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词汇 handwriting on the wall
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writing on the wall───灾祸将临的预兆;不祥之兆

the handwriting is on the wall───字迹在墙上

see the handwriting on the wall───觉察到不祥之兆(英语俗语)

the writing is on the wall───某事将失败的不祥预兆;某事物将不复存在的不祥预兆

have something on the ball───颇有能耐

parting of the ways───分道扬镳

the frosting on the cake───蛋糕上的糖霜

a fly on the wall───隐蔽的或不引人注意的旁观者

drive to the wall───开到墙边


He the handwriting on the wall and hid himself quickly.───翻译他觉察到形势不妙便很快地躲藏起来.

The handwriting on the wall is clear.───灾难将临的预兆是明摆着的.

He saw the handwriting on the wall and hid himself quickly.───他看见墙上的文字便很快地躲藏起来。

new increase in electricity prices is the handwriting on the wall for many small coachiness.───新近电价上涨,这对许多小型企业来说是一个倒霉的先兆。

In the discontent of his subjects, the ruler saw the handwriting on the wall.───这位统治者从他臣民的不满情绪中看到了不祥之兆.

Nebuchadnezzar II and last king of Babylon, who in the Old Testament was warned of his doom by handwriting on the wall that was interpreted by Daniel.───贝尔莎撒尼布甲尼撒二世之子,巴比伦最后一位国王,在旧约中,丹尼尔所破译的墙上文字预示了他的死亡。


Son of Nebuchadnezzar II and last king of Babylon, who in the Old Testament was warned of his doom by handwriting on the wall that was interpreted by Daniel.

These days the most valuable skill you can learn in any job is how to read the handwriting on the wall.

Nebuchadnezzar II and last king of Babylon, who in the Old Testament was warned of his doom by handwriting on the wall that was interpreted by Daniel.

Indeed, last month IBM finally gave up on its mainframe business, its CEO Louis V. Gerstner III, said that, "We've seen the handwriting on the wall, no one wants mainframes now."

  • handwriting worksheets
  • handwriting on the wall




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