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词汇 more
释义 moreUK:*/ˈmɔː/US:/mɔr/ ,(mûr′ē)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: many, much主要翻译 more adj (in greater amount)更多的,更大量的This shop has more choice than that shop.这家店的选择比那一家更多。usage: talking about a greater number or amountYou use more or more of to talk about a larger number of people or things, or a larger amount of something.You use more in front of a noun which does not have a determiner, such as ‘the’ or ‘a’, or possessive, such as ‘my’ or ‘our’, in front of it.There are more people going to university than ever before.They were offered more food than they needed.You use more of in front of a pronoun, such as us or it, or in front of a noun which has a determiner or possessive in front of it.There are more of them looking for work now.I've read more of his novels than anybody else's. more adv (in greater degree)更多的,更好的We should have taken a more scenic route.我们本该走一条风景更美的路线。 more adv (to greater degree) (程度)更,更多I sleep more than I used to.我比以前睡觉更多了。 more adv (further)更远He ran more than he had ever done before.他跑得比以前任何时候都远。 more adj (additional)增加的;更多的Would you like more milk?你想再加点牛奶么? more adj (in greater number)更多的,越来越多的More mothers are choosing natural childbirth.越来越多的母亲开始选择顺产。 more pron (greater number)更多的One hundred voted for him, but more voted against.一百人投票支持他,不过更多人反对他。 more pron (additional amount)多一点;加一点;添一点We have lots of food. Would you like more?我们食物很多,你要再来点儿吗? more pron (greater number)更多的人More came in as the party went on.随着聚会继续,来了更多的人参加。 其他翻译 mores npl (moral conventions, customs)风俗;习俗;道德观When she first moved to China, Priscilla wasn't familiar with Chinese mores.才搬到中国时,普莉希拉并不熟悉中国的风俗。 more pron ([sth] better)更好I was hoping for more from you. 复合形式:more | many | much a little more n (a small additional quantity)多一点I already added salt to the potatoes, but I think they could use a little more. a little more adj (slightly more)多一点的May I have a little more tea, please? a little more adv (for a short while longer)久一点The girl asked her mother if she could continue playing outside a little more. a little more adv (slightly more often)更多地You need to exercise a little more if you want to get fit. a lot more n (greater amount)多得多A banker makes a lot more than a teacher.银行家的收入比老师多很多。 a lot more n (greater number) (数值)更大A few hundred is a lot more than a couple dozen. a lot more adj (in greater amount)更多的;多得多的I need a lot more flour to make this dough. a lot more adj (in greater number)更多的;多得多的A lot more people are taking up cycling these days. a lot more adv (to greater degree)更多地;更加地Your foot bends a lot more when you run. all the more expr (before adjective or adverb: even more)更加;愈加I'm happy that my sister is getting married, and I'm all the more excited because I'm going to be a bridesmaid.我很高兴我的姐妹要结婚了,让我更高兴地是,因为我将成为伴娘之一。 all the more expr (even more)更加;更为Crying in front of her embarrassed him, but it made her love him all the more.在她面前落泪使他难堪,不过这却让她更加爱他了。 all the more so expr (even more so)更是如此;更加如此You need a strong pair of boots if you go hiking, all the more so now that it's winter. any more adj (some remaining)剩下的;还有的Do we have any more bread?我们还有剩下的面包么? any more than expr (greater)刚超过,比…更多If the number of people in the lift is any more than five, it becomes uncomfortably crowded. bite off more than you can chew v expr figurative, informal (accept an overly ambitious task)贪多嚼不烂;不自量力Gabriella thought she would enjoy being team leader, but she may have bitten off more than she can chew. breathe easier, breathe more easily vi + adv (stop struggling for breath)更轻松地呼吸The drug relaxes the muscles in the chest so the patient can breathe easier. delve deeper, delve more deeply vtr + adv figurative (investigate further)深入探究;进一步钻研;进一步查考Unconvinced by the woman's alibi, the chief inspector delved deeper and discovered that she was lying. even more adj (with an adjective or adverb: still more)甚至更加Vigilance is even more necessary now than it was two years ago.比起两年前,现在更需警惕。 even more adv (still more, all the more)更加;更多If you do this for her she'll love you even more.如果你为她如此做,她会更加爱你。 ever more adv (increasingly)更加;越来越The situation was becoming ever more serious as war spread across the country. far more than prep (a much greater quantity than)多得多;远远超过The Chinese army has far more than a few thousand soldiers. far more than expr (to a much greater degree than)远远不止;远远超过After she cheated on him, Mike was far more than just mad at her. forevermore, forever more, for evermore adv (forever, for all time)永远地We shall now and forevermore call this land "Freedonia." have no more of [sth] v expr (no longer tolerate [sth])不再容忍;不再忍受Stop that language right now. I'll have no more of it, do you hear me? have no more of [sth], have no more [sth] v expr (have used up the supply of [sth])耗尽;用完I've just sold the last loaf, and now we have no more, I'm afraid. make [sth] more attractive v expr (improve the appearance of [sth])使…看上更有吸引力I'm going to paint the outside of the house to make it more attractive to buyers. make [sth] more attractive v expr figurative (make more appealing) (比喻)使…更吸引人I'm going to offer a free car with the house to make it more attractive to buyers. make [sth] more difficult v expr (complicate [sth])使…复杂化Cluttered surfaces make cleaning difficult. many more adj (large additional number of [sth])多得多的;更多的There are many more coffee shops around here now than there were twenty years ago. many more pron (a large additional number)更多These objectives and many more will be met at the conference on Friday. more and more adv (increasingly)越来越…The world is getting more and more developed.全世界越来越发达了。 more and more adj (increasing in amount or number)越来越多They are building more and more strip malls every day.人们每天都在建造越来越多的商业街。 more distant adj (location: further away) (指地点)更远的I usually spend my holidays in this country but hope to go somewhere more distant next year. more distant adj (person: colder, more detached) (指人际关系)更疏远的He is becoming more distant by the day. We hardly speak anymore. more haste, less speed expr (Work carefully to finish faster)欲速则不达Proofreading requires a lot of careful attention to detail; it's a case of more haste, less speed. more importantly adv (with greater significance)更重要的是Tomorrow is Saturday and, more importantly, it's my birthday! more like adv informal (in more accurate terms)倒像是;更像是;称为...还差不多It isn't overhearing by accident, it's more like eavesdropping. more likely adj (more probable)更可能是People are more likely to take precautions after last season's fires.在上个季度的那场大火之后,人们更可能会采取一些防范措施。 more of a [sth] expr (more similar to [sth] than [sth] else)更像是;更接近The space is so small; it's more of a garden than a farm. more often adv (with greater frequency)更经常I wish we could have lunch together more often. more often than not adv (usually)往往;多半Our children's clothes are, more often than not, made in China. more or less adv (to a greater or lesser extent)或多或少地I have more or less decided to delay going to college for a year.我或多或少已经决定要推迟一年再去上大学。 more power to [sb], more power to [sb]'s elbow expr (expression of encouragement)加油;再加把劲Well, it sounds like Adam's thought it through carefully, so if it's really what he wants to do, more power to his elbow. more so adv (increasingly or additionally)更是如此;更是这样There's usually a lot of traffic on this road, more so at rush hour. more than prep (a greater number or amount than)多于,强于The other team wanted to win the game more than we did.另一支队伍求胜心强于我们。 more than prep (greater than adequate number)超过, 多于You have more books than you can ever read!你的书多得你都读不完了! more than anything adv (above all)最重要的是More than anything, Nina wanted to train to become a pilot. more than anything adv (above everything else)比其它任何东西(事情)都更…Tim is interested in learning many foreign languages, but more than anything he wants to be able to speak Japanese. more than enough n (plenty)绰绰有余It's unfair that some people are poor and starving while others have more than enough. more than enough [sth], more than enough of [sth] expr (plenty of [sth])绰绰有余Please join us for dinner; there's more than enough food.Against Greece, the team had more than enough of the ball, but could not score a goal. more than ever adv (to the greatest extent so far)比往常程度都要高,比往常程度都要强Your adventure stories make me want to travel more than ever. After spending the weekend with him I like him more than ever.你的那些冒险故事让我对旅行的向往比往常程度都要强。和他相处一个周末之后,我对他的喜欢比往常程度都要强。 more than expected adv (greater degree than anticipated)超出预期地It rained more than expected last night. more than expected n (greater quantity than anticipated)超出预期的量The number of people attending the match was more than expected. more than half expr (greater than 50%)多于半数You were supposed to share the sweets equally but you have given him more than half. more than one n (a number greater than one)不止一个He says he has only had one beer, but the way he is behaving, it looks like he's had more than one. more than one adj (greater than one: of [sth])两个或以上的;不止一个的We will need more than one table as there are 12 people coming to dinner. much more n (a considerably larger quantity)(比…)多得多Much more will have to be done if we want to succeed.如果我们想要成功,就还有多得多的事须要完成。 much more adv (to a greater degree)(比…)程度高得多I like him much more now than I did when he was younger.我现在对他的喜爱程度比他年轻的时候高得多。 neither more nor less n (the same amount or degree)不多不少Put a single egg, neither more nor less, into the bowl.Her daughter received neither more nor less from her will than her son did. neither more nor less adv (to the same amount or degree)不多不少This horse runs neither more nor less quickly than that one. no more n (not greater than this)不再需要更多的量No more sausages for me, thank you; I've eaten enough.我不需要更多香肠了,谢谢。我已经饱了。 no more adv (to no greater an amount or degree)不超过;不多于Please pour in no more than one liter of water.请倒入不超过1升的水。 no more adv (not now)不再;现在不再这样Barry used to be a heavy smoker, but no more.巴里曾今是名重度烟民,不过现在不再是了。 no more and no less n (an equal amount or degree)不多不少;正好Put in one pint of oil, no more and no less. no more and no less adv (equally)和…相比不多不少;和…完全一样The dental treatment hurt no more and no less than the last time. no more and no less adj (exactly)不多不少的;刚刚好的I will accept the proper fee, no more and no less. not any more expr (no longer, not any longer)不再;再也不会I used to travel a lot, but not any more. nothing more pron (not any additional thing)没有别的,没有更多事There's nothing more the doctors can to do to help Jim. nothing more than expr (merely, solely)仅此而已Sympathy is nothing more than the understanding of someone else's feelings. once more adv (yet again)再;又Once more you have failed to get your essay in on time. once more adv (one more time)再一次;又一次Can you please show me once more how it works? one more adj (another)再一个I'll give you one more chance. one more pron (another one)再一个Can I have one more, please? one more time adv (once more)再;再次;再一次Please, repeat the question one more time. or more adv (perhaps a larger quantity)或更多It will take two hours or more just to drive through Chicago. some more pron (an additional quantity)再加一些;再多一些;再来一些There's plenty of cake left; would you like some more? some more adj (an additional quantity of)多一些的;更多的Would you like some more tea? still more adv (even more, yet more)更加Sometimes if you tell someone that they cannot have something, they want it still more. the more the merrier expr (more people make [sth] more fun)人越多越热闹;人越多越好We're hoping that lots of people will come to the meeting; the more the merrier! the more... the more... expr (as [sth] increases, [sth] else increases)越...就越...The more I learn about computer programming, the more I enjoy it.The more angry her husband got, the more the woman laughed. There is more to [sth] than meets the eye expr (This is not what it seems)比表面看到的要复杂;并非表面所见那么简单It seems like he's vanished into thin air, but that's impossible. There's more to this situation than meets the eye. what is more adv (moreover, in addition)而且;除此以外The food served in that restaurant is not very good and, what is more, it's overpriced.那家餐厅的菜不是很好吃,而且,价格还很贵。 without further ado, without any more ado expr (immediately, with no more delay)不再等待;不再拖延




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