

词汇 grass root
释义 grass root
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n.“草根”直译自英文的grass roots.有人认为它有两层含义:一是指同政府或决策者相对的势力; 一是指同主流、精英文化或精英阶层相对应的弱势阶层。陆谷孙主编的<英汉大辞典>把grass- roots单列为一个词条; ; 乡村地区的; ; 基础的


grass roots───草根;基础;乡村地区;一般人民;基本来源或支撑



glass roof───玻璃屋顶;玻璃顶盖


grass cloth───夏布

grass court───草地网球场

grass box───n.盛草箱

grass moth───草螟


Beneath grass - root action, larger tectonic plates are shifting.───推动广大群众行动的更大的版块正在移动.

The Qi Lu Evening News hopes that the cultural administration department will give more space to such an entertainment oriented grass root gala. It's just a party for fun.───齐鲁晚报希望文化主管部门能够给予这样的草根春晚更多的空间,因为这只是一场娱乐派对。

This newspaper focuses on grass - root people and their livelihood adopting an independent, non - governmental attitude.───这张报纸注重草根、民生,追求独立 、 非官方的姿态.

Grass root advocacy - developers understand the challenges and problems developers face better than anyone else.───基层的拥护 - 开发者比任何人更了解面对的机遇和挑战.

Although I envy those people on Valentine's day, but I am used to grass root of life.───虽然我羡慕那些过情人节的人,但是我习惯了屌丝的生活。

As a grass - root unit, the third class servicing station perfects the support system.───卫生装备三级检修站是其 基层 单位, 它的设立完善了保障体系.


Including the potassium traditional Chinese medicine like prunella vulgaris, the cogon grass root match when the clothing guarantees the potassium diuretics, easy to produce Gao Xuejia.

The rate of chromosomal aberration in the workers working in grass root hospitals(0.421%) was higher than those working in upper level hospitals(0.083%).

I intend that humans get involved with toxic clean up on a grass root and community level applying inexpensive techniques to help the land and waterways self heal.

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