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词汇 make
释义 makeUK:*/ˈmeɪk/US:/meɪk/ ,(māk)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 make [sth] vtr (construct)造;制作;做The children made houses with blocks.孩子们用积木造了房子。 make [sth] vtr (manufacture)加工;制作That factory makes bolts.该厂生产螺栓。 make [sth] vtr (fashion)制作;创作;做成The weavers made a hat from palm fronds.织工用棕榈叶织成了一顶帽子。 make [sth] vtr (prepare)制作;做(食物)My mother wants to make a cake for my party.我妈妈想给我的聚会做个蛋糕。 make [sth] vtr (create, cause)制造;引起;产生The dogs made a commotion in the street.几条狗在街上闹起来了。 make [sb] do [sth] v expr (compel)迫使;强迫My parents make me eat vegetables.我父母强迫我吃蔬菜。 make [sb] vtr informal (force)强迫;迫使I won't go! You can't make me!我不会去的!你别想强迫我! make [sb] do [sth], make [sth] do [sth] vtr (cause to)导致某人做某事;使某人做某事He never fails to make me laugh.他总是让我开怀大笑。 make [sb] [sth] vtr (+ adj: cause to be)使某人怎么样You make me happy.你使我快乐。 其他翻译 make n (brand)品牌What make of car do you drive? Toyota? What make is your computer?你开什么车啊?丰田吗?你的电脑是什么牌子的?usage: ‘make’Don't confuse brand with make. You use make to talk about the names of products such as machines or cars, which last for a long time. This is a very popular make of bike.Be carefulDon't use the plural form of a noun after brand of or make of. For example, don't talk about ‘a make of vehicles’. Say ‘a make of vehicle’. Be carefulDon't talk about the ‘mark’ of a product. For example, don't say ‘What mark of coffee do you drink?’ Say ‘What brand of coffee do you drink?’ Don't say ‘What mark of car do you drive?’ Say ‘What make of car do you drive?’ make n (build, stature)体格;身材He is of a lean make, and could be an excellent athlete.他体格清瘦,是有可能成为一名出色的运动员的。 make [sth] of [sth] v expr (interpret)理解;诠释I don't know what to make of his actions. What do you make of this car?我不知道该怎么理解他的行为。你觉得这辆车怎么样? make for [sth] vi + prep (move towards)前往;前进The fleet made for port. make [sth] vtr (bring into existence)造出;创造出Let's make a baby! make [sth] vtr (take: a decision, choice) (决定等)做出It's a difficult choice, but someone has to make it.这是个艰难的抉择,但必须有人来做。 make [sth] vtr (utter) (演讲)发表The politician made an impassioned plea for change.My colleague is always making unpleasant remarks.usage: performing an actionMake is most often used to say that someone performs an action. For example, if someone suggests something, you can say that they make a suggestion. If someone promises something, you can say that they make a promise.I think that I made the wrong decision.He made a short speech.Here is a list of common nouns that you can use with make in this way:arrangementchoicecommentdecisioneffortenquiryjourneymistakenoiseplanpointpromiseremarksoundspeechsuggestiontourtripvisit Don't use ‘make’ when you are talking generally about action, rather than referring to a particular action. Instead use do. For example, if you are unsure what action to take, don't say ‘I don’t know what to make'. Say ‘I don’t know what to do'.What are you going to do at the weekend?You've done a lot to help us. make [sth] vtr (enter into: agreement, deal)缔结;签订;订立The parties involved made an agreement. make [sth] vtr (fix: date, appointment)约定;敲定Please call first to make an appointment. make [sth] vtr (train, plane: reach in time) (火车等)赶上I have to run if I want to make my train. make [sth] vtr (put down: a payment)支付;为...付款Adam makes a payment on his car each month. make [sth] vtr (bed: make tidy) (床铺)铺, 整理The girls must make their beds every morning. make [sth] vtr (establish: name) (名声)赢得, 闯出Bill is trying to make a name for himself in the business. make [sth] vtr (appoint)指派;任命The president is going to make Chris a vice-president. make [sth] vtr (achieve, reach)达成;达到The sales team hopes to make its numbers this month. make [sth] vtr (establish, set)制定;订立Legislatures make laws. make [sth] vtr (commit: a mistake, etc.) (错误)犯I made a mistake when I spent that money. make [sth] vtr (attain: position, rank)成为;担任Francis is trying to make Captain. make [sth] vtr informal (earn acceptance into) (非正式用语)成为…的一员;进入;获选Only half of people at tryouts made the team. make [sth] vtr (equal)等于;是…的总和Two and two makes four. make [sth] vtr (be the essence of)算是;算得上What makes a good writer? make [sb] vtr US, slang (seduce) (俚语)引诱,勾引He may try to make her, but he won't succeed. make [sth] vtr (reach, form) (结论、决定等)做出, 下Leanne is always quick to make judgments. make [sth] vtr (arrive at)到达;抵达The ship made port early in the morning. make [sth] vtr informal (appear on) (非正式用语)出现在...上The disaster made the evening news. make [sth] vtr (score: a goal, etc.) (分数、进球等)获得The player made a goal in the second period. make [sth] vtr informal (manage to attend)赶上(会议等)Sorry I couldn't make yesterday's meeting.抱歉,我没能赶上昨天的会议。 make [sth] vtr (earn)赚(钱);挣得Jeff makes $80,000 a year.杰夫每年挣80000美元。 动词短语make after [sb] vtr phrasal insep dated (chase) (过时用语)追逐;追求;make off vi phrasal informal (escape, run away)逃掉,逃跑The criminals abandoned their vehicle and made off on foot.罪犯们弃车,步行逃走了。make off with [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (take away)顺手偷走;顺手牵羊The thief made off with over a thousand dollars.make [sth] out vtr phrasal sep informal (with object: see, perceive)看清,勉强辨认出I can't make out the sign from this far away.我离得太远,看不清那个牌子。make out, make out that vtr phrasal sep UK, informal (with clause: pretend) (非正式用语)假装Liam tried to make out that he was sick, but it was clear he was not.利亚姆假装生病,但很明显他没有。make [sth] out to [sb/sth], make out [sth] to [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (cheque: address to) (支票)把…开给Please make your cheque out to "James Stephenson".请将你的支票开给“詹姆斯·斯蒂芬森”。make out vi phrasal US, slang (kiss, touch sexually) (俚语,指亲吻、拥抱等)亲热I saw Carly and Kevin making out behind the library.我看到卡莉和凯文在图书馆后面亲热。make out with [sb] vi phrasal + prep US, slang (kiss, touch sexually)和…亲热Last night at the party I made out with a girl.昨晚聚会上我和一个女孩打得火热。make out vi phrasal US, informal (+ adv: fare: well, etc.)成功做到;顺利做到I made out very well from the sale of my house!我在卖房中赚得不错!make [sth] out vtr phrasal sep (decipher)辨认;认出I can't make out what you've written here; is that an o or a u?make [sth] out vtr phrasal sep (understand)理解;理清John had heard both sides of the story, but he still couldn't make out what had really happened between the two brothers.make over [sb], make [sb] over vtr phrasal sep (person: change look)给…化妆She went and made herself over with new makeup and a new hair cut and color.她去给自己化上新的妆容还换了新的发型和发色。make over [sth], make [sth] over vtr phrasal sep (room or building: renovate)对(房间、建筑等)进行翻新They made their kitchen over and now have granite countertops.他们对厨房进行翻新,现在厨房有了花岗岩台面。make [sth] over, make over [sth] vtr phrasal sep (property: transfer ownership)移交;转让…的所有权Thomas made the property over to his brother Francis.托马斯转让了财产的所有权给弟弟弗朗西斯。;make [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (invent, imagine)编造;虚构You should be a writer, you make up such interesting stories.你真该去当个作家,你能编造出如此有趣的故事。make [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (assemble, put together)将…组装到一起The Red Cross made up emergency kits for the earthquake victims.红十字协会为救援地震受灾群众将急救药包组装到一起。make [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (comprise)构成;组成The cast was made up of amateurs.演员阵容是由业余选手构成的。make up vi phrasal informal (be reconciled)和好;重归于好We had an argument, but later we kissed and made up.我们吵了架,不过之后我们亲吻彼此并重归于好。make up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (be reconciled)与…和好;与…重归于好I haven't made up with Alex yet after yesterday's fight.昨天吵架之后,我还没有和艾利克斯和好。make up for [sth] vtr phrasal insep (compensate)补偿;弥补She made up for being rude to me yesterday by inviting me out for coffee.她邀请我出去喝咖啡,为昨天对我的无礼进行补偿。make up for [sth] vtr phrasal insep (counter, outweigh)弥补He'll never be able to make up for his lack of natural ability.他永远都无法弥补他本能的缺失。make up to [sb] vtr phrasal insep US, informal (fawn)巴结;讨好;奉承That guy makes me sick; he's always making up to the boss.make with [sth] vtr phrasal insep US, dated, slang (provide, produce)提出;产生Make with the beers, would you? We're in a hurry!复合形式: apply makeup, apply make-up vtr + n (put on cosmetics)抹化妆品;化妆I don't have the time to apply makeup, so it's lucky I have nice skin! do with what you've got, make do with what you've got v expr (cope, manage)利用你现有的资源做某事 play ducks and drakes with [sth], make ducks and drakes of [sth] v expr figurative (squander, handle recklessly) (金钱)打水漂 failure to make delivery n (incomplete act)未能完成;未能交付 make a good living v expr (earn good amount of money)过富裕的生活;生活富足He makes a good living from his paintings. kiss and make up v expr informal, figurative (be reconciled)和好;言归于好The pair kissed and made up after a nine-year feud. MAGA expr US, acronym (Make America Great Again)让美国再次伟大 make a bed v expr (arrange bed linen)铺床Every morning, my mom insists that I make my bed before I leave for school. make a beeline for [sth] v expr informal (head directly towards)直奔;径直扑向Whenever I'm in a candy store I make a beeline for the chocolates. make a bet on [sth] v expr (wager, gamble)打赌Do you want to make a bet on this fight? make a bid for [sth] v expr (offer to buy [sth])投标I made a bid on the stuffed moose in the auction and ended up winning it. make a big name for yourself v expr (become famous)使你成名;让你声名远扬After his book was published he made a big name for himself in literary circles. make a botch of [sth] v expr informal (do [sth] poorly) (非正式用语)把…办砸了;把…搞得一团糟Tom made a botch of the project and had to start over from scratch. make a bow v expr (bow for applause)鞠躬 make a break for [sth] v expr informal (run towards)向…逃窜Six monkeys jumped the electric fence and made a break for freedom. make a breakthrough v expr (make an important advance)完成突破After years of study they made an important breakthrough in cancer research. make a brief assessment v expr (appraise or judge [sth] quickly)简短评估;快速评价 make a call v expr informal (phone [sb])打电话Do you mind waiting five minutes while I make a call? make a call to [sb] v expr informal (phone [sb])致电;给...打电话Hold on a second, I just have to make a call to my supervisor. make a case v expr (argue in favour: of [sth])提出理由证明是对的He had a tough job making a case for being a vegan. make a change v expr (amend [sth])改变;做变动 make a choice v expr (select from among options)做出选择 make a comeback v expr (popular again) (人)重新走红; (事物)重新流行起来,再次成功The pop singer made a comeback after appearing on a reality TV show. make a comeback v expr (active again)复出He made a comeback, taking silver in the Olympics after four years in retirement. make a comparison v expr (compare and contrast)比较;对比People always make a comparison between me and Julia Roberts. make a confession without duress v expr (freely admit one's guilt)不打自招The police were surprised she made a confession without duress; the thought they would have to pressure her into admitting guilt. make a date v expr (arrange [sth] for a specific day)约定见面时间;定约会I made a date with her for Friday; we are going out to dinner. make a deal v expr (do business)做买卖;做生意The businessman took his partner out to lunch to make a deal. make a deal v expr (agree on [sth])统一意见;达成一致We made a deal that I'd do the laundry if he did the dishes. make a decision v expr (decide, choose)作出决定;下决定We couldn't agree on where to eat, so I had to make a decision.我们一直谈不拢去哪里吃饭,所以只好我来做主下决定了。 make a demand v expr (insist on [sth] being done)作出要求 make a dent in [sth], put a dent in [sth] v expr (metal: leave an indentation)在…上砸出小坑The hailstones made dents in the roof of the car. make a dent in [sth], put a dent in [sth] v expr figurative, informal (reduce noticeably)使…明显减少Paying for a new roof has really made a dent in my savings.Despite all the interruptions, I managed to make a dent in the work. make a dent v expr figurative, informal (reduce [sth] noticeably) (非正式用语)大量削减I haven't got very far with this project yet, but at least I've made a dent. make a dent v expr figurative, informal (make an impression, impact) (非正式用语)引起注意;让...听进去;造成影响The doctor told Joe to stop smoking, but it didn't make a dent. make a diagnosis v expr (diagnose a condition)作出诊断I'm still waiting for the doctor to make a diagnosis. make a difference v expr (have a significant impact)产生重大影响,带来重大改变Please give generously; your donations will make a difference. Josie is trying to make a difference by doing charity work.请慷慨捐赠,您的善款会产生重大影响。乔茜试图通过做慈善来造成重大改变。 make a distinction v expr (distinguish, differentiate)作出区分;区分开来;使与众不同She called me cheap, but I think she needs to make a distinction between cheap and frugal.Most people make a distinction between flowers and weeds, but they can both be beautiful. make a fast buck v expr informal (make money quickly)挣快钱 make a fool of yourself v expr (do [sth] stupid)出丑;出洋相I don't mind being wrong, but I hate making a fool of myself. make a fortune v expr informal (win, earn a vast amount of money)赚大钱;发大财That businesswoman has made a fortune in retail. make a fresh start v expr (begin anew)重新开始;从头来过 make a funny face, pull a funny face v expr informal (make silly facial expression)做鬼脸To make me laugh, my dad made funny faces at me. make a fuss v expr informal (complain about [sth]) (非正式用语)抱怨One of the customers was making a fuss at the teller's counter.有个顾客在出纳柜台前大吵大闹。 make a fuss v expr informal (fret over trivial things) (非正式用语)小题大做Oh, it's only a grazed knee – stop making a fuss!哦,只是膝盖擦伤而已,没什么大惊小怪的! make a fuss over [sb/sth] (US), make a fuss of [sb/sth] (UK) v expr informal (pay a lot of attention to)注意;关注The boss brought his dog to work yesterday and everyone made a fuss of it.昨天老板带着他的狗来上班,引起了所有人的注意。 make a fuss over [sth/sb] v expr informal (show great admiration for)对…赞不绝口Nina got engaged yesterday! All the women in the office were making a fuss over her ring.妮娜昨天订婚了!办公室里所有的女人都对她的戒指羡慕不已。 make a go of it v expr informal (make it successful) (俚语)使…成功If we work hard on our relationship, we can make a go of it. make a good impression v expr (be impressive)留下好印象 make a good impression on [sb] v expr (impress [sb])给...留下好印象 make a good job of [sth] v expr informal (do [sth] well) (非正式用语)做得好,在…方面干得不错Tim made a good job of painting the house. make a hole in [sth] v expr (puncture)在…捅个洞;在…戳个洞It was a piece of glass that made the hole in your tyre. make a journey v expr (travel somewhere)旅行至;旅游至Neil made a journey from London to Manchester. make a killing n slang, figurative (make a large profit) (比喻)发大财,赚大钱They made a killing last year buying up apartment buildings. make a lasting impression on [sb], leave a lasting impression v expr (have enduring impact)给...留下深刻印象 make a living, earn a living, make your living, earn your living v expr (earn money)谋生,靠…为生Sergei earns a living by driving a taxi. Stephen made his living by trading in stocks and shares.谢尔盖靠开出租车谋生。史蒂芬靠炒股为生。 make a loss v expr (lose money)损失;赔钱My company made a loss last year and had to lay off three employees. make a mark on [sth] v expr (write, draw or paint)在…上留下记号;在…上作标记He made a mark on the pavement to show where to turn. make a mark on [sth/sb] v expr figurative (have an impact)给…留下深远影响Dick Button made his mark on figure skating when he performed the first double axel jump. make a match v expr (pair [sth] with [sth] similar)配对;搭配I'm trying to find two socks that make a match, but they all seem to be odd ones. make a mess v expr (create disorder or dirt)弄得一团糟You can have your mates round for the evening so long as you promise not to make a mess.The kids have been making chocolate cake and they've made a mess with the batter in the kitchen. make a mess of [sth] v expr (make [sth] disordered or dirty)搞脏;弄乱Don't make a mess of my nice clean living room. make a mess of [sth] v expr (get [sth] wrong)搞砸;搞坏The new guy has made a mess of this project; I'm going to have to redo it all. make a mistake v expr (commit an error)犯错Don't be afraid to make a mistake.别怕犯错。 make a monkey of [sb], make a monkey out of [sb] v expr figurative (cause to appear ridiculous)嘲笑;愚弄 make a motion v expr (gesture, move)做一个示意动作The old man made a motion to the children to come closer. make a motion v expr (at meeting: propose [sth])提出动议She made a motion to adjourn the meeting. make a mountain out of a molehill v expr figurative (exaggerate a trivial problem)小题大做 make a move v expr informal (leave)离开He was tired of this town, so he decided to make a move. make a move, make your move v expr figurative, informal (begin, act)采取行动Jane thought it was the right time to make a move and open her own restaurant. make a move on [sb], make your move on [sb] v expr informal (try to seduce)勾引;引诱 make a noise v expr (generate loud sounds)发出噪音;发出声音 make a noise about [sth] v expr figurative, informal (call attention to [sth])指出,提出;为...发声 make a noise about [sth] v expr figurative, informal (complain about [sth])抱怨;申诉 make a note of [sth] v expr (write [sth] down)记录;记笔记 make a note of [sth] v expr figurative (commit [sth] to memory)记住;记下来 make a pass at [sb] v expr slang (make a sexual advance)骚扰;对…动手动脚He was disciplined for sexual harassment after he made a pass at one of the secretaries. make a plea v expr (plead, appeal for [sth])请愿;提出请求The film star made a plea to the public on behalf of the earthquake relief fund. make a point v expr (say [sth] significant)阐述一个重要观点Will you stop interrupting me? I'm trying to make a point here!能麻烦你别打断我吗?我正想讲一个重点! make a point of [sth] v expr (emphasize)强调This chef makes a point of cooking with locally sourced ingredients.这位厨师特别注重使用当地的食材烹饪。 make a point of doing [sth] v expr (insist on doing)坚持做;总是做I make a point of donating to a charity every Christmas.每年圣诞节我都会向慈善机构捐款。 make a practice of doing [sth] v expr (be in the habit of)常常Most doctors do not make a practice of calling on patients in their homes. make a purchase v expr (buy [sth])购买;购物 make a refreshing change v expr (be pleasantly unusual)让人眼前一亮 make a request v expr (ask for [sth])要求;提出要求To make a request for a new website feature, click here. make a sale v expr (salesperson: close a deal)做成买卖A good salesperson can make a sale even after the customer says no. make a scene v expr informal (overreact)当众大吵大闹 make a song and dance about [sth] v expr informal, figurative (make a fuss)对…大惊小怪,对…小题大做Stop making such a song and dance about it! It's not that big a deal. make a sound v expr (utter a noise)发出声音Don't make a sound till he's gone - I don't want him to know we're here. make a sound v expr (create a noise)弄出响声My clock makes a sound like a bird when it strikes the hour. make a special effort v expr (try very hard, be unusually conscientious)额外努力;下大工夫I have to make a special effort to get along with my co-worker.It's your mum's birthday so please make a special effort to behave. make a spectacle of yourself v expr (embarrass yourself)出洋相;出丑 make a speech, give a speech v expr (address an audience)演讲;发表演讲At the birthday party everyone asked Grandpa to make a speech.The father of the bride gave a speech, welcoming his new son-in-law to the family. make a splash v expr (cause excitement)引起轰动The news that the film star would be visiting their small town really made a splash. make a start v expr (begin)开始;动身 make a trip v expr US (travel)旅行Richard made a trip to Australia. make a trip v expr UK (go on a short journey)去一趟;跑一趟Liz made a trip to the shops. make a visit to [sb/sth] v expr informal (go to)访问My tooth hurts; I need to make a visit to the dentist. make a will, make your will v expr (legal document: write)立遗嘱 make advances vtr + npl (make progress)取得进展 make advances to [sb], make advances on [sb] (US) v expr (try to kiss, etc.)对...示好;骚扰make allowances vtr + npl (be lenient)宽大, 宽容;仁慈的make allowances for [sb], make allowance for [sb] v expr (be lenient)体谅..., 谅解...The teachers made allowances for him and gave him a certificate.make allowances for [sth], make allowance for [sth] v expr (take [sth] into account)顾虑到;体谅到You have to make allowances for the fact that he's only just learning.make amends vtr + npl (compensate for a wrong)赔偿;补偿I'm sorry for what I did to you; how can I make amends?make amends for [sth] v expr (compensate for [sth])补偿;弥补Henry wanted to make amends for his rude behaviour towards James.make amends to [sb] v expr (compensate [sb] for a wrong) (指人)对...做出补偿,向...弥补When he became sober, he decided to make amends to those he had hurt by his drinking.Make America Great Again n US (Republican campaign slogan) (共和党竞选口号)让美国再次伟大make an adjustment v expr (amend)调整;改进;改良I need to make an adjustment to this belt as it's too loose.make an announcement v expr (declare [sth] publicly)公布;宣布The Prime Minister made an announcement about taxation in the House of Commons yesterday.May I have your attention? - I'd like to make an announcement.make an apology v expr (say sorry)道歉make an appearance v expr (perform: appear on stage, etc.)登台;亮相The singer made an appearance at the charity concert.make an appearance v expr informal (be present, show up) (非正式用语)出面,出席I wonder if the bride's ex-boyfriend will make an appearance at the wedding?make an appointment v expr (patient, client)预约;挂号If you want an eye test, you need to make an appointment.想检查眼睛就得挂号。make an appointment with [sb] v expr (patient, client) (客户、病人)与某人预约;挂某人的号Jane had toothache, so she made an appointment with the dentist.make an appointment for [sb], make [sb] an appointment v expr (secretary, etc.: for [sb] else) (秘书)为...预约'I've made you an appointment to see Dr Smith at 4pm on Monday,' the receptionist said.接待员说:"我给您定好了预约,周一下午4点与史密斯医生见面。"make an arrangement v expr (set up a method)做安排make an arrangement v expr (set up an agreement)约定;订立契约make an ass of yourself v expr slang (do [sth] stupid)出丑;出洋相Jim made an ass of himself when he turned up at work wearing differently coloured socks.make an attempt v expr (try)试;尝试The French made an attempt to build a canal across Panama, but failed.make an effort v expr (try hard)努力You could give up smoking if you just made an effort. Let's all make an effort to get along.只要你努力,就能成功戒烟。让我们一起努力来和睦相处吧。make an entrance v expr (into room)进入Charles made an entrance into the study.make an entrance v expr (onstage) (演员)登台,上场When she says "Ah, Romeo, Romeo!" it's time to make your entrance.make an entrance v expr (grandly)(隆重)入场The red carpet is the place for celebrities to make an entrance before awards ceremonies.make an entry v expr (in log, diary)少年男女之间的恋爱;早年的初恋Dennis made an entry in his diary.make an exception v expr (deviate from a rule)破例;通融I don't normally stay up after 10pm, but I'll make an exception, as it's your birthday.make an exception for [sb/sth] v expr (exempt [sb] from [sth])为…破例We don't usually allow students to take holidays during term, but we'll make an exception for your daughter, as she's such a good student.make an exit, make your exit v expr (leave)离开;走开make an honest woman of [sb] v expr dated, humorous (marry)娶...为妻Sara's father was happy because Tom had made an honest woman of her.make an impression v expr (have impact)留下印象;起作用;产生影响If you want to make an impression socially, it is very important to remember people's names.make an impression on [sb] v expr (have impact on [sb])给...留下印象备注: 特别是良好的印象Lily has certainly made an impression on Alan.make an issue of [sth] v expr (present [sth] as problem)小题大做;制造争端make an offer, make [sb] an offer v expr (bid)给...出价;竞标I'm going to the agent to make an offer for that house.Let me make you an offer on that car.make [sb] angry v expr (cause to become angry)使...生气;让...发火make [sth] apparent v expr (show, clarify)明确;阐明The new study made it apparent that we need to focus more on preventing eating disorders.make arrangements vtr + npl (organize, prepare)安排,筹办make arrangements for [sb/sth] to do [sth] v expr (organize for [sth] to happen)安排…做I have made arrangements for a taxi to pick you up from the airport.make as if to do [sth], make as though to do [sth] v expr informal (pretend, feint)假装做某事;佯装做某事He made as if to throw the ball, but he actually ran with it instead.make available v expr (provide)使…可以得到;提供The government will make £50 million available to support the project.make [sb] aware of [sth] vtr + adj (bring [sth] to [sb]'s attention)让...注意到;让某人认识到某事I don't know how to make him aware of how much he is hurting her feelings.make [sb] aware vtr + adj (notify, tell)告诉,告知;通知,通告The office isn't open today. Someone should make him aware.make [sb] aware that v expr (notify, tell)使发现;使意识到make away with [sth] v expr colloquial (steal) (偷盗物、抢夺物)携…潜逃make-believe n (pretending, esp. by children) (特别是儿童)幻想,假想;假装,假扮make believe, make believe that v expr (with clause: pretend)假装make-believe adj (not real)假想的;幻想的make [sth/sb] better vtr + adj (heal)治愈;治好Let me rub your aching back and make it better.make [sth/sb] better vtr + adj (improve)改善;改进;改良make [sb]'s blood run cold, make your blood run cold v expr (cause intense fear)让人惊恐万分;使人毛骨悚然make bold v expr (venture, presume)冒昧行动;草率行事备注: Usually followed by an infinitive.make certain, make certain that v expr (with clause: ensure)使…确定;让...放心Let's make certain we get there early.I always book in advance at the theatre to make certain of getting a good seat.make [sth] clear vtr + adj (explain, state [sth] clearly)澄清;将...解释清楚I have made my position clear: I will not support this proposal.make clear, make clear that, make it clear, make it clear that v expr (with clause: clarify, state clearly)解释;将...解释清楚Let me make clear that I don't object to the person, only to his policies.I just want to make it clear that I won't accept any swearing.make [sth] clear to [sb] v expr (explain or clarify [sth] to [sb])向某人解释某事;向某人澄清某事The doctor made the seriousness of the condition clear to her patient.医生向病人讲明了病情的严重性。make clear to [sb] that, make it clear to [sb] that v expr (with clause: state [sth] clearly to [sb])向...澄清;向...解释清楚The headteacher made it clear to the student that she would be excluded if her behaviour did not improve.make common cause with [sb] v expr (join forces)与…合作The union made common cause with the government in an effort to keep the factory from leaving town.make concessions v expr (concede)做出让步;做出退让We can only prevent the strike if we make concessions.make contact with [sb] v expr (contact, communicate with)联系;联络Perhaps one day aliens will make contact with the Earth.make conversation v expr (difficult dialogue)挖空心思找话题聊;没话找话Making conversation can be one of the toughest aspects of going on a first date.make do v expr informal (be content with what is available)知足;凑合We don't have much, but we'll make do.我们虽不富足,不过我们很知足。make do and mend v expr UK (reuse and recycle clothing, etc.)凑合着用make do with [sth/sb] v expr informal (content oneself with)用…凑合The shop had sold out of chocolate ice-cream, so Sally had to make do with vanilla instead.make do with [sth] v expr (do [sth] using limited resources)拿…凑合着对付过去You'll have to make do with what you can carry with you.make [sth] easier vtr + adj (cause to be less difficult)变得简单;使...更容易make ends meet v expr figurative (have enough money to live on)收支平衡,量入为出,收支相抵;(钱)足够生活In the current economic crisis, a lot of families are finding it hard to make ends meet. I can't make ends meet with what you pay me.在目前经济危机下,许多家庭都发现很难做到收支平衡。你付我的薪水,我根本没办法过活。make excuses v expr (try to justify [sth])找借口make eye contact v expr (look directly into [sb]'s eyes)眼神接触People who are lying often avoid making eye contact.make [sb] feel at home v expr (be welcoming)让…感觉像在自己家一样舒服自在;让…宾至如归make [sb] feel guilty v expr (cause [sb] to feel blame)使…有负罪感My friend made me feel guilty because I took so long to get ready that we missed the bus.make [sb] feel sick v expr (nauseate [sb])让某人觉得想吐;让某人反胃I couldn't stay with him at the hospital because the sight of blood makes me feel sick.make [sb] feel sick v expr (disgust or offend [sb])让某人觉得恶心;让某人反感Hearing about the mass murder made me feel sick.make friends v expr (get to know people)交朋友;结交朋友When you move to a new city, it can be hard to make friends.Jenny was so shy that she found it difficult to make friends at school.你搬到一个新的城市后,很难交到朋友。/ /珍妮很害羞,她发现在学校交朋友很难。make friends with [sb] v expr (befriend [sb])和…交朋友I find it easy to make friends with new people.我发现和新人交朋友很容易。make friends v expr informal (be reconciled after a quarrel) (非正式用语)和好After breaking up the fight, Miss Leonard told the kids to shake hands and make friends.打闹完后,莱纳德小姐让孩子们握手言和。make fun v expr informal (mock, ridicule)讥笑,取笑;嘲弄,嘲讽Don't laugh at Millie's haircut; it's cruel to make fun.make fun of [sb/sth] v expr informal (mock, ridicule)取笑;开…的玩笑The comedian tried to make fun of the man wearing glasses.make [sb] giddy vtr + adj (cause [sb] to feel dizzy)使…发晕;使…头昏;让…觉得晕乎乎Kisses from her boyfriend always made Emily giddy.make good v expr slang (become successful)取得成功Phil certainly made good as co-founder of a successful IT company.make good [sth] vtr + adj (compensate for)补偿;弥补make good for [sth] v expr (compensate [sb] for [sth])补偿;赔偿The driver should make good for the damage he has caused to the other vehicle.make good on [sth] v expr (debt: repay) (指债务)偿还,支付make good on [sth] v expr (keep a promise)履行;实现(承诺等)make good time v expr (be on schedule)很顺利The travellers are making good time.make good use of [sth] v expr (utilize fully or effectively)充分利用He made good use of the time he was allotted.make [sb] green with envy v expr (cause to feel envious)使…眼红;使…嫉妒When I wore my new Prada shoes, I knew I could make Sally green with envy.make [sb] happy vtr + adj (please, satisfy)使幸福;使快乐;使高兴I agreed to attend the wedding to make my mother happy, although I utterly detest her new husband.make [sb] happy vtr + adj (bring joy, fulfillment to [sb])让...开心;让...高兴It's important to find work that makes you happy.make haste v expr (hurry)匆忙He made haste to finish the job before nightfall.make hay (while the sun shines) v expr figurative (use an opportunity)把握时机,抓住机会make heads or tails of [sth] (US), make head or tail of [sth], make head nor tail of [sth] (UK) v expr (understand [sth])把…搞清楚;把…弄明白备注: Usually in the negative.make headway v expr (make progress)(缓慢艰难地)取得进展It's hard to make headway when you're bicycling into the wind.make heavy weather of [sth], make heavy weather with [sth] v expr informal (make [sth] needlessly laborious)对...小题大做;对...大惊小怪make history vi (do [sth] of great significance)创造历史Neil Armstrong made history as the first man to set foot on the moon.make idle talk v expr (talk casually about trivial things)闲聊;闲谈The two women made idle talk about friends and family.make [sth] innocuous vtr (render harmless or inoffensive)使…无伤大雅;使...无害Stella used nearly half a can of air freshener to make the stale smell innocuous.make [sth] into [sth] else v expr (transform [sth])把…做成…, 使…变成…She made her old pair of jeans into a new skirt.make it v expr slang (succeed)成功;取得成功In Hollywood, an Oscar nomination is a sign that you've made it.在好莱坞,奥斯卡提名是你成功的标志。make it v expr (with adjective: ensure it is)确保You owe Keith an apology and you'd better make it good; he's really upset.你欠基斯一次道歉,你最好去好好道歉,他真的很生气。make it v expr informal (arrive on time)及时赶到I thought I would miss the bus, but I made it!我以为会错过公交车,但我还是赶上了!;make it v expr informal (do [sth] in time)在规定时间内完成了I didn't think we'd get all the work finished by the deadline, but we made it in the end!我原本认为我们不能在截止日期前完成所有的工作,但我们最终还是完成了!make it v expr informal (survive)幸存;活下来The doctors did all they could, but the accident victim didn't make it.医生们尽了全力,但那名事故受害者没能活下来。make it big v expr US, slang (be successful)功成名就;成就显著She went to Hollywood and made it big as a movie star.make it clear v expr informal (be unambiguous about [sth])把话说清楚;明确表示Sandra likes to make it clear who's boss.make it clear, make it clear that v expr informal (be unambiguous)讲清楚I'd like to make it clear to the council that I do not approve of this decision.make it happen v expr informal (turn into reality) (非正式用语)使某事成为现实,使之成真I had the original idea, but you made it happen.make it quick v expr informal (hurry)快点,简短点I don't have time to listen, so make it quick.make it through v expr (persevere to the end)渡过难关,坚持到底If you try hard enough, you can make it through!make it up to [sb] v expr informal (make amends)弥补所受的伤害等George wanted to make it up to Andrea for being so bad-tempered towards her earlier.make [sb] jointly liable v expr (law: impose shared responsibility)使…共同承担责任Only one of them had signed, but the partnership agreement made them all jointly liable under the contract.make [sth] known vtr (publicize, reveal)公布;公开I've always made my opinion known - it's no secret that I don't like him.make laws v expr (legislate)立法The congress is responsible for making laws at the federal level.make [sth] legal vtr (legalize, decriminalize)使..合法化Do you think marijuana should be made legal?make [sth/sb] less alarming vtr (lessen the shock of [sth])使…变得不太惊人The prime minister was accused of 'doctoring' crime figures to make them less alarming.make light of [sth] v expr (treat as unimportant)对...不重视;轻视Mick made light of the situation, and did not take offence at Jeff's rude remark.make like [sth] v expr (pretend to be)假装;假扮make [sb] look skinny vtr (appear thin)使…看起来很瘦She wears tight black dresses to make herself look skinny.make [sb] lose his concentration, make [sb] lose her concentration v expr (distract [sb])使…分心;转移…注意力The loud music made me lose my concentration.make [sth] louder vtr (sound: amplify)使…更响亮;使...声音更大You can make the music louder by turning this knob.make love v expr (have sex)做爱The survey found that the average couple make love three times a week.make love not war interj (pacifist slogan of the 1960s) (20世纪60年代和平主义者的口号)要做爱,不要作战'Make love not war' was the best-known slogan of the hippy movement.make mention of [sth] v expr (allude to)提及;提到;暗示到The small print made mention of additional conditions.make merry vi (celebrate, be festive)庆祝;庆贺;欢宴庆祝Eat, drink and make merry, for tomorrow we must go into battle.make [sth] milder vtr + adj (soften the effect or taste of [sth])使…变得温和Add coconut milk to curry to make it milder.make money v expr (make a profit)赚钱;盈利With each ticket we sell, we make money.每卖出一张票,我就能盈利一点。make money v expr (earn a living)挣钱She couldn't get a job in the theatre and was forced to make money doing TV commercials.她没能在剧院找到工作,被迫只能靠做电视广告来挣钱。make [sth] more attractive v expr (improve the appearance of [sth])使…看上更有吸引力I'm going to paint the outside of the house to make it more attractive to buyers.make [sth] more attractive v expr figurative (make more appealing) (比喻)使…更吸引人I'm going to offer a free car with the house to make it more attractive to buyers.make [sth] more difficult v expr (complicate [sth])使…复杂化Cluttered surfaces make cleaning difficult.make much of [sth/sb] v expr (place great importance on [sth/sb])重视Scientists are making much of this latest development.make much of [sb/sth] v expr (give a lot of attention)关注;注意The dog was thoroughly enjoying being made much of.make music vtr + n (play or create music)玩音乐;创作音乐Barry makes music using a keyboard and computer software.make nice v expr US, informal (be friendly)友好;友善make nice with [sb] v expr US, informal (be friendly to)对...友好;对...表达善意make no bones v expr figurative, informal (be forthright, direct)直截了当地说I'll make no bones: I don't trust that man.make no bones about [sth] v expr figurative, informal (be forthright, direct)毫不掩饰,对…直言不讳The journalist made no bones about her dislike of politicians.make no bones about doing [sth] v expr figurative, informal (be forthright, direct in doing)毫不掩饰,直截了当Veronica made no bones about telling her boss exactly what she thought of him.make no mistake interj (believe me, let me assure you)相信我!我向你保证!Make no mistake, their relationship won't last - they are incompatible!make noise v expr informal, figurative (complain) (非正式用语,比喻)抱怨make or break [sth] v expr informal (cause success, failure)要么成之,要么毁之That critic's reviews can make or break a new restaurant.make-or-break adj informal (success or failure)成败在此一举的;胜负关键的It is make-or-break time for the store after two years of declining sales.make [sb/sth] out to be [sth] v expr (represent as)把…描绘成备注: Often refers to a false claim.The press are making him out to be the greatest singer since Elvis, but he's not that good.媒体将他描绘成自猫王以来最伟大的歌手,但他并没有那么好。make out like a bandit v expr slang (profit greatly) (俚语)大发横财;赚得盆满钵满make peace vtr + n (end war)停战make peace vtr + n (be reconciled)调停;调解The kids made peace when John apologised for stealing Jim's toy.make peace with [sth], make your peace with [sth] v expr (accept [sth])接受..., 接纳...make phone calls v expr (call people on the telephone)打电话I had to make several phone calls before I got a reply.Telemarketers make phone calls all day.make [sth] plain v expr (with object: make obvious)让...显而易见make it plain that v expr (with clause: make obvious) (接从句)让...明显;让...显而易见make points with [sb] v expr informal (curry favor with)讨好;逢迎make poo-poo, go poo-poo, do a poo-poo, have a poo v expr infantile (defecate) (儿语)拉屎;拉粑粑make [sth] possible vtr (facilitate)促成;帮助实现An unexpected lottery win made our dream trip possible.This program was made possible by a grant from the XYZ Foundation.make progress v expr (advance or further [sth])取得进展The traffic's still moving but we're making slow progress because of the ice.make [sb] proud v expr (cause [sb] to feel pride)让…骄傲Your performance at the concert made me proud.make provision for [sth] v expr (take preparatory measures for)为...预先准备We need to make provision for bad debts, in case people don't pay their bills.make provision for [sth] v expr (supply what is needed by)为...提供所需make public v expr (publicize, reveal)公开;公布;公之于众Their affair was made public when they were seen together holding hands.make ready vi + adj (prepare yourself)做好准备, 准备好James made ready and sailed from the mouth of the Laxa river.make ready to do [sth] v expr (prepare for action)做好准备Miranda made ready to set out on her journey.make [sth/sb] ready vtr + adj (prepare)为...做好准备George made himself ready for the interview.make [sb] redundant vtr + adj UK, often passive (worker: lay off)被开除;被辞退The failing airline has been forced to make half of its employees redundant.这家不断亏本的航空公司不得不裁掉一半的员工。make reference to [sth/sb] v expr (mention, allude to)提到;提及During his speech he made reference to his family.make reservations v expr (make a booking)预约;预订The travel agent made reservations for the Smith family holiday.make [sb] responsible for [sth] v expr (put [sb] in charge of [sth])使某人对某事负责He was promoted at work and made responsible for the new export business.make [sth] right vtr (correct, make amends for)纠正You're going to have to find a way to make right your past behaviour.make room v expr (create enough space for [sb] or [sth])腾出空间Can we make room in the car for one more person?make [sb]'s day v expr (make [sb] happy)让...开心;使...高兴make [sb]'s hair stand on end v expr (frighten [sb])让…毛骨悚然;把…吓得汗毛倒立That guy was so creepy, he made my hair stand on end.make [sb] see [sth] v expr (help [sb] understand)让某人明白某事I wish I could make him see how much I love him.make sense v expr (be logical)有道理;说得通It makes sense to book train tickets in advance because they are cheaper.提前订票是有道理的,因为那时的票更便宜。make sense v expr (be comprehensible)能够被理解;能让人听得明白After her stroke nothing the patient said made sense.那个病人中风后,她说的话都无法让人理解。make sense of [sth] v expr (work out meaning of)了解,弄明白;理解The Egyptologist tried to make sense of the hieroglyphics.埃及学家试图理解象形文字。make short work of [sth] expr (do [sth] quickly)迅速完成,迅速做The project entailed a huge amount of translation, but Audrey made short work of it.make short work of [sth/sb] expr (deal with summarily)立即处理,立刻处理The professor made short work of her student's rather poor arguments.make [sb] sick vtr + adj (cause to vomit or feel nauseous) (本义)使,,,恶心,使…想吐The sight of blood makes him sick.make [sb] sick vtr + adj figurative (disgust)令某人恶心的;令某人厌恶的That man makes me sick! He is so rude!make [sb] sick vtr + adj figurative (disgust morally) (比喻)使…感到厌恶,让…觉得恶心It makes me sick to hear such racist views.make small talk v expr (chat, converse about trivial subjects)闲聊I'm no good at making small talk at parties.make so bold as to do [sth], be so bold as to do [sth] v expr formal (dare to do)敢于;擅自make something of yourself v expr (become successful)出人头地Hard work will let you make something of yourself.make strides v expr (make progress)取得进展;取得进步make sure, make sure that v expr (with clause: ensure)确保;使…确定He made sure they were all listening before starting to speak.I always make sure that I lock the door when I leave.他确保他们都在听才开始讲话。//我总是会去确认离家时锁上了门。make sure of [sth] v expr (ensure it is so)确认;核实I think dinner is at six, but I'll phone Mary to make sure of it.我记得晚餐是六点开始,但我会打电话给玛丽确认一下。make sure v expr (ascertain [sth])确定I was almost certain I had packed everything I needed, but I took one last look at my list to make sure.我几乎可以确定我已经打包好了所有我需要的东西,但我最后还是看了一眼我的清单进行确认。make sure, make sure that v expr (with clause: ascertain)确定The teacher counted heads to make sure all her students were present.老师统计了人数,确保所有的学生都到场。make sure to do [sth] v expr (ensure you do [sth])确保;务必Please make sure to lock all the windows and doors before you leave.在你离开前,请务必将门窗锁严。make sure, make sure that v expr (try to do [sth])试图做到某事;尝试做到某事Make sure you're home before nightfall.;make the acquaintance of [sb], make [sb]'s acquaintance v expr (meet [sb] for the first time)初次认识;与...初次见面make the bed v expr (rearrange the bedsheets)铺床;理床Now that we use duvets instead of sheets and blankets, making the bed is much easier.Mrs. Nelson makes sure that her kids make their beds every morning.make the best of [sth] v expr (do what you can)充分利用Eric made the best of the limited time available to see as much of the town as he could.make the best of it v expr informal (cope)(在不利情况下)尽力而为The weather wasn't ideal for a day by the sea, but we decided to make the best of it.make the big time, hit the big time v expr informal (be a success)获得成功I moved to Hollywood, trying to make the big time.make the case, make the case that v expr (argue: in favour of [sth])证明;佐证The report makes the case that current policies are inadequate.make the cut v expr (meet requirement)达标,过关,晋级Andrew was worried that his performance wasn't good enough, but he made the cut and went on to the championship.make the effort v expr (try)尽力I didn't manage to finish, but at least I made the effort.make the first move v expr (act before anyone else)率先行动;抢先行动The general was patiently waiting for the enemy to make the first move.make the grade v expr (succeed at [sth])成功,达标make the most of [sth] v expr (take full advantage of)充分利用;尽可能地利用We made the most of our vacation by leaving our phones and computers turned off.make the most of it v expr (take advantage)(在不利情况下)尽力而为You only get one chance, so make the most of it.make the most of your time v expr (be productive)充分利用时间Isabel made the most of her time in the UK by visiting as many places as she could.make the rounds v expr (follow a circuit)转圈make the scene v expr US, informal (attend) (俚语)到场,露面;出风头make the shape of [sth] v expr (form)变成…的形状The clouds made the shape of a crocodile.make things happen v expr (have power and influence)有门道;有门路I want to become friends with Burt--he's a guy who makes things happen.make [sb] tick v expr figurative, informal (motivate, inspire [sb])激励;鼓励I want to know what inspires you; what makes you tick.make time for [sb/sth] v expr (reserve time)腾出时间;弥补失去的时间My calendar is full, but I can make time for you.make time v expr (compensate for time lost)弥补时间In order to make time, Ian had to work through lunchtime.make [sth] to order v expr (create a custom product)定制, 定做Since he did not like the desks he found for sale, he had one made to order for his new office.make trouble vtr + n (cause problems)制造麻烦;捣乱Nina was hoping that the children would behave themselves and not make trouble.make trouble for [sb] v expr (cause problems)给…带来麻烦The icy roads are making trouble for motorists.would make [sb] turn over in his/her/their grave, would make [sb] turn in his/her/their grave v expr figurative (would offend: dead person) (比喻)让...的棺材板快压不住了make up for lost time v expr (compensate for past inaction)弥补失去的时间Her father made up for lost time by buying her lots of presents.make up your mind v expr informal (decide)下定决心;决定Are you coming with me or not? Make up your mind!你到底跟不跟我来?快决定!make use of [sth] v expr (utilize)利用This stew makes use of all the leftovers in your refrigerator.make war vtr + n (wage war: engage in warfare)参战make war on [sth] v expr (start a war against)发动战争make war on [sth] v expr figurative (fight strongly against)对...宣战make water vtr + n UK (urinate)小便;排尿make water vtr + n (nautical: let in water)渗漏;漏水make waves v expr figurative (stir up trouble or controversy)激起争议;引起混乱;引发讨论Just keep your concerns to yourself and don't make waves.make way vtr + n (make a space)让路;让地方;腾空间Please make way so we can get through.make way for [sth/sb] v expr (clear a path for)为…让路The guards asked the crowd to back up to make way for the king.守卫向后驱赶人群,为国王让路。make with the [sth] v expr US, dated, slang (use, operate)使用;操作make [sth] worse vtr + adj (aggravate)使恶化;使变得更差I told him that scratching at the rash would only make it worse.make [sb] feel welcome v expr (greet or receive warmly)让...感到宾至如归A hot meal makes me feel welcome when I come back from work.make your bed v expr (arrange bedclothes)铺床;整理床铺I make the bed before I leave the house each day.make your bed v expr figurative (be responsible for your circumstances)自己搞出的麻烦自己解决;自作自受You made your bed so you will have to sleep in it.make your case v expr (justify)证明自己有道理Bill Gates made his case for boosting foreign aid.make your choice v expr (decide)做出选择You made your choice; now live with it.make your debut v expr (perform for first time)初次登台;初次表演The young violinist made her debut at the local concert.make your fortune v expr (earn a lot of money)赚大钱;变得富有You won't make your fortune by becoming a nurse.make your head spin v expr figurative (cause you to feel dizzy) (比喻)使人晕眩,让人头晕You're coming up with new ideas so fast it's making my head spin! The flurry of events leading up to the wedding made the bride's head spin.make your mark on/in [sth] v expr (have an impact)成名;获得承认Peter Jackson has made his mark in the cinematic realm.make [sb]'s mouth water v expr informal (food: look appetizing)让某人垂涎三尺;馋得某人流口水The smell of that steak on the grill is making my mouth water.make your move v expr (assert yourself at opportune time)适时采取行动make your point v expr (give opinion)说服他人同意自己的观点;证明自己的观点;表明自己的态度Dale was struggling to make his point during the debate.make [sb]'s skin crawl v expr (disgust, unnerve [sb])令人厌恶;令人作呕Something about that man makes my skin crawl.make your voice heard v expr (speak loudly)高声说话以让别人听见Clive likes to make his voice heard in the class discussions.make your voice heard v expr figurative (share opinion)发表意见Citizens should make their voices heard by writing their Congressmen.make your way v expr (move, go)前进The hikers made their way along the path.make your way v expr (find a path in life)找到方向,闯出名堂When it comes to careers, some people take longer than others to make their way.make yourself do [sth] v expr (force yourself to do [sth])强迫自己做某事Jo made herself smile at the party so that nobody would know she felt sad.make yourself do [sth] v expr (cause yourself to do [sth])让自己做某事I say such silly things, I make myself laugh sometimes.make yourself at home v expr informal (settle in)让自己舒舒服服的和在家里一样Please come in and make yourself at home!请进,请让自己舒舒服服的和在家里一样。make yourself at home interj (welcome!)别拘束;随便点;别客气We're not very formal around here - just make yourself at home!我们这儿不是什么很正式的场所,别拘束!make yourself clear v expr (speak plainly)说清楚;讲明白You must never do that again – have I made myself clear?make yourself comfortable v expr (settle into a place)别拘束I made myself comfortable on the sofa.make yourself heard v expr (speak loudly and audibly)发表意见He made himself heard by shouting down his debate opponent.make yourself scarce v expr informal (go away, disappear)溜走;悄悄离开I need to talk to your mother in private, so could you make yourself scarce for half an hour?make-peace n (peacemaker: [sb] who keeps harmony)调解者,调解人; (口语)和事佬make-up artist n ([sb]: applies performers' cosmetics)化妆师make-up bag n (pouch for cosmetics)化妆品包make-up sex n (sex after argument) (指吵架后发生性行为)和解做爱My husband and I argue quite a lot, but the make-up sex is so great it makes it worthwhile!make-work n uncountable (task to keep [sb] from being idle)为闲散人员特意安排的低价值工作makeup, also UK: make-up n (cosmetics)化妆品;化妆She carries every kind of makeup in her handbag.她的手袋里装满了各种化妆品。makeup, also UK: make-up n (constitution, composition)组成;构造The makeup of the committee should reflect its membership.委员会的组成应该反映其成员结构。makeup artist, make-up artist n (cosmetics applier)化妆师;美容师The makeup artist completely changed her looks for the remover, make-up remover n (for removing cosmetics)卸妆液;卸妆油I use a makeup remover every night before going to bed.I take off mascara and lipstick with makeup remover.not make a noise v expr (be very quiet)不要出声;别吵闹;保持安静Don't make a noise, or you'll wake the baby!not make any difference, make no difference v expr (be irrelevant)没关系;不相干not make any difference, make no difference v expr (have no effect)没有影响;不会带来什么不同The election will not make any difference when a dictator is in control.not make sense v expr (be illogical)讲不通;不合情理;不合逻辑It does not make sense to butter your bread with axle grease.not make sense v expr (be incomprehensible)难以理解;难以听懂Ainsley was drunk and what he was saying was not making sense.pull a face, make a face v expr (make a facial expression)做鬼脸The little girl pulled a face when her mother told her they were having fish for dinner.put on makeup, put on make-up v expr (apply cosmetics)化妆While driving is not a good time to put on makeup.remove your make-up v expr (wipe off cosmetics)卸妆You should always remove your make-up before you go to bed or you will get spots.take a stand, make a stand v expr (state your opinion clearly)采取立场You have the choice of taking a stand or not having your views heard.take a stand against [sth/sb], make a stand against [sth/sb] v expr (maintain opinion against opposition)坚定反对...的立场Are you going to take a stand against the government's crackdown on the press?你是否打算坚定立场,反对政府对媒体的压迫?theatrical makeup, theatrical make-up n (cosmetics worn by stage performer)舞台化妆Unlike normal makeup, theatrical makeup exaggerates the contours of the face.two wrongs don't make a right expr (don't deliberately do [sth] bad)以牙还牙于事无补;不能因为别人犯错就代表自己也可以犯错Just because Heather was cruel to you, doesn't mean you should be cruel to her—two wrongs don't make a can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear expr (poor materials make poor products)朽木不可雕;烂泥扶不上墙You'd make a better door than a window!, You make a better do than a window! expr (you are blocking my view)你挡住我的视线了




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