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词汇 ground cover
释义 ground cover
ground cover发音

n.地被植物; 地被物


ground covers───地被植物

ground color───底色

ground dove───地鸽

ground doves───地鸽

crowned cover───[林]林冠

ground coffee───咖啡粉;磨碎的咖啡

ground colors───底色

ground colour───涂底色,第一色纬

bound over───具结


You can remove the ground cover and harvest the carrots as they are needed.───你可以在需要收获的时候,移开覆盖物,拿出胡萝卜.

Tufted thrift of seacoasts and mountains of north temperate zone; occasionally grown as a ground cover.───北温带沿海或高山的一种丛生的海石竹;偶尔作为地被植物种植。

Drag onto the page to add ground cover, such as ivy, vinca, pachysandra, or gazania.───拖到绘图页后,可以添加地被植物, 如常青藤 、 长春蔓 、 富贵草或杂色菊.

Though it is di? Cult to grow trees in the saline-alkali soil, the ground cover and wetland vegetation are rich and vary in response to subtle changes in the water table and PH values.───尽管难以在盐碱地里栽种树木,但覆盖地表和湿地的植被异常丰富,随着地下水位和PH值的细微变化而呈现不同的形态。

Main purposes: as ground cover, With ornamental value.───主要用途: 做地被植物.具观赏价值.

Camels browse on trees as well as on ground cover.───骆驼既吃地被植物也吃树的枝叶.

difference in the amount of exposed bare ground was also dramatic: it accounted for an average 48% of ground cover on graded runs, and just 23% of cleared runs.───地面裸露比的差异也非常显著:用机器平过的雪道平均有48%的裸地,而只清除表面树的雪道只有23%。

Wall vines and ground cover insulate against summer heat and reduce reflected radiation.───墙上的藤蔓和地上辅盖的绝缘层,可以对抗夏季的曝晒和反射出来的热副射.


This plant grows quickly and provides excellent ground cover.

With its spreading stems, ivy makes good ground cover .

It can be reduced if you provide more ground cover for the Loaches so that each can find its own space.

There are a few gaps, with ground cover to stop the soil slipping.

Ground cover shrub roses which flower continuously from June to October, are popular at present.

Mosses and lichens provide much of the patchy ground cover, forming mats rather than carpets with bare ground between.

It turns out the native animals impact that ground cover very lightly.

Ramblers can be grown as ground cover, weeping standards or decorative espaliers. Shrub roses.

There was extensive ground cover of polar willows, yellow and white whitlow-grass, scurvy grass and many others.

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  • groundless meaning
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  • grounding sheets
  • ground beetle
  • ground speed
  • ground plate
  • ground coffee
  • grounding meditation
  • ground oneself
  • groundless def
  • groundless gfci




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