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词汇 master
释义 masterUK:*'master', 'Master': /ˈmɑːstə/US:/ˈmæstɚ/US:(mas′tər, mä′stər)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: schoolmaster主要翻译 master n (expert)能手;专家He is the master at fixing old cars.他是个修理旧车的能手。 master n historical (slave owner) (历史用语)主人,主子"Yes, master," said the slave.“遵命,主人。”奴隶说。 master n (servant's employer)主人;雇主I need to ask the master what he wants for dinner.我得去问问雇主晚餐他想吃什么。 master n (pet owner) (宠物的)主人The dog came running at the sound of his master's voice.狗狗朝主人声音的位置跑了过去。 master n (craftsman) (手工业)师傅After years as an apprentice woodworker, he became a master.在数年的木工学徒生活之后,他终于成为了一名木匠师傅。 master n (scholar)专家;学者He is a master in the study of ancient texts.他是研究古籍文献的专家。 master n (nautical: captain) (航海)船长You need to ask the master where we are sailing next.你需要去问船长我们接下来驶向何处。 Master n archaic (title for a youth) (古语)少爷;殿下Master James Willis is much like his lazy, corpulent father.詹姆斯·威利斯少爷与他肥胖懒惰的父亲如出一辙。 master [sth] vtr (become an expert in)精通;掌握He mastered heart surgery in only 2 years.他两年时间就精通了心脏外科手术。 master [sth] vtr figurative (control)控制;掌控If he wants to be taken seriously in business, he must learn to master his emotions.如果他想在商场上受重视,那他就必须学会控制自己的情绪。 其他翻译 master n (leader)首领,领队,头目;带头人Who is the master of this group?这个组的头儿是谁? Master, Masters n (postgraduate degree)硕士;硕士学位She has a Master of Arts in Psychology.她持有心理学硕士学位。 master, schoolmaster n UK, dated (school teacher) (过时用语)男教师The master expects that we have our schoolwork finished on time. master n (original)主文件,正本,原件,原版; (录音、影像)母带The software master is kept in a safe, but copies are freely available.这个软件的原版锁在保险箱里,但副本可以随便使用。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 小心,别把电影母带弄丢了。 master n dated (head of household)户主;一家之主He is the master of his home. master n (chess, bridge) (象棋或桥牌)大师He is one of the youngest masters ever, but his chess skills are incredible.他是有史以来最年轻的象棋大师之一,不过别看他年纪轻,棋艺相当了得。 master n (computing device) (计算机)主设备,主机The first disk is the master; the other one is the slave. master of [sth] n (an expert in)能手;…的大师The con man is a master of deceit. master of [sth] n (person in charge of)主宰;主人Adults are masters of their own destinies. the Master n (Jesus Christ) (耶稣基督)圣主 master n as adj (document, etc.: original) (文件等)原版的;原始的The master disc is kept in the safe.原版光碟在保险柜里。 master [sth] vtr (conquer)控制;征服Napoleon was able to master many countries. master [sth] vtr (rule)统治;控制The dictator mastered his nation through fear and threats. master [sth] vtr (tame)驯服;征服It took a long time, but he finally mastered the wild horse. 复合形式:master | schoolmaster grand master n (has highest achievement)宗师;大师 harbormaster (US), harbourmaster (UK) n (supervisor at a seaport) (美式拼法)港(务)长The harbormaster dispatched tugs to guide the huge tanker out of the harbor. jack of all trades, jack-of-all-trades, jack of all trades, master of none, jack-of-all-trades, master of none n informal, pejorative (shallow skill in many things)杂而不精 lord and master n ([sb] with total power, boss)老板;头儿I need to ask my lord and master for permission to take a holiday. master bath (master bedroom: bathroom)主盥洗室 master bedroom n (largest bedroom in a house)主卧Normally, the parents sleep in the master bedroom.The master bedroom was big enough to hold a sofa as well as the king-size bed. master copy n (original of a document)原件You left the master copy on the photocopier; you ought to look after it. master craftsman n (skilled tradesperson, esp. male) (熟练技工)大师级工匠,老师傅These wooden chairs are made by master craftsmen. master craftswoman n (skilled female tradeswoman)女工匠大师;女匠人 master key n (passkey, key that opens a number of locks)万能钥匙I lost the key to my apartment and so had to ask the caretaker to open the door for me with his master key. master of ceremonies n (person: hosts an event)司仪; (电视台)节目主持人The master of ceremonies introduced the keynote speaker. master of the house n (male head of household)一家之主The master of the house is not necessarily the male head, but it is whoever holds the final say in certain familial matters. master plan n (large scale scheme or project)蓝图;总体规划Tonight, the corporation will unveil its master plan to maximize third-quarter profit. master-plan [sth] vtr (create master plan)制定...的蓝图;为...制定总规划 master race n (Nazis' Aryan ideal)优等民族Nazi ideology describes a human master race as Nordic people with blond hair and blue eyes. master sergeant n (military: noncommissioned officer)军士长Andrew was promoted to the rank of master sergeant. master tape n (original recording)母带I made a copy in case the master tape was destroyed or stolen. master-at-arms n (naval rank) (海军军衔)纠察长The master-at-arms is responsible for maintaining discipline aboard the ship. master's degree, masters degree, master's, masters n (postgraduate qualification)硕士学位He is now studying for a master's degree in English Literature. master class, masterclass n (lesson from expert)专家讲授的课程;由大师授课的高级课程 a masterclass in [sth], a master class in [sth] n figurative (expert example)典范Scorsese's "Raging Bull" is a masterclass in cinematography. old master n (great painter of the past)古代大画家Rembrandt and Leonardo da Vinci are considered to be old masters. past master n (sports, etc.: expert)高手, 行家Golf's past masters include Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer. a past master at [sth] n (person: skilled)大师;老手;行家Don't believe a word he says. He's a past master at lying.无论他说什么,你都不要相信。他是个撒谎老手。 slave master n ([sb] who keeps captive worker)奴隶主The slave master owned nearly two hundred slaves. two-master n (vessel with two masts)双桅船




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