

词汇 high noon
释义 high noon
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high noons───正午;全盛时期;顶峰;危机

high on───热衷于

high point───增高齿顶;最佳时间;最佳状态

high cost───高成本

high dose───大剂量;高剂量

high opinion───赞赏,好评

high road───公路;大路

high sign───暗号

high spot───n.最重要的部分;最精彩的时刻;最快乐的时刻顶点,高潮


When I was elected President, I told an interviewer that my favorite movie was High Noon.───当我是当选总统时,我在一次访谈中提到自己最喜欢的电影是《正午》。

This is a country the sun at high noon!───这是一个如日中天的祖国!

High noon came, and with it hunger.───已到中午了, 她的肚子也饿了.

In 2000, the cause of the sun at high noon true that Choi's celebrity marriage.───2000年, 事业正如日中天的崔真实宣布结婚息影.

When I was elected President, I an interviewer that my favorite movie was High Noon.───当我是当选总统时, 我在一次访谈中提到自己最喜欢的电影是《正午》.

My favorite was High Noon.───我最喜欢的一部叫做《正午》。

Don't expose your skin to the sun for too long at high noon.───正午的时候不要让皮肤在阳光下暴晒过久.

Peter Hyams'Outland transferred the plot of High Noon to interstellar space.───彼得·海姆斯导演的《九霄云外》把《正午》的情节搬到了外太空.

At about high noon we arrived at Coney Island and approached the boardwalk.───大约正午时分我们到达了康尼岛,然后沿着木板路走.

The cause of high noon of the unemployed men suddenly become Yiwenbuming, this is a secret.───事业如日中天的男人突然失业,变得一文不名, 这是一个秘密.是男人的,也是她的.

He wrote this book at the high noon of his career.───他这本书是在他事业的颠峰时期写的.

It looks like high noon for the nation's cinemas, now we are in the age of the home video.───我们现在处于家庭录像流行的时代,这对国内的电影院来说是个生死攸关的时刻。

The Sun continues to be in high noon in your chart making others notice you.───太阳仍处你星盘正中,别人会注意到你的. 为什么不充分利用这机会呢?

It looks like high noon for the nation's movie theaters, now we are in the age of the home video.───我们现在正处在家庭录像大行其道的时代,这对国内的电影院来说似乎是个关乎生死存亡的关键时刻。


It looks like high noon for the nation's movie theaters, now we are in the age of the home video.

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