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词汇 move forward
释义 move forward 主要翻译 move forward vi + adv (advance, go forwards)向前,前进Put the car in gear so you can move forward.给汽车挂上档,这样你就能向前开了。 move forward vi + adv figurative (make progress)进展,前进,进步Now that I have the supplies I need, I can move forward with my project. We've moved forward as a country since the days of racial and gender discrimination.有了所需的物资,我就能推进自己项目了。跟种族与性别歧视横行的时代相比,我们的国家已经取得了进步。 move [sth] forward vtr + adv (place closer to the front)把...移动到靠前的位置;把…向前推进;把...放到前面来In order to rotate the stock, move the old product forward and put the new product behind it on the shelf.要周转存货,把旧货放到架子上靠前的位置,把新货放到旧货的后面。 move forward vi + adv (game: advance) (游戏中按方格等行进)前进I've rolled a four and a three, so I can move forward seven spaces.我掷了一个4和一个3,所以我可以走7个格。




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