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词汇 lab
释义 labUK:*'lab', 'Lab': /ˈlæb/US:/læb/ ,(lab)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 lab n abbreviation (research laboratory)科研研究室;实验室The scientist spent all night working in the lab. lab n abbreviation (hospital laboratory) (医院)化验室The doctor sent a blood sample to the lab for analysis. lab n abbreviation (school: chemistry, physics) (学校)实验室Ben was late to his lab and had to make up the class later. lab, Lab n informal, abbreviation (dog: labrador)拉布拉多犬Fluffy was a part-Lab, part-German Shepherd mix.毛毛是一只拉布拉多犬与德国牧羊犬的混血犬。 复合形式: computer lab n abbr (room with computers for use)计算机实验室When I was in school I worked in the computer lab as part of my work-study program. lab assistant n abbr (laboratory assistant) (laboratory assistant的缩写形式)实验室助理I once worked as a lab assistant in the university biochemistry department. lab coat n abbr (long white garment worn in laboratory)实验室工作服;实验室白大褂I wanted to look like a scientist so I wore a white lab coat. lab rat n abbr (rodent bred for laboratory research)实验室老鼠More lab rats are used for testing cosmetics than conducting scientific research. lab rat n US, informal ([sb] working in laboratory)实验室工作人员 lab tech n abbreviation (laboratory technician)实验室技术人员 lab technician n (laboratory technician)实验室技术人员 lab work n abbr (research done in a laboratory)化验 laboratory technician n (assists in laboratory)实验室技术员 science lab n abbr (laboratory for scientific research)科学实验室The students are carrying out an experiment in the science lab.




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