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词汇 group to
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group home───教养院

group work───[劳经]小组作业

get up to───赶上,追上;达到

got up to───赶上,追上;达到

group sex───集体性淫乱

group theory───[数]群论



This minimal contact could be enough for males from another group to the new melody.───这微小的联系可能已经足够让别的种群的雄性收到群新旋律了。

The latest fighting appears to be an attempt by each group to establish dominance over the other.───最近的战斗似乎是冲突各方在试图争夺控制权。

When you add a group to menu, the user must be in at least one group of the menu to have access.───当你增加一个群到选单,用户必须加入一个最小的群才能访问这选单。

Royalties will be donated to the Children's High Level Group, to benefit institutionalised children in desperate need of a voice.───这本书的版税将无偿捐献给儿童高标团,为那些在此制度之下急需表达呼声的孩子们一些帮助。

The secondary end point was the total number of endoscopic procedures (EUS and ERC) performed in each group to diagnose and treat stones.───次级终点是在每组中内镜程序完成诊断和治疗结石患者总数。

He also said the State Department has established a monitoring group to help provide services to stranded American citizens.───他说,美国国务院已成立了一个监控小组,协助向被困在欧洲的美国公民提供服务。

If you are a member of a group to which you are sending multicast datapackets, you will receive a copy of the data packets.───如果你是你所发送多播数据包目的地的组中的成员,同样你也将收到一份你所发数据的拷贝。

Gets or sets the name of the validation group to which this validation control belongs.───获取或设置此验证控件所属的验证组的名称。


These were varied in each group to conform to the subject and its natural rate of movement.

Her persistence and enthusiasm have helped the group to achieve its international success.

There are organisational problems in allowing the group to split into two such distinct factions.

John stopped, forcing the rest of the group to bunch up behind him.

They wait for the group to decide rather than making individual decisions.

The prince circulated from group to group at the party.

Consequently, this was the group to whom they felt most beholden.

Local parents have formed an action group to campaign for better road safety.

He's getting up a small group to go carol-singing for charity.

  • group to
  • group technology
  • group by
  • grouped frequency distribution table
  • groups and periods
  • grouping words
  • group works
  • group home
  • grouped by country
  • group class
  • grouped frequency
  • group speed
  • group leader
  • group sex
  • group meet
  • grouped together
  • group photo
  • grouped expression




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