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词汇 next
释义 nextUK:*/ˈnɛkst/US:/nɛkst/ ,(nekst)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 next adj (immediately after) (时间上)下一个,接下来的We're going to take the next plane.我们要搭下一班飞机。usage: talking about the futureYou use next in front of words such as week, month, or year to say when something will happen. For example, if it is Wednesday and something is going to happen on Monday, you can say that it will happen next week. I'm getting married next month.I don't know where I will be next year.Be carefulDon't use ‘the’ or a preposition in front of next. Don't say, for example, that something will happen ‘the next week’ or ‘in the next week’.You can also use next without ‘the’ or a preposition in front of weekend or in front of the name of a season, month, or day of the week. You must come and see us next weekend.He'll be seventy-five next April.Let's have lunch together next Wednesday.Be carefulDon't say that something will happen ‘next day’. Say that it will happen tomorrow. Similarly, don't say that something will happen ‘next morning’, ‘next afternoon’, ‘next evening’, or ‘next night’. Say that it will happen tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow evening, or tomorrow night.Can we meet tomorrow at five?I'm going down there tomorrow morning.Be carefulYou don't usually use ‘next’ to refer to a day in the same week. For example, if it is Monday and you intend to ring someone in four days' time, don't say ‘I will ring you next Friday’. You say ‘I will ring you on Friday’.He's going camping on Friday.If you want to make it completely clear that you are talking about a day in the same week, you use this.The film opens this Thursday at various cinemas in London.Similarly, you can say that something will happen this weekend.I might be able to go skiing this weekend.Use the next to refer to any period of time measured forward from the present. For example, if it is July 2nd and you want to say that something will happen between now and July 23rd, you say that it will happen in the next three weeks or during the next three weeks.Mr MacGregor will make the announcement in the next two weeks.Plans will be finalized during the next few months. the next adj (immediately behind)下一个,接下来的I'll help the next person in line.我会帮助队伍里的下一位。 next adj (person: in line)下一个人;下一个Who is next?下一个人是谁? next adj (second most important) (重要性)下一个,接下来的The next thing to do after gathering firewood is to put it all in a dry place.柴火收集来之后,接着要做的就是把它们全放到干燥的地方去。 next adj (nearest)最接近的;邻近的;紧挨着的Proceed to the next open window.到最近的一扇开着的窗户边上去。 next adj (adjacent)邻近的;紧挨的;紧挨的My grandparents live in the next house.我祖父母在隔壁住。 next adj (occasion: first to follow)下一个;下次We're going to visit family next Christmas.下一个圣诞节我们打算去探望家人。 next adv (in the nearest time) (指时间)紧接着,接下来Next, we will go to the beach.接下来,我们要去沙滩。 其他翻译 next adv (after)之后Clean the kitchen, and next the bathroom.先去打扫厨房,然后是浴室。 复合形式: as the next man, as the next woman, as the next person expr (just as much as anyone else)和平常人一样;跟别人一样 come next v expr (follow, be next in sequence)下一个是After the letter S, T comes next in the English alphabet. for next to nothing expr (very cheaply)几乎不花钱;很便宜When we were first married, we bought an old couch for next to nothing. At a yard sale you can buy anything you want for next to nothing.我们刚结婚的时候,几乎没花什么钱就买到了一张旧沙发。在庭院拍卖会上,你能很便宜地买到你想要的任何东西。 get next to [sb] v expr US, figurative, informal (get into [sb]'s favor)讨好;获得...的青睐 next day adv informal (on the following day) (非正式用语)次日,第二天Next day he turned up on my doorstep with a big bunch of roses.次日,他便拿着一大捧玫瑰出现在我家门口。 next door adv (in the next house along)在隔壁She lives next door with her mother and half a dozen cats. next door to [sb/sth] adv + prep (in the next house along from)在…隔壁 next-door n as adj (neighboring)邻居的;隔壁的The people in the next-door apartment are very nosy. next door n UK, informal (next-door neighbors)隔壁邻居I see that next door have visitors over the holidays. next generation n ([sth] technologically advanced)下一代,新一代 next generation n (children, young people)下一代,下一代人The next generation will have to clear up the environmental mess we have created. next in line n (person: front of queue) (队列中的)下一个,下一位The immigration officer called for the next in line to step forward. next in line n figurative (expected successor: to [sth]) (按顺序的)下一任继承者Prince Charles is next in line to the throne. next in line for [sth] n figurative (expected successor)...的接班人;...的继承人 next life n (Christianity: afterlife, existence after death) (基督教,指死后的生活)来世When I die, I'm looking forward to being reunited with Harry in the next life. next life n (Buddhism: reincarnation) (佛教)转世,来生I hope I don't come back as a flea in my next life. next month adv (during the month after this one)次月;下月We're going to Aberdeen next month to visit Jim's parents. next of kin n invariable (immediate family, closest relative)最近亲属;直系亲属My sister is listed as my next of kin on all my emergency forms. The authorities won't release the name of the victim until his next of kin have been notified.我所有紧急表格上直系亲属栏,都填写的我的姐姐。直到受害人直系亲属被通知之前,有关当局不会公布受害人姓名。 next step n (subsequent action to be taken)下一步I've stripped the wallpaper and primed the plaster, so the next step is to paint the walls. next time adv informal (on the next occasion) (非正式用语)下次Next time I go to the supermarket I must remember to buy some cheese.我下次去超市的时候,一定得记着买奶酪。 next to [sth/sb] prep (beside, adjacent to)挨着;在...旁边The house next to the golf course has great views across the fairway. next to [sth] prep figurative (almost)几乎;差不多It's worth next to nothing in that condition. next to [sth/sb] prep figurative (aside from, after)除...之外;仅次于...I love William; next to my husband, he is my best friend. next to impossible adj (almost impossible)几乎不可能的It was next to impossible to get tickets for the concert. next to last, next-to-last expr (penultimate, second to last)倒数第二的备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounMy daughter was upset because her team finished next to last in the league.November is the next-to-last month of the year. next to last, next-to-last n (one before last)倒数第二The British cyclist didn't do very well in the race; he was next to last. next to nothing n (very little)几乎没有After paying that huge telephone bill, I have next to nothing left in the bank.She managed to prepare a sumptuous meal from next to nothing. next week adv (during the week after this one)次周;下周I'm away until Sunday, but can meet with you next week.我要周日才回来,不过下周可以和你见面。 next year adv (during the year after this one)次年;来年;下一年We hope to see you again next year.我们希望来年还会见到你。 next-door neighbor (US), next-door neighbour (UK) n often plural (person: in next house, apartment)隔壁邻居My next-door neighbor is always waking me up with his loud music. right next to expr (immediately beside)就在…旁边I have a clock and a lamp right next to my bed. stand next to [sb] v expr figurative (show solidarity with) (表团结)站在...旁She stood next to her husband throughout the whole time when his business affairs were under investigation. the next best thing n (good substitute)第二好的;仅次于最好的;第二选择I can't afford to buy a Volkswagen; the Toyota is the next best thing.Apples are not as sweet as candy, but I think they are the next best thing. the next day adv (the day after)第二天I enjoyed the film so much that I went back to the cinema the next day and watched it again.我太喜欢那部电影了,以至于第二天又去电影院看了一遍。 until next time adv (goodbye)下次再见;再会 What's next? interj informal (expressing disbelief or mild dismay) (表达不相信或轻微的沮丧)接下来是什么?




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