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词汇 graph theory
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graph theories───[数]图论

game theory───[数]博弈论,[数]对策论

gate theory───门理论

group theory───[数]群论

Gaia theory───主位理论

band theory───能带理论

chaos theory───混沌理论

games theory───[数]博弈论,[数]对策论

gauge theory───[物]规范理论


Described a modular design procedure of reconfigurable machine, based on screw theory and graph theory.───提出了一种基于旋量理论以及图论的可重构机器的模块化设计方法.

The theory involved takes its reference from the Matching of Bipartite Graph theory.───问题的理论部分来自于图论的二分图匹配.

concept of square-free coloring was introduced in graph theory by Alon in 2002.───正方形着色的概念由阿龙在2002年引入图论。

Team work is actually needed in such multi - discipline chemical graph theory.───团队合作在交叉学科中非常必要.

Two algorithms, graph cut and random walk based on graph theory, were applied to motion segmentation.───将两种基于图论的算法图切割与随机游走应用于运动对象的分割.

SAP matrix graph theory algorithm for getting the basic idea is to map shortest path problem.───图论算法求SAP矩阵的基本思想是图的最短路的问题.

At the same time , the Optimazition Problem in Graph Theory became the focus of research nowadays.───而图论中的优化问题是近代图论领域研究的焦点问题之一.

The identification of graphs'isomorphism is one of the basic problems in graph theory.───图的同构判定是图论学科的基本问题之一.

Most of the definitions and concepts in graph theory are suggested by the graphical representation.───图论中的大多数定义和概念是根据图形的表示提出来的.

Graph theory methods have great importance in the field of prediction of protein structure.───图论方法在蛋白质结构预测中占有重要地位.

These concepts will prove to be quite useful in our subsequent work in graph theory.───这些概念在我们往后的图论工作中,将是很有用的.

The Bond - space theory is the development of the bond graph theory of system dynamics.───键合空间理论是系统动力学键合图理论的拓展.

Applications of GL to graph theory are also presented and satisfactory results are obtained.───最后介绍了该算法在图论中的几个应用实例.

The purpose of this thesis is to collect the known results in graph theory with algebraic techniques involved.───这篇论文的目的主要是收集了已知的图论上使用的代数方法。

The illustrates mathematical model and its natures, demonstrates the graph theory methods for mathematical model.───阐述了数学模型及其本质,以典型实例论述了数学模型的图论方法, 并介绍用图研究的一些领域.

An expression and analysis method based graph theory for complex fixed axis gear trains was proposed.───以图论理论为基础,提出了复杂定轴轮系的表示和分析方法.

After the identification of oscillation center, a dynamic splitting scheme based graph theory is realized.───最后,根据失步中心的分布情况, 利用图论的思想实现了文中的动态解列方案.

The minimal vertex - covering problem of graph is a NP-complete problem of graph theory.───图的最小顶点覆盖问题是图论中的一个NP完全问题。


Graph theory has around 300 years of history, but many problems haven't been solved.

Graph theory methods have great importance in the field of prediction of protein structure.

Half edge graph theory can represent complex structure and various constraint accurately.

This paper has introduced how to use the graph theory method to calculate the sectorial coordinate of the variable cross-section box girder.

The graph theory method for solving the electric net problem is suggested, which can be used in the graph theory model for epicyclic gear trains research.

As a very important decision algorithm in graph theory, the optimization of the algorithm of depth first search tree will give an advantage to dealing with algorithm of other graph theory efficiently.

There are three important graph polynomials in graph theory, they have a close relationship with each other: chromatic polynomial, Tutte polynomial and flow polynomial.

Graph coloring is an important branch of graph theory.

Using graph theory, an achievable region of the uniquely decodable codes for the 3-user 2N-frequency noiseless multiple-access channel with intensity information is obtained.

  • graphically synonym
  • graphite ranger
  • graphics tablet
  • graphic tablet
  • graphitall guitar lube
  • graphical diff
  • graphite maker
  • graphical abstract
  • graphic device
  • graphic tees
  • graphics card
  • graphically represented
  • graphite electrode
  • graphics fairy
  • graphite crucible
  • graphite powder




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