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词汇 blotting out
释义 blotting out
blotting out发音



blasting out───爆破

blocking out───涂盖;挡抢

blowing out───[冶]停炉,停吹;吹洗炮眼

blurting out───开始说话,脱口而出

booting out───解雇;撵走;逐出

bottling out───装瓶

butting out───断断续续

letting out───v.放出;泄露;出租

trotting out───提出…供考虑;炫耀;外出散步


Suddenly a thick blanket of fog enveloped the ship, blotting out the instrument panel.───突然间一团浓雾把飞机笼罩起来,遮住了仪表盘。

The impacts would have filled the atmosphere with smoke and soot and blotting out the Sun.───这次撞击使地球大气层充满烟尘和煤灰,连太阳都被遮住了。

A shadow fell across them both, blotting out the sun.───一道黑影落在他们之间,遮住了阳光。


It was the perfect setting for the blotting out of a too inquisitive foreign devil.

Then by dusk it appears as if snowstorms are blotting out the distant views.

London Transport could get round this problem by increasing the power of its transmissions and blotting out foreign broadcasts.

Maybe I was blotting out my past, as provincials do, in my haste to get to where the action was.

Volcanic ash rose into the air and encircled the earth, choking out all the air and blotting out all the light.

Dark heavy clouds were crawling across the sky, blotting out the stars.

Ace could see it only because it was moving, blotting out more stars as it and the shuttle flew towards each other.

Dark clouds were blotting out the sun.

Without pause the explosions became a continuous bombardment, and thick, white smoke engulfed the courtyard, blotting out the sun.





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