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词汇 high key
释义 high key
high key发音

亮色调,高音调; 明调



high keys───n.亮色调;高音调


night key───夜间钥匙

hash key───杂凑键;井号键(即手机键盘右下角的#)

high day───节日

high pay───高额学费

high sea───n.公海,外海

high tea───傍晚茶;茶点



Don't be afraid of the dark high key lighting.───不要惧怕黑暗.太多的CG作品主光源都爆掉了.

Low -key all the time run silver - colored couplet moves high-key door suddenly this, those who hit is " national group " this pair of card.───一直低调运作的银联这次突然调高调门,打的就是“国家队”这副牌。

Beg always interviewed Chen Xiaowei, after she arrived very high-key , allegedly everybody did not go to work, run to see her.───求总接见了陈晓薇,她到了之后很高调,据说大家都不上班了,都跑去看她。

I arose and argued about trifles, in a high key and with violent gesticulations ; but the noise steadily increased.───我为一些小事而争吵,我的声音很大,行为粗暴,但这种声音仍然有规则地增强。

high-key colour added atmosphere to be brushed to wall from the ceiling gules , only red can become this taller bedroom be full of joy.───高调的色彩增添气氛从天花板到墙壁都被刷成了红色,只有红色能把这间较高的居室变得布满快乐。

The experiment shows that it has the property of key sensitivity, high key space. The safety of histogram of encrypted images is . . .───实验结果表明,该算法密钥敏感、密钥空间大,可有效保障加密图像的安全。同时研究了加密图像直方图的安全性。

In 1997, the college was appraised to be one of the national 27 modeling High key construction project colleges.───1997年被原国家教委评为全国27所示范性高等工程专科重点建设学校之一。


Don't be afraid of the dark high key lighting.

She always writes in a high key.

Similarly, more fill light might be necessary to render a brighter "high key" style, or just to provide a softer appearance (such as with a photograph of a baby).

Shin Shin used to keep "high key with people and low key with things",[] and changed the style this year.

I arose and argued about trifles, in a high key and with violent gesticulations; but the noise steadily increased.

Each cylinder index entry gives the address of the cylinder it refers to, and the highest key on the cylinder.

It can be very high key and aerobic or soothing and meditative, like yoga. Either would help give you a feeling of well being.

This index has an entry for each data cylinder of the file indicating the highest key on the cylinder.

Don't be afraid of the dark – Too much CG is over-lit (high key lighting).

  • high roller
  • higher brothers
  • high-minded def
  • high status
  • highwayman chords
  • high-flown define
  • highlands restaurant
  • high price
  • highly addictive
  • high-priced synonym
  • high fever
  • high heels
  • high-spirited define
  • high cost of living
  • high a
  • highly strung
  • higher learning
  • high fade
  • high water
  • high kick
  • high-spirited synonym




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