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词汇 heat loss
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heat losses───热损失

dead loss───完全损失;无用的人或物;白费时间



net loss───净亏损;[贸易]净损耗

peat moss───泥煤苔(泥煤的主成分)

head lolls───头部下垂

head louse───头虱

heat lamps───热灯


Wall cavity insulation can be intalled to reduce heat loss in your home.───可以在你的房子里安装墙体中空隔热系统来减少热量损失.

If you use firebricks round the walls of the boiler, the heat loss, can be considerably reduced.───由于水鸟的正常体温为华氏103到106度(摄氏39到41度),所以在水中热量的丧失将会是致命的。

Preventing additional heat loss is crucial.───阻止额外热量的散失至关重要.

Foam insulation saves fuel by retarding heat loss.───泡沫隔离保温层通过阻止热量的流失,达到节约能源的目的.

Then the law of heat flow and the distribution of the heat loss are estimated.───并可估算出热流规律和热损失的分配.

Another maximum of heat loss existing in Japan Sea is Tsushima Current area with - 270 Wm - 2 in December.───在黑潮流区存在最大的净热通量损失值区,在冬季12月份最大损失值可达-300Wm~( -2 ).

Heat loss and gain in a well insulated home occurs mostly through the windows.───在保温措施很充分的家庭里面,热量的得失大部分是通过窗户发生的.

The power consumption, heat loss and lifetime of the furnaces are analyzed.───分析了三种高温炉的耗电量 、 散热量和使用寿命.

If you use firebricks round the walls of the boiler, the heat loss. Can be considerably reduced.───炉壁采用耐火砖可大大降低热耗。

Installing double glazing can cut heat loss through windows by half.───安装双层玻璃窗可以减少一半的热量流失.

The thermal efficiency of boiler depends on heat loss of exhaust gas in a large extent.───锅炉的热效率在很大程度上取决于排烟热损失的程度.

The isolation of the project is done by outside isolation 16 cm thick, to reduce heat loss.───孤立的项目是由外部隔离16厘米厚, 以减少热损失.

Avoid the tendency to overdress. You will reduce unnecessary sweating which contributes to heat loss.───不要对外套过于讲究, 你必须减少不必要的热量丧失引起的出汗.

The atmosphere moderates daytime temperature and retards nigh heat loss.───大气层能缓和白天气温的上升和阻止夜间热量的损耗.

The balance between heat production and heat loss.───机体的产热与散热过程的平衡.

One method of reducing heat loss is to wrap the baby in an insulating material.───减少热量损失的方法之一是用绝热材料来包裹婴儿.

  • heats box
  • heater relay
  • heats nba
  • heats food
  • heat trace
  • heating cable
  • heat cycle
  • heat sink
  • heathrow airport
  • heat-conducting medium
  • heat lightning
  • heating bills
  • heating jacket
  • heat check
  • heats nyt
  • heat setting
  • heated mirror
  • heater buddy
  • heat pipe
  • heated exchange
  • heat dissipation




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