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词汇 junior
释义 juniorUK:*'junior': /ˈdʒuːniə/; 'Junior': /ˈdʒuːnjə/US:/ˈdʒunjɚ/US:( jo̅o̅n′yər)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: Jr主要翻译 junior n UK (primary school student)小学生Harry is just a junior; he hasn't learned about that yet. junior n US (high school student in 3rd year) (高中)三年级学生Amanda studied abroad when she was a junior. junior adj UK (relating to pupils age 7-11)七到十一岁的Phillip is a pupil at the junior school in town. junior adj US (in, of 3rd year at high school) (高中)三年级的Peter took his girlfriend to the junior prom. junior adj US (university student: in 3rd year) (大学)三年级的Gary is a junior college student, and is trying to decide whether to apply for graduate school. junior adj (for younger people)年少的;较年幼的Kate send her toddler off to play at the junior playground.凯特把她刚学步的孩子送到儿童游乐场去玩。 junior adj (novice, assistant)下级的,职位较低的,地位较低的; (职衔,新加坡)初级Seth is a junior welder at the factory. junior adj (sport: for the under-20s)青少年级别的;二十岁以下级别的Josh competed in the junior national soccer league. 其他翻译 Junior adj US (son: with father's first name) (英语姓名中父子同名的情况下,对儿子的称呼)小的The head of the organization is John Smith Junior. junior to [sb] adj (lower in rank)等级比...低的;地位比...低的I don't like being told what to do by people who are junior to me. junior n (barrister)初级律师David couldn't plead cases at the higher courts because he was only a junior.大卫无法在高等法院做案件辩护,因为他只是个初级律师。 Junior n US (son with father's first name)小Greg had the same name as his dad, so he went by Junior. junior n (sportsperson under 20) (口语)小男孩,小伙子Ben was still a junior, but soon he'd be able to play in the senior league. junior n (younger of two)较年幼者Seth is Amy's junior by a year.My brother Alec is five years my junior. juniors npl (smaller-sized women's clothing)少女装All of these dresses are too large, the juniors are over here. 复合形式:junior | Jr junior champion n (sport: winner of youth contest)青少年比赛冠军 junior college n US (higher education) (美国)大专,两年制专科学校After Steve finished junior college, he went to the University of Iowa. junior high n US (lower secondary school) (美国)初中The transition from junior high to high school can be tough for some kids. junior high school n US (lower secondary)初级中学Karen is in her third year at junior high school. junior manager n (low-level director or coordinator)初级经理The company has organized a training session for all its junior managers. junior school n UK (primary school) (英国)小学 junior suite n (large hotel room)豪华套房 junior varsity n US (sports team: below varsity) (体育)初级校队 junior year n US (eleventh year in school) (美国)高中第三年 junior year n US (third year in university)大学三年级,大三Many universities offer students the chance to spend their junior year abroad. JV, J.V. n US, initialism (sports: junior varsity)二队,乙队,后备队




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