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词汇 most
释义 mostUK:*/ˈməʊst/US:/moʊst/ ,(mōst)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: many, much主要翻译 most adj (almost all)绝大多数的;接近全部的Most flowers are pretty.绝大多数花都很漂亮。usage: used to mean ‘the majority’ or ‘the largest part’You use most or most of to talk about the majority of a group of things or people, or the largest part of something.You use most in front of a plural noun which does not have a determiner, such as ‘the’ or ‘a’, or a possessive, such as ‘my’ or ‘our’, in front of it.Most people agree that stealing is wrong.In most schools, sports are compulsory.You use most of in front of a pronoun, such as us or it, or in front of a noun which has a determiner or possessive noun in front of it.Most of them enjoy music.He used to spend most of his time in the library.Be carefulWhen you use most like this, don't use a determiner in front of it. Don't say, for example, ‘The most of them enjoy music.’ Be carefulDon't talk about ‘the most part’ of something. Don't say, for example, ‘She had eaten the most part of the pizza’. Say ‘She had eaten most of the pizza’. most, the most adj (in the greatest number) (数量)最多的This plant has the most strawberries.这株草莓结的果最多。 most, the most adj (in greatest quantity)最多的;最大量的Tom's glass has the most milk.汤姆杯子里的牛奶最多。 the most adj (in the greatest measure)最多的Father makes the most money of all of us.父亲是我们家挣钱最多的。 the most adj (to the greatest degree) (程度)最…的,至极的That is the most difficult game of all. She is the most intelligent student in class.这是最难的一个游戏。她是班上最聪明的学生。 most, the most adv (to the greatest quantity or degree) (最高级)最,极The teacher likes him the most.老师最喜欢他。 most adv (to the greatest extent)最大程度地;最He wrote most clearly, and his essay was persuasive.他在写作时尽可能清晰明了,文章很有说服力。 most of [sth] n (majority or larger part of [sth])绝大多数;绝大部分Most of the soup has been eaten.汤都快给喝完了。 most pron (greatest number)大多数;大多数的人(事物)Most don't read newspapers, but get their information from the internet. He owns more cars than most.大多数人不读报纸,而是从互联网获取信息。他拥有的车比大多数人更多。 其他翻译 most adv US, informal (almost) (非正式用语)几乎Most all of them are at home in the evening.他们几乎所有人晚上都在家。 most pron (the majority)大多数;大多数人Most are in favour of the proposal.大多数人都赞成这项提议。 复合形式:most | many | much at most, at the most adv (and no more, not more than)最多,顶多;不超过A newly imported vehicle may be used for three months at most before it becomes liable to tax. It will take 10 minutes at the most.一款新进口的汽车,征税前最多可以使用三个月。它顶多会花十分钟。 best-loved, most-loved adj (most cherished)最受喜爱的;最具人气的She is one of the country's best-loved sportswomen. bottommost, bottom-most adj ([sth] at the very bottom)最底部的,最末端的 for the most part adv (mostly, largely)多半;在很大程度上;大体上I agree with you for the most part, but still have a problem with the timing of the plan.我大体上同意你,不过就计划的时间问题还有些意见。 make the most of [sth] v expr (take full advantage of)充分利用;尽可能地利用We made the most of our vacation by leaving our phones and computers turned off. make the most of it v expr (take advantage)(在不利情况下)尽力而为You only get one chance, so make the most of it. make the most of your time v expr (be productive)充分利用时间Isabel made the most of her time in the UK by visiting as many places as she could. most assuredly adv (certainly, definitely)万分确定地 most certainly adv (definitely)绝对;百分百肯定Do I love my husband? I most certainly do! most certainly adv (of course)当然"Did you remember to bring the tickets?" "I most certainly did!" most important adj (primary, of greatest significance)最重要地 most importantly adv (above all)最重要的是 most likely adj (most probable)最可能的是The most likely explanation for your wallet being missing is that it fell out of your pocket.你钱包丢失最可能的原因是它从你的口袋里掉出来了。 most of all adv (above all else)所有当中最…的I want to make money and to be famous, but most of all I want to be loved. I love to listen to music; I like jazz most of all!我想要赚钱还有成名,不过所有当中最想的是被爱。我喜欢音乐,所有音乐当中最喜欢的是爵士乐! most of the time adv (usually)通常;大多数时候I can hardly understand what he's saying most of the time.大多数时候我几乎都不能理解他在说些什么。 most often adv (usually, chiefly)最常;最经常 most probably adv informal (in all likelihood)很可能 most recent adj (latest)最近的 most times adv (usually)多数情况下,很多时候 the most adj US, slang, dated (outstanding)最好的;最棒的;最让人满意的He's so dreamy, he's just the most.他好梦幻,他就是最棒的。




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