完成;创下;达到

patched up───修补;平息;拼凑


I hitched up my pony to a post on the right.───我拉起我的小马拴在右边的柱子上。

She hitched up her skirt and waded into the river.───她提起裙子,蹚进河里。

I hitched up my socks.───我把袜子往上拉起。

And she was giggling at him. Spread-eagled on the floor, her brocaded gown hitched up above her thighs, she taunted him between giggles.───她朝他一个劲地格格地傻笑,她手脚伸展着躺在地板上,把花缎旗袍拉上来露出大腿。

Gore throws off his dark blue suit jacket and sinks into an armchair, his trousers slightly hitched up to reveal long, black cowboy boots.───戈尔脱掉他的深蓝色西装夹克,一屁股坐在扶手椅上,裤角微微向上提起,露出黑色的牛仔靴。

His orange monk's robes, hitched up to show stout boots and socks, would tangle in the bushes.───黄色的袈裟被拉起以免和灌木丛纠缠,下面露出结实的鞋袜。

I hitched up my nightgown and raked my nails across a line of mosquito bites on my leg.───我提起睡裙,抓挠蚊子在腿上咬出的一溜儿包。

I hitched up the horses to the cart.───我把马套上马车。

They hitched up and were on their way before sunrise.───他们套上马车,不到天亮就上路了。


He hitched up his trousers before sitting down.

We watched as the farmer hitched up a team of oxen.

Genuine pre-fab log cabins hitched up to the mains.

She hitched up her skirt so as not to get it wet.

On Sunday, Ellingwood hitched up the wagon.

John hitched up his trousers.

I hitched up the horse and drove out into the fields.

I hitched up the horses to the cart.

She hitched up her long dress so it wouldn't drag in the mud.

  • hitched up
  • hitched to a light sled




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