

词汇 head girl
释义 head girl
head girl发音



head girls───女生代表

Teddy girl───女阿飞

head gears───头饰;头对减速齿轮副;船首帆缆装置

bar girl───酒家女

bat girl───蝙蝠女

best girl───n.心爱的女朋友

day girl───(寄宿学校的)走读女生

head dip───头部倾斜

head dips───头部凹陷


A LITTLE girl born with her head too small for her brain beamed yesterday after surgeons cut her skull into ZIGZAGS - then rebuilt it like a JIGSAW.───一个生来就因为头骨太小而不能支撑大脑的小女孩,昨日外科医生将其头盖骨切成之字形,然后像一个拼图玩具一样将其重建。

Deta, ringing again, saw a girl with a brilliant white cap on her head, coming down the stairway.───迪蒂又按了一次铃,看见一个头上戴着漂亮白帽子的姑娘从楼梯上下来。

an 11-year-old girl in the head," he says, "and there is all hell to pay."───他说:“有个11岁的小女孩就被误伤到头部,警察有的赔了。”

Harriet: You shake the hand of the Head Girl out of respect.───出于尊重,你要和学生会主席握手。

Poppy: When the Head Girl has earned my respect, then I'll shake her hand, biatch.───当学生会主席赢得了我的尊重,那时我就会和她握手,傻妞。

I give myself a nickname "Big Head Girl" .───我请我一个昵称“大头女孩”。

I have a big head. I give myself a nickname "Big Head Girl" .───我有一个大头,我给自己起了个外号叫“大头丫头”。

I am fat and lovely. I have a big head. I give myself a nickname "Big Head Girl" . I study hard. I am a good student.───我很肥,长相可爱。我有一个大脑袋,所以我给自己取名叫“大头儿子”。我是一个优秀的学生

Go 'head girl, don't you stop───宝贝继续别停下


I was made head girl there and captain of the senior hockey team.

We went to the same school - Geraldine was Head Girl and just about to leave and I was just beginning.

By all accounts Selina was a bright child who ended up as head girl of her secondary school in Guisborough near Middlesbrough.

Nobody was free from suspicion, from the head girl down to the youngest pupil.

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