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词汇 moral
释义 moralUK:*/ˈmɒrəl/US:/ˈmɔrəl, ˈmɑr-/ ,(môr′əl, mor′-)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 morals npl (principles of right and wrong)道德Ian has proved that he has no morals at all.伊恩已经证明了自己毫无道德可言。 moral n (lesson)伦理;教训;寓意The moral of the story is to always be honest.这个故事的寓意是教人无论什么时候都要诚实。 moral adj (ethical)有道德的;道义上的We hold ourselves to high moral standards.我们以高道德标准来要求自己。 moral adj (virtuous) (指女性)贞洁的,有节操的She is a moral woman and believes in the sanctity of marriage.她是一位贞洁的女人,相信婚姻是神圣的。 复合形式: moral bankruptcy n figurative (lack of morality)道德沦丧There is an inherent moral bankruptcy in refusing to help someone desperately in need. moral code n (ethical principles)道德规范It is wrong to think that because someone is not religious they have no moral code. moral compass n (ethical sense or guide)道德感,道德标准 moral courage n (strength to do what is right)道义勇气It takes moral courage to make a stand against injustice; many people just look the other way. moral fiber (US), moral fibre (UK) n uncountable, figurative (moral strength)道德力量 moral hazard (insurance)道德风险;道德危机 moral high ground n (superior ethical stance)道德高地 moral lesson n ([sth] that teaches good behavior)道德教训;道德寓意 moral obligation n (ethical duty)道义上的责任Do children have a moral obligation to look after their parents in old age? moral of the story n (ethical lesson in a fable or story)故事的寓意In the tale of the tortoise and the hare, the slow tortoise wins the race - the moral of the story is that steady persistence wins in the end. moral of the story n figurative (lesson to be learned from [sth])经验教训The engine blew up after a week so the moral of the story is not to buy a really cheap second-hand car. moral philosophy n (code of ethics)道德哲学;伦理学His own moral philosophy prevented him from speaking out against the president's actions. moral preening n (holier-than-thou attitude)自命不凡的态度 moral principles npl (ethics, code of morality)道德原则 moral rectitude n (rightness, virtue)道德操守 moral sense n (conscience)道德感It has been shown that even very young children have a strong moral sense, though they may lack the self-control necessary to always follow it. moral strength n (courage to do what is right)道德力量You need to summon all your moral strength and tell him the truth. moral support n (encouragement)道义上的支持My friend had to see a cancer specialist, so I went with her for moral support.Bart's dad provided moral support by attending all of his basketball games. moral turpitude n US (US law: immoral conduct)反公德行为One may be denied entry to the US if they have been previously convicted of crimes of moral turpitude. moral turpitude n (sin, immorality)不道德 moral victory n (greater honour despite losing)道义上的胜利When he lost narrowly to his much more talented brother, Michael considered it a moral victory. moral virtue n (goodness, righteousness)美德




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