

词汇 ground beef
释义 ground beef
ground beef发音




ground beam───[建]地梁

ground beetle───土鳖虫;[植保]步甲,步行虫

ground beams───[建]地梁

ground level───地平面,地水准平面;地面标高

ground sheet───帐篷底防水布;帐篷内防水布

ground speed───地上速率;飞机相对地面的水平速度

ground ball───地滚球

ground bass───n.基础低音;潜在的反对意见

ground bug───土蝽


Palatal be ground beef should have form 15 to 30 percent fat.───可口的碎牛肉有15%~30%的脂肪.

Whole Foods is recalling all fresh ground beef sold between June 2 nd August 6 th.───WholeFoods正在回收在七月二日到八月六日之间卖出的全部生的绞细牛肉.

Ground Beef and Stew Meat Allow 12 pound ( uncooked ) per serving.───碎牛肉和炖肉每份食物为l2磅 ( 未烹调的 ).

Ground beef buyers of seven states in the East and Midwest need to check their meat.───美国东部和中西部7个州的细牛肉购买者们需要检查他们所买的肉.

It consists of ground beef or pork sautéed with onions, bay leaf, soy sauce, and Worcestershire sauce and usually paired with crispy potatoes.───它含有搅碎的牛肉或猪肉加洋葱、月桂叶、大豆酱、乌斯特沙司,通常搭配酥脆的油炸土豆丁。

Most retail ground beef ranges from 20 to 25 percent fat.───多数零售的碎牛肉的脂肪含量在20%~25%之间.

First, mix together an egg, two teaspoons of salt, two pounds of ground beef.───首先, 把一个鸡蛋 、 两茶匙盐和两磅牛绞肉搅在一起.

Most of my protein comes from tofu, although I do eat beans and soy protein such as fake ground beef or soy burgers.───我的大部分蛋白质来自豆腐,尽管我的确吃豆类和大豆蛋白,比如绞碎的牛肉或者酱油汉堡。

Ground beef and Stew Meat Allow 1 \\ 2 pound ( uncooked ) per serving.───碎牛肉和炖肉每份食物为l\\2磅 ( 未烹调的 ).

Yes. I need 2 pounds of ground beef, 5 lamb chops and 1 pound of sausage.───是的.我需要两磅的绞牛肉, 五块小羊肉,以及一磅的香肠.

Boca products taste quite similar to meat, especially the "ground beef".───Boca产品尝起来也与肉类很相似,特别是他们的“碎牛肉”。

He and his wife pushed two cars, filled with ground beef, toilet paper and other things.───他和妻子推著两辆车, 里面装满牛肉馅 、 卫生纸和其它东西.

Hamburger is made from ground beef.───汉堡是用绞碎的牛肉做的.

Ground beef is a necessary ingredient for making hamburgers.───牛肉泥是制作汉堡包的必需材料.

Ground Beef All lean trim can be ground as ground beef.───碎牛肉所有修割下来的瘦肉可被粉碎成碎牛肉.

  • ground one
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  • ground with
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  • ground move
  • ground level
  • groundless meaning
  • ground force
  • ground meat
  • grounding sheets
  • ground beetle
  • ground speed
  • ground plate
  • ground coffee
  • grounding meditation
  • ground oneself
  • groundless def
  • groundless gfci




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