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词汇 mock
释义 mockUK:*/ˈmɒk/US:/mɑk/ ,(mok)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 mock [sb/sth] vtr (make a joke of)嘲笑;嘲弄The comedian mocked the politician.那位喜剧演员嘲弄了政客。 mock [sth] vtr (disregard for authority, etc.) (因不服或不屑)藐视,挑衅,挑战The criminal's actions mocked the establishment.那个罪犯的行为是对法律的公然挑衅。 mock [sb] vtr (imitate jokingly)嘲弄地模仿;嘲弄地仿效Kelsey mocked her friend's attitude.凯尔西嘲弄地模仿她朋友的态度。 mock, mock- adj (imitating a historical style)仿…的The couple live in a mock-Tudor house with beautiful oak beams.那对夫妻住在带有漂亮橡木梁的仿都铎式房屋里。 mock adj (gemstones, jewelry: imitation)假的;假造的;仿制的Katie wore a necklace of mock pearls and a boa made of real ostrich feathers.凯蒂戴着一条假珍珠项链,和一条用真鸵鸟羽毛制成的围巾。 mock adj (food: using a substitute) (食品)仿制的,仿荤的Paul uses tofu in his mock chicken stir-fry.保罗用豆腐制作仿荤的素制炒鸡肉。 mock adj (reaction: feigned)假装的;故意作出的Jenny gasped in mock horror when I said I didn't use social media.我对珍妮说,我不用社交媒体,珍妮听了假装吃惊地倒抽一口气。 mock adj UK (exam: for practice) (考试)模拟的The students take their mock exams in January and the real ones in June.学生们会在一月参加模拟考,然后于六月参加正式测验。 其他翻译 mock n (person ridiculed)笑柄;嘲笑对象Zach's friends made a mock of him.扎克的朋友总把他当成笑柄。 mock n (counterfeit item)仿冒品;假货The watch was not actually a genuine Gucci; it was a mock.那只表并非真正的Gucci,而是仿冒品。 mocks npl informal, UK (practice exams)模拟考试The students finished their mocks and went home.学生们参加完模拟考试,回家去了。 动词短语 mock [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (create a model of)仿制,仿造;模仿,模拟;制作…的实体模型I can mock up a model of that program in just a few hours, but the real product will take months to finish.我能在短短几个小时内模拟出这个程序的模型,但真正的产品需要几个月才能完成。 复合形式: mock cream n (whipped butter and sugar)人造奶油;仿制奶油 mock currency n (counterfeit money)假币The counterfeiter made mock currency. mock exam, mock examination n UK, colloquial (practice exam)模拟考试 mock interview n UK (practice interview)模拟面试 mock tender n (slow-cooked chuck steak)嫩烤肉 mock tender adj (chuck steak: slow cooked)嫩烤肉的 mock-up, mockup n (practice model)模型;模拟The mock-up shows how the text and images will be laid out in the published book.这个模本展示了出版书籍的文字和图像排版。 mock-heroic n (literary style)仿英雄体 mock-heroic adj (relating to a mock-heroic)仿英雄体的 mock-tragic adj (style: in a parody of tragedy)模拟悲剧的 parhelion, mock sun, sundog, plural: parhelia n (spot on sun's halo) (气象)假日,幻日




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