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词汇 as if
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as if发音




as is───照原来的样子;本来就是这样;不予改变

as of───自……起;到…时候为止

has in───海恩(地名)

ad in───发球占先


as to───至于,关于;就……而论





She tripped along joyfully as if treading on air.───她高兴地走着,脚底下轻飘飘的.

You feel as if you've been tossing and turning all night, and wake up feeling worn out.───感觉就像整夜翻来覆去睡不着、醒来时浑身疲惫一样。

Critically examine your work as if you were looking at someone else's efforts.───要像评价别人的工作一样,一丝不苟地检查你自己的工作.

She gulped nervously, as if the question bothered her.───她紧张地咽了一下, 似乎那问题把她难住了.

Anne shrugged, as if she didn't know.───安妮耸了耸肩,好像她不知道。

She had screwed up her eyes, as if she found the sunshine too bright.───她眯起了眼睛,好像是觉得阳光太刺眼。

Anne shrugged, as if she didn't know.───安妮耸了耸肩,好像她并不知晓。

During these periods the birds will lie on the cage floor as if trying to lay or hatch eggs.───这些时期,鸟儿会趴在笼底,好像在下蛋或孵蛋。

He suddenly appeared as if by magic.───他突然神奇地出现了。

The animals grew restless as if in anticipation of an earthquake.───各种动物都变得焦躁不安,像是感到了地震即将发生.

They stood over him with clubs raised as if to beat his brains out.───他们举着棍子监视着他,好像要揍扁他的脑袋。

It looks as if the coming autumn harvest will be even better than the last one.───看来即将到来的秋收会比去年更好.

When they came to the fork of the road, his horse turned left into a bypath as if it were possessed with a demon and began to run headlong down the hill.───当他们来到叉路口时, 他的马就好像被鬼缠住似的,转向左边的小路而急速地冲下山坡去.

Her head felt as if it would burst.───她觉得头要爆裂了。

I am surprised by the fuss she's making. It's not as if my personality has changed.───她的大惊小怪令我很吃惊。显然不是我的个性改变了。

The house seemed muted, hushed as if it had been deserted.───房子里似乎悄然无声,安静得好像已经没人在住一样。

They looked as if they didn't care.───他们看起来好像不在乎.

He sauntered by, looking as if he had all the time in the world.───他悠闲地走过,仿佛时间对他来说是无穷无尽的。

It'seems as if it is going to rain.───看来要下雨了.

It looks as if the blaze was started deliberately.───看起来似乎是有人蓄意纵火。

He'd pulled away from her as if she had leprosy.───他离她远远的,好像她得了麻风病似的。

I had a queer sensation as if a worm was creeping down my spine.───我有一种可疑的感觉,好象有个虫子在顺着我的脊梁往下爬似的.

As if to prove the legitimacy of these fears, the Cabinet of Franz von Papen collapsed on December 2.───仿佛是要印证这些恐惧事出有因似的,弗朗茨·冯·巴本的内阁于12月2日倒台了。

They completely ignore these facts as if they never existed.───他们完全忽略了这些事实,就仿佛它们不存在似的.

I found myself staring at her as if she were a phantom.───我发现自己瞪大眼睛看着她,好像她是一个幽灵.

You're acting as if you struck oil.───瞧你这样子好像有什么重大发现似的.

I feel as if I should break into song.───我觉得自己应该放声歌唱。

She looks as if she got back to her childhood again.───她似乎又回到了她的童年时代.

To judge trips as if they're successes or failures may be oversimplifying things.───仅以成功或失败来判断行程可能过于简单化了。

The car was juddering and vibrating as if it would explode.───汽车剧烈地摇晃着、颤动着,就像要爆炸似的。

That boy walked into the meal as if he hadn't seen food for a week.───那个男孩子狼吞虎咽地吃饭,好像他一个星期没见到食物了.

She behaves as if she has something on her conscience.───她好像做了什么亏心事.

The enemy were determined to wipe the town off the map as if it had never been.───敌人把这个城镇彻底摧毁,就像它从未存在过似的.


He treats me as if I'm his enemy.

Just as if it were nothing.

You look as if you've seen a ghost!

She looked as if she'd had some bad news.

It looks as if it's going to rain.

to move as if accompanied by a singsong.

He arrived, as if in answer to her prayers.

Elsa continued as if nothing was amiss.

He suddenly appeared as if by magic.

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