

词汇 hair love
释义 hair love
hair love发音



hair loss───脱发

hair losses───脱发

hair slide───n.小发夹

air lane───航空路线

air line───空气管路;[光]空气谱线

air lock───[机]气闸,气阻,气障;阻隔室

air log───航空日记


Keep long hair love red eyes through love.───留太长发爱过烂人红过眼睛看破恋爱。

Finnish youth, like their U.S. counterparts, also waste hours online. They dye their hair, love sarcasm and listen to rap and heavy metal.───芬兰青年们也像他们的美国同龄人一样,不限时上网,染头发,说话带脏字,喜欢说唱乐和重金属。

Encountered unhappy things, he, I would not be endless crying as he can be like my father stroked my hair, gently love me. and never leave me.───遇到不开心的事,我不会无止境地哭泣,因为他能如我的父亲一般抚摸我的头发,温柔地爱护我,永远不离不弃。

Cats love cleaning, cleaning up their hair, love of licking the backs, so we will use it forepaw wiping his mustache.───猫酷爱清洁,经常清理自己的毛,爱舔身子,饭后它会用前爪檫檫胡子。

Some teenagers with long hair love to wear bell bottoms or baggy pants.───一些长发的青少年,喜欢穿喇叭裤或宽松下垂的裤子。


Keep long hair love red eyes through love.

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