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词汇 nurse
释义 nurseUK:*/ˈnɜːrs/US:/nɝs/ ,(nûrs)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 nurse n (healthcare worker)护士The patient called for the nurse.患者叫护士来。 nurse [sb/sth] vtr (tend to: [sb], [sth] sick)照顾;照护She was able to nurse the bird back to health.她照顾鸟,直到它痊愈。 nurse vi (baby: suckle) (婴儿)吃奶The baby nursed for twenty minutes from each breast.那个宝宝每边乳房吃20分钟的奶。 其他翻译 nurse n dated (child's nanny, carer)保姆;保育员The children spend most of the day with their nurse.孩子们多数时间都和保育员待在一起。 nurse [sth] vtr (take care of: illness)护理;照料He nursed his cold for two weeks. nurse [sb] vtr (baby: breastfeed)给...喂奶The mother nursed the baby till he was six months old. nurse [sth] vtr figurative (drink slowly)慢慢地喝;啜饮He nursed his beer for two hours. 复合形式: charge nurse n UK (nurse in charge of a ward)护士长;主管护士 dental nurse n (dentist's assistant)牙科护士 male nurse n (man who is a medical attendant)男护士,男性护士Male nurses constitute about 10% of the UK nursing population. nurse a hope that v expr (hope)怀抱希望 nurse a hope of doing [sth] v expr (dream of doing [sth])梦想做某事 nurse practitioner n (nurse qualified to diagnose, etc.)护理医师;执业护士 nurse shark n (type of shark)铰口鲨;护士鲨 nurse's aide n (assistant to a nurse)助理护士 practical nurse n US, Can (nursing: less trained) (美国、加拿大体系)执照护士备注: 相比注册护士,培训更简单时间更短,提供的服务相对基础 practice nurse n UK (healthcare worker) (英联邦体系)诊所护士备注: 一般在社区健康中心、全科医生诊所工作 R.N., RN n initialism (registered nurse)注册护士 registered nurse n US (fully trained licensed nurse) (美国)注册护士 Registered Nurse, State registered nurse n UK, abbreviation (State Registered Nurse) (英国)国家注册护士 school nurse n (medical attendant at a school)学校护士The school nurse will send the child home if his symptoms are serious. scrub nurse (surgical nurse)手术室护士;手术助理护士 SRN n UK, initialism (State Registered Nurse)国家注册护士备注: Used after name as title. staff nurse n (nurse who works on a ward)医院护士;病房护士The staff nurse from the recovery ward helped me after my surgery. veterinary nurse n ([sb] who cares for sick animals)兽医护士 wet nurse n (woman hired to breastfeed another's child)奶妈It was quite common for noblewomen to hire a wet nurse. wet-nurse vtr (act as wet nurse)当奶妈 wet-nurse vtr (give excessive care to)过度照顾




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