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词汇 let
释义 letUK:*/ˈlɛt/US:/lɛt/ ,(let)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 let [sb], let [sb] do [sth] vtr (allow)允许某人做某事;让某人做某事My wife let me go out with the guys last night.昨晚我妻子允许我与哥们出去玩。 let, let in, let pass vtr (allow to pass)允许…过去;让…过去Let the waiter through.让水流过去。 其他翻译 let n (tennis serve) (网球)擦网球;擦网发球His first serve was a let. let [sth] vtr UK (lease, rent out)出租;租赁The landlord let the flat for £1000 per month. let [sth] to [sb] vtr + prep UK (lease, rent out to [sb])把某物租赁给某人;将某物租给某人I'm letting the house to a family who have just moved to the area. 动词短语 let [sb] down, let down [sb] vtr phrasal sep figurative (disappoint, fail)使某人失望You had better get straight A's in school -- don't let me down!你最好在学校里得全A,别让我失望! let [sth] down, let down [sth] vtr phrasal sep (lower gradually)把…逐渐往下放The girl let down a rope and her boyfriend climbed up into her room.女孩放下一根绳子,让她的男朋友爬进了她的房间。 let [sth] down, let down [sth] vtr phrasal sep (clothing: lengthen at hem) (衣服褶边)放长The seamstress let down the skirt so that it fell to just below Sally's knee.女裁缝把裙子放长,刚好落在莎莉的膝盖以下。 let [sth] down, let [sth] down vtr phrasal sep UK (release air from: tire, etc) (轮胎等)放气When Jim's car would not start, he discovered that someone had let down his front tyres.吉姆的车发动不起来,他发现有人把他前轮胎的气放了。 let [sth] into [sth] vtr phrasal sep (put [sth] flush into a surface)把...嵌入 let [sb] off vtr phrasal sep informal (find [sb] not guilty)无罪释放The man was charged with assault, but the judge let him off due to insufficient evidence.这名男子被控袭击罪,但因证据不足,法官判他无罪。 let [sb] off vtr phrasal sep informal (forgive, not punish)放过Alfie forgot to do his homework, but the teacher let him off.阿尔菲忘记做家庭作业,但老师放过了他。 let [sb] off vtr phrasal sep (excuse [sb] from a duty, job)允许某人不用做某事Ian's boss let him off for a couple of hours to visit his mother in hospital.伊恩的老板给他放了几个小时假,让他去探望住院的母亲。 let off [sth], let [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (fire: explosive, gun, etc.) (枪炮)开,开火; (炸弹)引爆It is against the law to let off fireworks in the street.在街上放烟花是违法的。 let on vi phrasal informal (reveal or indicate) (非正式用语)泄露,透露;表露,流露John tried his best not to let on about Jane's surprise party. I was upset, but did not let on.约翰尽最大努力,保密给简举办的惊喜派对。我很沮丧,不过并没有表露出来。 let [sth/sb] out vtr phrasal sep (allow to exit)放出去;放走Don't forget to let the cat out before you lock up for the night!晚上锁门前别忘了把猫放出去! let [sth/sb] out, let [sth/sb] out vtr phrasal sep (free from captivity)释放The government finally let out the political prisoners.政府最终释放了政治犯。 let [sth] out, let out [sth] vtr phrasal sep (clothing: make larger) (衣物)加大,加宽Could you let out the waistband of these trousers, please? I seem to have put on some weight since I last wore them.能麻烦你把这条裤子的裤腰放大一点吗?我好像比上次穿的时候又胖了些。 let out [sth], let [sth] out vtr phrasal insep (emit, utter) (水,空气等)放出,释放; (声音)发出; (气)呼出Anna let out a scream when the cat jumped onto her out of nowhere.那只猫不知从哪儿蹦到安娜身上时,她尖叫了一声。 let [sth] out, let out that vtr phrasal sep informal (reveal accidentally)泄露I'll get in trouble if you let out the secret.如果你泄露了这个秘密,我将会有麻烦。 let out vi phrasal US (school, etc.: allow to leave) (学校等允许离开)结束School lets out at 3 o'clock.学校3点放学。 let [sth] slip, let slip [sth] vtr phrasal sep (tell a secret)无意中说出…,无意中透露… let up vi phrasal (ease off, lessen)减轻;减弱The heavy rain let up after four hours of incessant downpour.大雨在连续下了四个小时后停了。 let up vi phrasal (stop, cease)停止Emily is always moaning about her boyfriend—she never lets up!艾米丽总是抱怨她的男朋友,她从未停歇过! 复合形式: let alone conj (much less)更不要说,更不要提I can't even fit into the medium size, let alone the small size.我连中码都穿不下,更不要说小码了。 let [sb] alone vtr + adj (not bother [sb])不打扰,不干扰Let your sister alone; can't you see she's trying to do her homework!不要去打扰你妹妹,没看到她在做作业吗! let [sb] be v expr (not bother, leave alone) (某人)不打扰…,随…去 let [sth] be v expr (leave undisturbed) (某物)使…保持原状 let [sb/sth] by, let by [sb/sth] vtr + adv (allow [sb/sth] to pass)让…过去,让…通过 let bygones be bygones v expr (disregard past differences)过去的事就让它过去吧We decided to let bygones be bygones and forget about our past differences. let down adj (disappointed, failed)失望的;沮丧的She felt let down when no one came to her party.没人来参加她的聚会,她感到很失望。 let down by [sb/sth] expr (disappointed, failed)因...而失望Alicia feels let down by her best friend, who always says she's too busy to spend time with her.艾丽西亚觉得让她最好的朋友失望了,因为她总是说她太忙了,没时间跟她一起。 let drop that v expr (with clause: hint) (接从句)暗示Maria let drop that she wanted a new phone for her birthday. let [sth] drop, let drop [sth] v expr (with object: mention)透露;提到;随口漏出She let drop the fact that she was single.她无意中提到自己是单身。 let go v expr (release hold)松开;松手I could hold the rope no longer and had to let go.我再也抓不住绳子,只好松手。 let go of [sth/sb] v expr (release hold on)松开;放开Let go of me, you bully!放开我,你这个混蛋! let [sb] go v expr (free)放走They agreed to let all the hostages go.他们同意释放所有人质。 let [sb] go v expr informal (dismiss from job)解雇;开除The boss had no choice but to let ten of his employees go.老板别无选择,只好解雇了十名员工。 let [sth] go v expr informal, figurative (stop pursuing [sth])停止进行We've decided to let the matter go.我们决定不追究这件事。 let [sb] have it v expr (scold or punish [sb])斥责;惩罚;给...点厉害 let [sb] in vtr + adv (allow to enter)放…进来;请...进来There's someone at the door asking for you - should I let him in?有人在门口找你,我应该放他进来吗? let [sb] in on [sth], let [sb] into [sth] v expr (share secret)告诉某人某事,向某人透露某事 let [sb] into [sth] vtr + prep (allow [sb] to enter)让...进入 let it all hang out v expr figurative, informal (be uninhibited)放飞自我;自由自在 let it be interj (don't try to change it)别管它;别理会它You shouldn't get involved in their quarrel - just let it be.你不应该干涉他们的争执,就别管它。 let it go v expr informal (disregard past differences)不加计较,让过去的事过去;不计前嫌I know Martin insulted you, but you should let it go. let [sb] know [sth] v expr (inform)告诉;告知We'll let you know our decision after the meeting. let [sb] know v expr (notify, warn)告知,通告;警告,告诫Please let me know when you are going to the market, so I can send my brother along to help you. let [sb/sth] loose vtr + adj (set free, release)放开;放了He let his dogs loose on my lawn and they made such a mess! let [sb] loose on [sth] v expr informal (allow to use freely)让某人随便用某物We should never have let the kids loose on the computer! Let me know. interj (tell me)告诉我Can you come to my party? Let me know!告诉我, 你能不能来参加我的聚会? let [sb] off with [sth] v expr informal (not punish severely)轻易放过;从轻发落The police caught Alfie tagging a wall, but let him off with a stern warning.警察逮到阿尔菲在墙上涂鸦,但在警告他之后就放他走了。 let off steam, blow off steam v expr figurative (vent emotions or anger) (比喻)宣泄情感,宣泄怒气I was annoyed and wanted to let off steam.I called my boyfriend and he let me blow off steam for an hour. let off steam, blow off steam v expr slang, figurative (release energy)发泄感情;发泄过剩的精力There was a play area where the kids could let off steam. let [sb] off the hook v expr figurative, informal (free from punishment)放过某人I'm surprised he let you off the hook that easily, given the trouble you've caused. let off the leash, let [sb] off the leash, let [sb] off his/her leash v expr figurative (release [sb] from restraint, control) (比喻)解开...的枷锁,解开...的束缚;解放When they saw that he could handle the job, they let him off his leash and he quickly moved up to a higher position. let one off, let one go v expr UK, slang, figurative (pass intestinal gas)放屁;排气Did you just let one off? let one rip, US: rip one v expr slang (pass intestinal gas)放屁Paul raised a butt cheek and let one rip. let [sth] out, let out [sth] vtr + adv UK (lease, rent)出租Anya lets out her house to students during term time.安雅在开学期间将她的房子出租给学生。 let [sth] pass v expr (not react to)不计较,不对…做出反应Jeremy let Liz's rude comment pass because he did not want to argue with her. let rip v expr figurative, slang (do [sth] in an unrestrained way)失控,失去控制Lisa's anger got the better of her and she let rip. let [sth] rip v expr figurative, slang (utter in an unrestrained way)放肆地说Tom let rip a stream of obscenities. let sleeping dogs lie v expr figurative (don't provoke an argument)别自找麻烦,别惹麻烦 let [sth] slide v expr figurative, informal (neglect)对…放之任之;让…随它去Since his wife died, he has let things slide, and the house is a mess. let [sth] slide v expr figurative, informal (let pass without correction)对...放任自流, 对...听之任之 let the cat out of the bag v expr figurative, informal (reveal the secret) (非正式用语)秘密泄露,真相大白Thanks for letting the cat out of the bag about me being pregnant. let the chips fall where they may expr (leave it to fate)不顾后果;无论后果如何I'm going to tell the boss the truth; let the chips fall where they may. let [sb/sth] through vtr + adv (allow to pass)允许通行;准予通过The police asked the crowd to let the ambulance through. let up on [sth] v expr (stop doing [sth])停止The strikers have stated that they will not be letting up on their campaign of action.罢工者声称他们不会停止他们的行动。 let up on [sb] v expr (stop making difficulties for [sb])对…宽松The boss has just given Charlie another pile of work; she never lets up on him.老板又给了查理一大堆工作,她从未让他空下来过。 let up about [sth] v expr (subject: stop talking about)停止谈论Matt was late home on Friday night and his wife still hasn't let up about it.马特周五晚上很晚才回家,他妻子到现在还没完没了说起。 let-up n (easing off, lessening)减弱;减轻;缓和There has been no let-up in the rain since yesterday.从昨天起雨就没停过。 let your hair down v expr figurative (get comfortable and relax)放轻松,放松 let yourself go v expr (be unrestrained, uninhibited)释放自我;不受束缚 let yourself go v expr (appearance: deteriorate)不修边幅;放纵自己 let-down, letdown n informal (disappointment)令人失望的事物;失望The bad news was a letdown. let-down, letdown n (release of breast milk)泌乳;乳汁分泌 let-out n UK (loophole: technicality) (术语)漏铜,空子 let-out adj (fur: processed by cutting) (毛皮)裁成斜条后缝合的 let's contraction abbreviation (suggestion: let us) (表示建议)让我们…Let's stay in and just watch a video.让我们呆在家里看视频吧。usage: let'sYou use let's when you are suggesting that you and someone else should do something. Let's is short for ‘let us’. It is followed by an infinitive without to.Let's go outside.Let's decide what we want.The full form let us is used with this meaning only in formal English. Let us postpone the matter.If you are suggesting that you and someone else should not do something, you say let's not.Let's not talk about that.Let's not waste time. let's interj UK (agreement: OK) (表示同意、赞同)我们就这么做"Shall we try the new Chinese restaurant?" "Yes, let's!"“咱们去尝尝新开的中国餐厅吧?”“嗯,我们就这么做!” let's call it a day expr (stop work for today)就到此为止吧;今天就到这里吧When the computer crashed for the ninth time, the boss said, "Let's call it a day." let's go interj informal (let us go) (非正式用语)我们走吧Let's go to town and do some shopping! Are you ready to leave? Let's go.我们去城里购物吧!你准备好离开了么?我们走吧。 let's say interj informal (supposing that, imagine) (非正式用语)假设Let's say we don't make a profit this quarter. What can we change in order to become profitable? letup, let-up n informal (respite, relief) (非正式用语)中止,停止,减缓;减弱It's been raining without letup for weeks. live and let live v expr (be tolerant of others)自己活也要让别人活Those two men used to fight a lot, but now they have decided to live and let live. not let go v expr (keep a grip on [sth])紧握;抓紧;不放手 not let go v expr (refuse to release)抓住…不放If the lobster grabs your finger, it won't let go.




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