handsome face───英俊的脸庞
as one man───一致地
hand organ───手摇风琴
Who's that handsome man?───那个英俊的男人是谁?
She flirts with every handsome man she meets.───她和所遇到的每个美男子调情.
Larry was a handsome man in his early fifties.───50刚出头的拉里是个帅气的男人.
You see, what a handsome man with unrestrained manners!───你看, 那个帅哥儿风度多么俊逸!
This is the most handsome man I ever clapped my eyes on.───这是我见过的最英俊的男人了.
Thinking, walk along a clever Long head on handsome man.───正想着,迎面走来个灵珑英俊的男子.
He sat down, with a troubled glance at the picture of a handsome man.───他坐下来, 用一种颓伤的眼光盯着一张英俊男子的照片.
His prominent nose reveals that he will be a handsome man.───看他那隆准,就知道他长大后准漂亮.
The rich and handsome man made a conquest of Jeanne.───这位富裕而又英俊的年轻人赢得了“琴”的爱情.
He has grown into a handsome man.───他已长成一个英俊的男人。
He is a handsome man.───他是一位美男子.
The quarry , Michael Moretti, at the defendant's table , a silent, handsome man.───坐在被告席上的狩猎目标是迈克尔·莫雷蒂, 他沉默寡言, 相貌英俊.
He's the most handsome man I've ever met.───他是我见过的最俊美的男子。
At this point the governor himself entered, a tall , handsome man in his late forties.───这时总督本人进来了,近五十岁的年纪, 器宇轩昂.
My fiance is the most handsome man in the world.───我的未婚夫是世界上最帅的男人.
He's a sexy handsome man, are you digging him?───他是个迷人,英俊的男孩, 你是不是喜欢上他了 啊 ?
Lucy : What? A handsome man? I didn't see it in the TV.───什么? 被帅哥抱? 我在电视上根本没看到啊.
She is nervous because a handsome man is walking to her.───一位英俊帅气的男子正在向她走过来,她紧张不已。
He's the most handsome man I've ever met.
She flirts with every handsome man she meets.
John Kennedy was a handsome man.
Sumner was a tall, strikingly handsome man with dark hair and a beard which turned white in old age.
I think my husband is the most handsome man in the world, but I realize my judgment is rather subjective.
Richard was supposedly a tall, dark-eyed handsome man.
He was a handsome man in a sinister sort of way.
If they saw a handsome man like you with me, they would be hinting at all sorts of things.
One of them, a handsome man scarcely more than an adolescent, shouted something in a high voice.
- handsomeness scale
- handsome boy
- handsome man
- handsomeness define
- handsomeness test