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词汇 government procurement
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government department───政府部门

defence procurement───国防采购

government departments───政府部门

government borrowing───公债;政府借款

government crackdown───政府镇压

government house───政府大厦,政府办公地

government houses───政府大厦,政府办公地

government housing───政府大厦,政府办公地

government men───政府官员;(美)联邦调查局特工


Seeing from these new regulations, there are many convergences to the Agreement on the Government Procurement (GPA).───条例的条文来看,其与GPA的规定有许多趋同之处。

And the content of government procurement extended from car, computer, copycat and other commence to more merchandise, project, service and so on.───采购内容和项目也有很大扩展,从以往的汽车、电脑、复印机等通用物品扩展到货物、工程、服务各个领域;

Spiralling government debt in America and Britain means that "wars of choice" are no longer affordable and the search is on for cuts in big procurement programmes.───螺旋上升的债务使得美国和英国无力承担“选择之战”,对于大额采购项目缩减方案的搜索行动也开始启动。

Each Party shall be prepared, upon request, to explain to any other Party its government procurement procedures.───每一缔约方应做好准备,在其它缔约方提出请求时向其解释政府采购程序。

As a key part of public expenditure, government procurement is an important tool to carry out the public expenditure policy.───政府采购作为财政支出的重要组成部分,是实现财政支出政策的重要工具。

My Government is keeping requirements of the times, began to join the WTO "Agreement on Government Procurement" negotiations.───我国政府适应时代要求,开始了加入WTO《政府采购协议》的谈判。

If it conforms to the procurement document and government procurement contract , it shall be deemed qualified upon check.───凡符合采购文件和政府采购合同约定的,即为验收合格。

Change is clearly needed, because government procurement practices have turned out to be harmful.───明显,确实需要改变,因为现在已经看出政府采购方法是有害的。

To be responsible for the administration, supervision and inspection of government procurement of the Ministry.───负责农业部政府采购管理及监督检查工作。


Government procurement of recycled paper stimulates recycling.

It also manages MFA's government procurement affairs.

Comparing the practices exploration of the ERA in government procurement, the fundamental research appears weak. It is still a new mondial topic that how to apply ERA in government procurement.

Government procurement plays a vital role of government financial expense. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

At present, China was formulating its Government Procurement Law.

Article 6 Government procurement shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved budget for the purpose.

The Article 26 of the Government Procurement Act about the use of equivalents is made for the restriction of improper competitions and the preclusion of bid riggings.

The Law of Government Procurement of PRC was passed at the Twenty-eighth of the Ninth National People's Congress in June, 2002. it became valid from 1st Jan. , 2003.

  • governmental grants
  • government bill
  • government minister




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