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词汇 have it made
释义 have it made
have it made发音



to have it made───把它做出来

get it made───把它做好

have (got) it made───它成功了吗

have a care───当心,留神;小心,谨慎

have in mind───考虑;想到

have it away───把它拿走

have it good───过舒适的生活

have it off───乱搞不正当的男女关系

have it out───一决雌雄;(同某人)讲个明白


It sounds as if they might have made a dreadful mistake.───感觉似乎他们已经犯下了一个大错。

How do you like to have it made?───你想做什么款式的?

Certainly.How do you like to have it made?───你想做什么样的款式?

Peter hates his nose so much that he's seriously considering going under the knife to have it made smaller.───彼得很不喜欢自己的鼻子,他甚至认真考虑要动手术弄小一点.

probably have it made a lot cheaper in China,” says Richard Brucciani, executive chairman. “But we couldn't guarantee the quality and it wasn't economic unless you could fill a container.”───执行董事长理查德•布鲁切安尼(Richard Brucciani)表示:“我们在中国制作上述产品也许会便宜很多,但无法保证质量;另外,除非你能填满整个集装箱,否则就不划算。”

Silk herringbone woolen with various thickness, also can have it made to order.───可供多种厚度的真丝人字呢, 也可来样定做.

People who exude confidence really seem to have it made.───那些充分显露自信的人好像天生就是成功的胚子.

Say. You really think you have it made.───嗬, 你倒是自以为十拿九稳哩.


Others chimed in, saying those who have it made are pulling up the ladder on those less fortunate.

People who exude confidence really seem to have it made.

Silk herringbone woolen with various thickness, also can have it made to order.

Peter hates his nose so much that he's seriously considering going under the knife to have it made smaller.

  • have some
  • have a bad cold
  • have you in my life
  • have luch
  • have a big
  • have you got
  • havea goodtime
  • have learnt
  • havesome eggs
  • have prepared
  • have confidence in
  • have seen
  • have to do with
  • have a bath
  • have lucky
  • have an accident
  • have booked
  • have a s
  • have no school
  • have a trip
  • have please




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